A/N: I do not own Harry Potter for it all belongs to J. sadly. please read and review! im sorry for the wait!

"Gin is pregnant?" Hermione cried out in surprise at Blaise's outburst. She hadn't even known that the two of them were together. "Since when have you two been together? Gin would have told me. Right?"

"The only person that ever knew about us was Draco and that's only because he caught us snogging back at school. We knew everyone would kill us if they were to ever find out. Hell, Draco almost did kill us!" Draco laughed at Zabinis' last statement.

"But I thought Gin and Harry were together?" Hermione asked wondering how in the world her fiery red-headed friend had managed to fall under the charms of the second most handsome Slytherin. Other than Draco, Blaise had one of the biggest reputations of being quite a playboy while at Hogwarts. Especially since he had no preference on what house the girls were in.

"Nope. He's just using her too."

Blaise couldn't keep the big smile off of his face. The thought of the girl he had been in love with since 4th year, was pregnant with his child. To say he was a happy man would be an understatement. He had been trying to get Ginny to go out with him ever since he saw her with that Longbottom fellow at the Yule ball. She had been so beautiful that his heart had seemingly stopped.

Draco and Hermione shared a look when they realized that Blaise was no longer paying attention, and was off in his own world. "Mate, go see your girl. You shouldn't be here." Draco laughed as his friend shook his head dazedly, waking him from his thoughts. He nodded in agreement. "Have fun you two lovebirds" Blaise winked at them as he closed the ornate bedroom door behind him.

"Well, I don't believe I gave you a proper good morning kiss, as we were so abruptly interrupted." Draco said the trademark Malfoy smirk slid gracefully across his lips, not filled with malice or hate, but with mischief. He leaned down to kiss her lips but Hermione deftly turned so he missed her lips and ended up kissing her cheek.

"Oh now that just won't work now will it?" Draco laughed. Hermione just smirked and stuck her tongue out at him, like a cheeky 5 year old. Draco's' eyes darkened as she slowly pulled her tongue back into her mouth seductively staring him in the eye. "I wouldn't do that if I were you… that tongue is MINE" Draco leaned down and huskily whispered in her ear, lightly nipping at the shell of her ear. Hermione mewed in pleasure at the sound of his warning.

"Oh really?" Hermione shot back playfully. She stuck her tongue out at him again. She didn't have time to pull it back. Draco's lips crashed down upon hers, claiming her tongue in his mouth. Hermione moaned into his mouth as his tongue seemed to caress hers sensually, seductively. Draco ran his tongue all throughout her mouth, trying to memorize it. But when he ran his tongue along her teeth, she gasped and tangled her fingers in his soft blonde locks.


Draco growled in frustration. They couldn't seem to get five minutes alone without being interrupted. "What the bloody hell is it now?"

"Well sir, Miss Parkinson is here to see you." The house elf shifted back and forth nervously.

Hermione immediately stiffened. She remembered how Pansy had felt toward Draco while at Hogwarts. She was a threat to her relationship with her mate. It didn't matter that they had already mated; it was just the thought of another women that he had been with being near him. She despised the thought.

Draco noticed his mates change in posture and tried not to smirk despite his irritation. He knew she was getting jealous. "Tell her I will be down in a little bit." The elf nodded and left with a pop.

Draco turned and looked at his mate. He smirked wickedly at her. "Why are you getting jealous?"

"I'm not!" she cried. Draco raised his brow. "It's just the thought of another woman that you have slept with being with you again…" she trailed off and turned away from him. She did not want him to look into her eyes and see that she was hurt by the fact that he wanted to see her. He had always been able to read her like an open book.

Her mate hated that she wouldn't look at him. He didn't want her to hide stuff from him. He placed his hand under her chin and made her look' at him. She kept her eyes down, to afraid to look into the deep silver depth that were boring into hers. "Hermione, love, look at me please…" Draco pleaded. Hermione turned her chocolate brown eyes upward to look into his eyes. Hermione's walls that she had quickly built in defense were immediately rendered useless under his loving gaze.

"One, she has nothing on you. She never has. And two there is only girl I want in the world. And I'm looking at her right now." Draco smiled as Hermione blushed under his words. He quickly kissed her nose and hopped out of the oversized bed. He quickly got dressed and headed down stairs to meet his childhood friend.

The thing is. He never was with Pansy. That was just a front for the school. He had actually pretty much used Pansy as a cover so that people didn't realize his feelings for Hermione. It had all started in third year because, that's when she really changed. Not only physically but mentally and emotionally too. To him, it was sexy that she was able to stick up for herself. It had hurt like hell but that didn't change the fact that her confidence had been a major turn on. But the only people that knew about his feelings for the Gryffindor princess were Blaise and Pansy.

"Hey Pans." The Slytherin hugged his childhood friend closely, like a brother hugs a sister that he hasn't seen in a very long time. They had always been really close while growing up. They were both only children so they had been like the sibling that neither one had.

Pansy had changed quite a bit after the war. Yes she still made some comments about people being "mudbloods" but it was more out of habit than anything else. She knew they weren't really dirty blooded. Their blood was just the same as the blood that ran through her veins. "Hey Drake, so I take it Granger is in your room?"

The blonde man raised an eyebrow at her very blunt question. "Well you're practically glowing with happiness, and well you have sex hair." Pansy Parkinson was never one to not speak her mind. If she was thinking it, it was probably being heard by everyone else in the room. The youngest Malfoy couldn't help but laugh at the bluntness of his childhood friend.

"Yeah, she is" He couldn't stop smiling at the thought of Hermione in his bed. "Would you like to come up and say hi?" Draco asked warily. He knew Pansy had accepted his feelings for the Gryffindor but he wasn't sure if she still held a grudge against her.

"Nah. I just popped by to tell you that I am engaged to Harry and Happy Birthday" She stated nonchalantly. "Just thought you should know by me telling you, not reading the Prophet." Draco's jaw hit the floor.

"Well I have to go! I'm meeting Harry!" and with a hug and a kiss on his cheek, she was gone. Draco made his way back to his room and Hermione, the look on his face not changing.

"What happened?"

"Potter is engaged to Pansy"


"Yeah. Um I am thoroughly shocked right now"

"Yeah. But I mean its harry…"

"And Pansy" Draco finished.

Later that day Draco was giving her a tour of the rest of the manor. Narcissa stood back and watched them from a distance. It was impossible to see how happy and in love they were. They were literally glowing, well kind of. They were holding hands and happened to be walking past a window and watching the sunset, made it seem like they were glowing. Narcissa was happy for her son. She had never seen him so happy in his life. She remembered how he had written to her when he went back to finish his seventh year. All he ever seemed to talk about was Hermione and how he liked her. All she had ever wanted was to see her son happy, and when Voldemort was around, she feared that she would never get the chance to see him this happy.

"They look happy don't they" A voice whispered in her ear as a set of strong arms wrapped around her waist.

"Yes they really do"

Lucius was smiling as he began to nibble on his wife's neck. She moaned quietly at his ministrations. But obviously not quietly enough.

Draco and Hermione spun around and looked at Narcissa and Lucius with disgust. "We are right here you know!" Draco chastised them. They laughed and exited the room to have their own kind of fun.

"I can't even believe that just happened." Draco said shaking his head.

"Oh Draco leave them be!" Hermione laughed "They are in love." Draco nodded "Almost like us" Hermione added quietly to herself not meaning for Draco to hear her. Draco stopped short

"What was that?" he asked almost worriedly.

"Nothing. Just talking to myself"

Draco raised an eyebrow. He knew she was lying. With the vela blood in him, all of his senses had been heightened, so he heard every word that she said. He smiled inwardly at her words. He had loved her for quite a while. But he knew he couldn't say anything till she was ready. And when she was ready, he planned on telling the world that she was his and he was hers. He knew she cared about him and really liked him, he could feel it inside of him.

Draco was shaken from his thoughts when he felt distress through his mates bond. He looked around realizing that Hermione must have returned to the room. He had gotten lost in his thoughts. He felt her distress grow stronger and he made a mad dash back the bedroom. "'Mione!" He cried out as he flung the door open, almost off of its hinges. She was sitting on the bed reading a letter and sobbing. He could sense her anger through the intense hurt through their bond. She crumpled up the letter and threw it at the wall. With his seeker reflexes, he caught it before it even hit the wall. He uncrumpled the letter and sat next to her on the bed.

Dear Hermione,

You little whore… you left me for the stupid ferret didn't you? Don't even bother lying to me, I'm at your house, I found the letter. After all I did for you; you left me for the god dammed death eater! Mother was right. All you are is a greedy mudblooded whore. You only wanted me for the fame. Are you fucking him too? Because all your stuff is gone. So I assume so. You wouldn't put out for me. Was I not good enough for you? Well even though you weren't putting out, Lavender sure was. At least she knew how to please me. Wait till Harry finds out. Well you should be expecting a letter from him soon. I already owled him. Hope your happy with your death eater, you mudblood freak.

Ron Weasley

Draco was fuming. He pulled Hermione onto his lap and breathed in her scent trying to calm himself down. He always disliked weaselbee. Now he full out hated him. He held Hermione close to him as her body was shaking with her sobbing. "Mione…" Draco started. But he was interrupted by another owl flying through the open window and landing next to them on the bed. It was hard for Hermione to not recognize the snowy owl. She would recognize Hedwig anywhere (A/N: yes Hedwig is still alive!).

Hermione took the letter from around the owl's leg and began to read it. Her sobbing slowly stopped as she read on. Harrys' letter was not what she was expecting. She expected him to hate her too, to believe the same things that Ron did. But he didn't. He was actually comforting her through the letter. When she was finished she placed the letter on the nightstand.

"You okay love?" Draco whispered in her ear. The Gryffindor involuntarily shivered as his breath fanned out against her neck and ear.

"Yes. Harry has always known just what to say" She smiled up at him and kissed him softly. He moaned at the sweet tasted of cinnamon and honey as her mouth opened and granted him access. His tongue battled hers for dominance and she slowly submitted to it. He nibbled on her bottom lip which drew a soft moan from deep within her throat. He grinned and pulled away from her. He jumped off the bed and began to get dressed.

"What in the name of Merlin are you doing?" Hermione asked, feeling very aroused and very put out.

"Getting dressed."

"Well I can see that! But why?"

"Because I have a few errands to run. Will you be okay here by yourself for an hour or so?"

She nodded and kissed him goodbye. Hermione sat there for a few minutes after he left just staring at the door from which he had left, wondering what it was that he needed to do. Little did she know, it was for her. Her birthday was tomorrow and he was planning something huge for her.

Draco came back to his room later that night to find his mate sleeping on the bed. He smiled softly and slowly undressed before coming into bed behind her and pulling her close to his body. He heard her sigh softly. "Did you get everything done?" She mumbled against his chest. "Yeah I did."

Hermione looked up at him and smiled. But just as quickly as it came it disappeared. "Bloody hell Draco! I can't believe it. It's your birthday. I can't even believe I forgot!" She was ashamed of herself for forgetting that it was her mate's birthday.

"Its ok love. I forgot too. I still had the best birthday ever" He said smiling down at her. "But I still feel like I should give you something." She said not returning the smile.

"You don't have to."

Suddenly a light bulb went off in her brain. She knew exactly what she would do for him. She smirked at Draco and flipped him so he was on his back. She straddled him quickly and her lips crashed down on his. But they didn't stay long, much to Draco's displeasure. But her lips found their way down his neck and his bare chest as she ground her hips against her stiffening member. As she got closer to his boxers she silently and wandlessly magicked them off. She positioned her head right above his pulsing member. She looked up at him through half lidded eyes as she took him into her mouth.

Draco's eyes widened and he couldn't hold back the loud moan that had built up in his chest. Her head was bringing him to a place where only pleasure existed. He was coming close to letting go in her mouth when he stopped her. He didn't want to come apart like this. He wanted to be inside of her depths. He pulled her up the bed and flipped her so she was under him. "I don't want to cum like that. I want to be inside of you" His voice had turned husky with his arousal and it caused her knickers to be absolutely drenched. He felt her knickers and smiled.

"You're all wet and ready for me." He had her naked in seconds. He slowly entered and they both groaned loudly in pleasure. He slowly moved in and out of her trying to savor the feeling. "Please Draco!" Hermione called out loudly. "Tell me what you want baby" He whispered in her ear as he slammed into her depths. "AH Yes! Fuck me hard Draco!" She cried out wrapping her legs around his waist. She raised her hips to meet his hard thrusts, pushing the both of them closer to the edge.

"Cum with me baby! Come on now baby cum!" Draco yelled out. Hermione let go as the both of came together riding out their orgasms together.

Draco rolled off of her and pulled her to his chest. "That was the best birthday present ever." He mumbled tiredly into her hair. He fell asleep within seconds and Hermione followed suit soon after.

Hermione awoke before her mate did. She looked up and realized that Draco was still sleep. She was content with watching him as he slept. He looked so serene and peaceful. "I love you Hermione" He mumbled quietly in his sleep. Hermione was shocked. She immediately stiffened. She didn't think she loved him yet. Yes she deeply cared for him and yes she really liked him. But love? No. she didn't love him yet.

Draco awakened when he felt his mate stiffen uncomfortably. He looked down and saw the worried look on her face. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I um just need to pee." She said running out of the bed and to the bathroom. He knew she was lying. But he didn't push it. Then he remembered what day it was. Her birthday. He was determined to make it the best day possible. Hermione stepped out of the bathroom and he walked up to her taking her in his arms. "Good morning love" He said kissing her once "And happy birthday" He whispered and kissed her soundly.

They were too engrossed in each other to hear the banging down stairs. But a loud bang from the door being blown off its hinges and a cry from the doorway pulled them away from each other. "I knew it! You are with the ferret!"

Ron charged at Draco and punched him in the mouth. Hermione cried out in fear. "No! Stop it!" She screamed through the tears that were streaming down her face. She ran in between them just after Draco threw a blow at Ron. As she ran in between them, they both stopped. But this only made Ron angrier.

"You're protecting him now?" Ron was beyond pissed. Something inside of him snapped. This time he threw a blow at her temple. Hermione lifelessly fell to the floor. "NOOOOO!" Draco was seeing red. "GET OUT! GET THE HELL OUT!" Draco's voice boomed through the house. Ron ran out like a coward.

"Hermione! No please wake up! Please don't be dead." He looked for the pulse in her neck and was scared to find that it was barely there. He picked her up and apparated to St. Mungos.