Hello there. Long time, I know.


Chapter 4:

Seventy Two..Seventy three...Seventy four...Seventy five..

Yes, I count the number of times I brush my hair. Its extremely therapeutic.

"Umm, Elizabeth?"

Seventy six...Seventy seven...

"Could you please move your things off of my bed?"

Seventy eight...seventy nine...eighty..

"What is this? A box of hairclips? Well, I can put it on the window sill here, I suppose.."

Eighty one...Eighty two...

"Is this your Tiara? Pretty! Oh whoops-"


"Okay, I dont THINK its broken..."


Perhaps I shouldn't have shrieked so loud.

We stared at each other. Rose was a bit taken aback. I was still brushing my hair.

"What's going on here!" Ginny bellowed as she barged into the room a minute later.

How uncouth for a woman of her age.

"Nothing, Aunt G. We're just chilling," Rose informed her.

I dont know what she means when she says chilling considering that it was sweltering in here and there were no fans, let alone Air Conditioners.

Its like living in Great-Great-Great-Great Grandma's era.

"Chilling? Is that what you call shrieking the house down, Rosy?"

Rose coughed. Her cough sounded strangely like "Wasn't me". Hmm. Interesting.

Wait. Could it be-?

No. It couldnt be.

Hermione would have told me.

But what if she thought it was too uncivilised of me to indulge in it? God knows it IS uncivilised...

"Elizabeth. Why were you shrieking?" Ginny asked me fairly normally.

Aha! This was my chance! This was THE moment for me to prove that I could totally fit in the wizarding world if i wanted to!

"No-I-Wasnt," I coughed.

Ginny eyed me carefully and Rose began choking.

"Elizabeth, are you alright?" Ginny asked me. She was probably speaking normally for my benefit.

"Yes" I coughed at her.

My, do I cough like a natural? It must be the witch blood in me.

"Then why are you coughing?" She asked me, looking bewildered.

Rose began laughing, quite loudly I must add. I looked at her. The nerve of the girl. I'm an ace cough-talker! How dare she laugh at me!

Unless, she is laughing at her aunt. Which makes perfect sense, If you ask me.

"I'm not coughing! I'm cough-talking!" I said to Ginny.

"What's cough-talking?" Ginny asked me. I suppose she is a bit slow...

"Its the wizard language, silly!" I said to her, completely doubting her sanity. Rose was in serious splits by now. If I wasnt concerned about the state of her Aunt's mental health, Im pretty sure I would have been laughing right along with her. But I am a Princess and a Princess never revels in another's plight.

"Umm. Okay. Well, goodnight," Ginny said, in a rushed way, her face bright red as if she was either controlling a train of everlasting sobs or a plethora of giggles.

Aah, she was probably embarassed. Poor, old redhead. I felt bad for her.

I turned to Rose and held out my hand for my tiara. Rose blinked at it. I gave her my 'Hand Me My Tiara Now You Cheeky Ginger' look.

She blinked at me again. And then she slapped my hand.

If it wasnt for her bushy hair and freckles, I would have sworn she was adopted.

Clearly, Im in a house full of imbeciles.

"My, Princess Lizzie! You look absolutely stunning in your golden empire waisted gown with customized authentic gold threading and mother of pearl details! So stunning in fact, that I wish to whisk you away on my private jet to the great middle east where I shall shower you with diamonds and pearls, equivalent in value to your true worth!"

"Oh, How kind of you, My beloved Farooq. But pearls? Are you quite sure? Wouldn't Rubies and Saphires be more appropriate?"

"Ofcourse, my dearest princess. Whatever you say."

Then, Farooq El Abar, takes my hand and we begin to slow dance. The music wafts around us even though its source is undetectable. The stars dance along with us in the inky blue night sky.

"Wake up," Farooq says.

"What?" I ask him, batting my mascara laden eyelashes.

"Wake up, you lazy piece of lard," His eyes sparkle.


"WAKE UP, PRINCESS!" Rose bellows at me.

Ugh. Trust these witches (What? They ARE witches!) to ruin my most perfect dream of all time.

"Why are you waking me up at this ungodly hour?" I politely and gracefully mumble at her.

"Trust me, I dont want to." Rose grumbles. She walks up to the door and holds it open for me. She beckons me to get up and outside the door.

Pssh. Like I'm going to do anything she tells me to do.

"Well, This was fun. I wouldnt want to do it again but thank you, for waking me up for your slightly somnambulistic and completely pointless chit chat. Good night." With that I bestowed upon her my most charming post midnight smile I could muster and tried to go back to sleep.

I heard her groan and approach me before she snatched the covers off of my delicate and now vulnerable, body.

"C'mon. The others are down there already. Dont make me call for help."

I ignored her and tried to summon my dream again.

C'mon, mind . Ignore the horrid ginger girl and summon darling Farooq whose muscular arms and rock hard abs are famous enough to be considered amongst his father's most valuable treasures.

"Elizabeth. Dear. GET OUT OF THE BLASTED BED."

"Im absolutely petrified. So scared infact, that Im going to jump out of bed right this instant." NOT. I was so not going to do that.

"Fine. Let it be known that you left me with no option. Aguamenti!"



What a horrid bitch.

"What the hell is this place?"

Well, that is what I meant to say. It came out something like this:

"Wha d' gehr ig 'is 'ace?"

Want to know why?

Because I'd been gagged. Yep, gagged. And not even with a pure silk cloth. Just common english cotton.

I was in hell. I really was. I dont WHAT I did to deserve such a treatment at the hands of these BRUTES.

I WAS A ROYAL. THEIR ROYAL. Why are they trying to commit Princess-cide?

You want to know who I'm the most angry with?

My family.

Do they even know where I am? Have they called or BBMed me even once? Do they know that Albert and Jacob have COMPLETELY disregarded their duty to protect me and are off galivanting in some wizard pub or worse, sleeping at their homes while im being subjected to this...this...whatever this is?

No. They dont. Because my brother and mother care about African orphans more than their own flesh and blood. Dont even get me STARTED on my father.

He is SO not getting a handmade-by-Bangladeshi-orphans father's day card this year.

Yeah. That will tell him.

"God, Rose. Take that filthy rag out of her mouth before she starts crying!" Lily said.

Lovely child. Can't bear to see me cry.

"Fine. But YOU have handle her."

Rose waved her wand and the gag was lifted off my mouth and my hands were untied.

"God, Rose. Why couldnt you just silence her with a spell?" Dominique asked.

Rose grinned. "Where is the fun in that?"

We were now standing in what looked like a barn. There was a huge table in the middle of the barn full of food leftover from last evening's anniversary party and the Wottelufoymanderbottoms were scattered all around it, playing a wierd board game or just chit chatting.

It was 2 am! I should be in BED!

"Why on Earth have you brought me here?" I demanded of Rose.

"Umm, Because we couldn't bring you on Mars!" Rose laughed.

Im happy to comment that nobody found her funny.

"Its a Party, Princess. We got you here to have FUN."

Huh. Well, Somebody should have told her that my idea of fun did not coincide with hers. My DREAM was FUN.

I just shrugged and looked around. The younger kids each had a glass of what I'd been told was Pumpkin Juice. The more elder folk were drinking a strange drink right out of the glass bottle.

So trite.

"Want a butterbeer, Elizabeth?" The blue haired boy, Teddy asked me.

I looked at him, a bit disappointed. Sure, he had blue hair and that made him as rebellious as they come, but still. He could break out of the stereotype and be responsible for a change.

"Sorry, Im underage."

Everybody laughed. The nerve.

"It's okay, Elizabeth. Butterbeers legal for children above the age of thirteen," Teddy smiled at me and passed me a bottle.

I looked at the bottle.

Well. Here goes nothing.


"Rose, get her down."

"Nope," Rose said.

"Hey, Princess. Your prince is here! Get off the table!" Fred shouted at me.


Butterbeer is FUN! So is DANCING! Especially to no music!

"Rose, do something. She is going to wake up the whole house!" Lily said.

"What can I do? Just because we share a room DOES NOT make her my responsibility! Its enough that I put up with her. Scorpius, YOU do something since she is obviously so fond of you."

Scorpius gulped and looked up at me as if I was death personified.

"Umm, Pass," He gulped.

"Oh no, Scorpy dearest! We cannot play Pass! But we can DANCE! COME ON UP! WOOOO" I tried to drag him up but he was stronger. I pouted. All of them are such spoilt sports.

"Well, somebody do something before Uncle Percy gets here."

A shudder went around the room.


"Why dont we just silencio her and put a body bind hex on her? Then we can just levicorpus her back to her room and pray that she falls asleep," Albus said.

Everybody stared at him. Fred walked up to Albus and stared at him for a good long minute before engulfing him in a bear hug.

"By george, this boy is a genius!" Fred said.


Everybody turned to James who'd been quiet until now.

"Ill get her down."

Then, James got onto the table and looked right at me.

He didn't look like he wanted to dance. But now that he was on the dance floor he HAD to dance!

"Dance, James!" I said to his face.

He winced and drew back.

"Elizabeth. Lets get down from the table, yeah?" He said to me.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because. C'mon. We'll play chess."


I staggered. I didnt fall because James caught me.

"You've been catching me alot today havent you?" I said to him.

James turned to our audience, "How many has she had?" he asked them.

"Around six, I believe," Rose replied.

"And none of you stopped her?" He asked them, looking a bit put out.

He is so cute when he looks put out. Cuter than Farooq El Abar,even.

They all shrugged.

James sighed and got off the table. He held out a hand for me.

I caught it and shaked it.

"Handshake!" I yelled.

"Come down, Elizabeth," James said, tugging on my hand.

He tugged pretty hard because I pretty much fell off the table. But James, as usual, caught me and steadied me.

He put an arm around my waist and led me to a chair. He sat me down on it and conjured up a glass of water.


I stared at the glass and then looked deep into his eyes, bringing my face inches away from his.

"Is it mineral?" I ask him, my eyes half closed.

James smiled. His smile is really pretty.

"Sure, Princess." He pulls up a chair right infront of me.

"James?" I say.


"Are you my friend?" I ask him.

He looks a bit taken aback.

"Sure." he said after a couple of minutes.

"I dont have many friends," I tell him. Why am I saying all these things? Stupid alcohol.

He remains quiet.

"Is this the first time you've had alcohol?" He asked me, changing the subject altogether.

I giggled (God, Im so common when I'm drunk). "No. Ive had alcohol tons of times before. TONS. At parties and all. Want me to tell you a secret?"

I motion for him to lean in closer. I cup my hand around his ears and whisper, "Sometimes, I get my maids to sneak wine out of the cellar for me." I giggled some more, " And then I drink it."

James smirked. "That is very sneaky of you."

"I am quite clever you know. I'll make a really good friend."

"I have no doubts," James said.

Everybody, but Teddy and Victoire, had left by now.

"Do you want to go back to bed, ELizabeth?" James asked me.

"NO!" I screamed in his face. He held me wrists and kept me back, conjuring another glass of water for me.

I chugged it down, just like the last glass.


he conjured up another glass.

I must have had about 15 glasses in the next half an hour. Teddy and Victoire had left by my seventh.

"That's enough water. Get up."

James lifted me up by my upper arms.

"Woah," I staggered.

He put an arm around my waist. I think I saw him roll his eyes but I'm very hallucinogenic right now.

"Do you sing, James?" I asked him.

"Err, No."

"You should. I love your voice."

He was quiet.

"I also love your eyes. They are grey. Grey eyes are so much better than blue. My eyes are blue. See!" I pulled his face towards mine.

"Yes, I see. They are blue," James said.

We were standing very close to each other. His arms were around my waist. Our faces were only inches apart.



"I have to tell you something."


"It's something very..very serious," I was slurring by now.

Shame. Im a shame to my country.

"Sure.." James said.

"Your shirt.." I began.


"..does not suit you at all."