Family Portrait.

Chapter One.


'Hey, is that my SHIRT!'

'Have you seen my shampoo?'

'Oi! Give my guitar back!'


'Kody! Watch your mouth!'

'Sorry mum!'

'Have you seen my wand daddy?'

'Elizabeth, it's behind your ear.'

Lily sighed as she watched her many kids run around the house, getting ready for Hogwarts.

Every now and then one kid would trip the other, making a fight which either James or their eldest son Jeremy would have to break up.

This is what happened when you had ten kids.

There was Jeremy, the eldest who was turning twenty-one this year, Jeremy was on the Chudley Cannon's Quidditch team as a chaser, the best chaser on the team, though from what Lily had heard Jeremy wanted to give up his little sporty career for a different outlet, which James didn't approve of. Jeremy looked like a duplicate of his father except for a few freckles here and there which he inherited from Lily.

Then there was Charlotte, she was the eldest girl, only a year younger than Jeremy, she had her mother's red hair, but her father's extremely dark blue eyes, she was twenty, only a year younger than her brother, she was currently just writing articles for the Daily Prophet alongside her partner Rita Skeeter, whom she didn't like at all, so she wanted to get promoted as soon as possible.

Then there was Lorraine, third eldest and only seventeen, she was to graduate today. She had long brown hair and dark blue eyes with little flecks of green in them when they shone in the sun, she was currently doing after school work in Hogsmeade, working at Zonko's joke shop. She didn't really like working there, she was more of a fashion girl.

Then, you got to meet the first set of twins in the family, Teagan and Harry.

Harry had black hair and green eyes, he wore glasses like his father and was the eldest out of Teagan and himself. He was currently in his fifth year at Hogwarts. Harry was fifteen and didn't have an after school job, but planned on becoming an auror in the future.

Teagan looked exactly the same as her twin brother, except a girl version, she had long hair that went down to her waist (which she hated, but Lily refused to let her cut it) and she didn't wear glasses. Unlike her brother, she didn't want to become an auror, but had multiple careers she wanted to be in from Healer to an Author.

There was Kody, who was thirteen, he had brown hair that went to his shoulders, his eyes were a light blue, not as light as his younger sisters, but still light. He was the prankster in the family and planned on taking over his sisters job of working at Zonko's as soon as he possibly could.

Then there was little Elizabeth, who had only just started her first year at Hogwarts, she was absent minded. She had long red hair, which she always tied up in a small bun, she had light blue eyes that they looked almost like they were white and her nose was covered in small, almost invisible freckles.

You then had Tina and Brent, they were both ten years old with a minor attitude problem. Both had flaming red hair and blue eyes, Brent had freckles all over his face while Tina had clear skin except for the two small freckles on her chin. Tina and Brent were very good at drawing.

And last, but not least, there was little Damien, who had turned five just three days ago, he was missing two front teeth and had a wobbly bottom tooth, he had freckles all over his cute little face along with green eyes and brown hair, his eyes had blue flecks in them which would show whenever he was happy about something.

Lily loved her family, but sometimes, you had to admit, they were a handful.

Just at that moment, she heard a smash and a bang and a shout from one of the older boys.



Lily walked up the stairs, 'What's going on up here?' she asked.

'Kody tripped over my guitar, again!' Harry answered, sighing heavily as he picked up the once again broken guitar.

'I'll get your father to fix it later, but come on! You're meant to be getting ready for your sister graduation!'

'Alright, alright' Harry muttered before placing the now useless guitar back on it's stand and picking up the robes on his bed.

'Are you seriously going to make me wear this?'

'Of course, you'll look wonderful in it darling!' Lily gushed.

'I think I'd rather commit suicide!'

'Mummy, what's sueycide?'

Lily turned to see her little five year old son Damien looking at her with a curious expression on his little face.

'Oh nothing darling, but you shouldn't say that word, it's bad,' Lily said, picking up the little boy who squealed delightfully at the new found attention.

'You be careful what you say around your brother,' Lily muttered in her other sons ear, who just nodded simply and went back to staring at the robes in disgust.

'Oh stop complaining, Teagan has to wear pink!' Lily exclaimed, causing Harry to turn and look at her with wide, shocked eyes.

'You might want to go check her bathroom for a dead body then'


Lily smacked Harry's arm hard.

'Oi! What was that for!'

'I told you to watch what you said around your brother, now hurry up and get your robes on, we need to go soon!' Lily said, leaving the room with Kody following behind her and closing the door.

'I swear I didn't mean to break it!' Kody said hurriedly.

'I know Kodes, just be careful next time, yeah?' said Lily, ruffling Kody's hair, 'Besides, it can be easily fixed. Now hurry up and get your robes on.'

'Yes mum.'

Lily walked into the kitchen where she saw Charlotte and Elizabeth talking animatedly about something or other, Brent and Jeremy were in the lounge-room playing exploding snap while Teagan complained relentlessly about the colour and style of her dress.

'Honey, you look fine' Lily said reassuringly.

'No I don't! One, it's pink! And two, it's too big! So it makes my boobies look saggy!'

Brent burst out laughing at what he thought to be a rude word, he started gasping for breath and you could hear him say between each breath quietly; 'Boobs' Jeremy looked at him with an amused expression and slapped him upside the head.

'Shut up before you lose for the fifth time already.' Jeremy said just as all the cards exploded, making Jeremy win yet again.

'No fair!'

'Yes fair!'

Lily sighed and left the boys and her complaining daughter to it, she ran into James in the hallway, trying to tame his un-tame-able hair.

'James, there's no use. Just leave it be otherwise you're going to get the comb stuck in it,' Lily said grabbing the comb from her husband's grip and kissing him on the cheek before handing him Damien.

'You might want to help this little man get ready, you know he's still no good with buttons.'

James just nodded and said; 'Yes ma'am' and saluting before leaving and walking up the stairs to Damien's room, while Lily muttered something about, "Boy's".