Title: Mission to Seduce

Summary: Flynn has been given a very important mission by the Royal Advisors: Keep Yuri Lowell from seducing pretty princess Estelle! Method: Seduction, if necessary…What?

Pairings: Yuri/Flynn

Disclaimer: I don't own Tales of Vesperia or anything to do with this series.

AN: Oh, hello Tales of Vesperia Fandom; long time no see! This story turned out a tad longer and more heated than I had expected, so I chopped it in half to make it a two-shot instead of my usual oneshots :3 In any case, please enjoy!

Chapter 1:

"This is an important task that we are handing to you, you do realise this, Commandant Flynn Scifo?"

Normally, such words would invoke feelings of pride, pressure and the utmost professionalism the title of Commandant entitled Flynn to show. And to be asked by the Royal Advisors themselves was even more of an honour. But…

Really? Of all the things within the world itself to be concerned over, this 'task' was ruffling the most feathers within the Council? Really?

"I'm still uncertain on some of the details," Flynn admitted, which earned him several looks of disapproval. Not that he was in the right mind to be bothered by such expressions at the moment.

"It is pretty clear, commandant," a council member practically sneered at him. "As Royal Advisors, it is our sworn duty to ensure that the members of the Royal Family retain the prestige of their bloodline."

"And to ensure that, we ensure their Royal Heirs find a suitable match," another spoke up, nothing but authority in his voice. "That is why we have handed this task to you, to help us ensure the purity of our beloved Princess remained unspoilt."

Flynn understood that much, he really did. But the rest… "And how does one Yuri Lowell fit into all of this?"

A chorus of grumbles and mumbles where immediately heard at the mentioning of his name. Although it brought on a feeling of protectiveness toward his friend (who of which, may he add, had done so much more for the people of this entire world than any of this old cronies had ever done in their combine lifetimes!), Flynn pushed that aside for now.

"Our Princess has already lost much of her innocence and purity being out on these so-called adventures," an elderly female councilwoman sniffed with displeasure. "We cannot afford to allow that rogue to taint her any more than she had been."

Actually, Yuri did his best to protect her, while allowing her to feel a sense of freedom.

"It is up to you to ensure that this rogue-"

"Yuri Lowell, sir." He had a name. He wasn't some nameless rogue.

"-that this Yuri doesn't have his way with our Princess."

Ok, now that was the part he didn't get. What in the name of all things living gave them the idea that Yuri was out to seduce Princess Estelle? Yuri wasn't a ladies man, he wasn't the type to go out and seduce someone. And, really, when did one have the time to plan a methodical seduction while out saving the world?

Flynn just couldn't imagine it. Really, Yuri acting like a seductive Rake made him want to laugh.

"So, you have the Council's approval to do whatever it is that is necessary to turn this Lowell's attention away from our Princess. And I do mean you are to use whatever is in your arsenal to complete this task. Even seducing him yourself."

"What?" Flynn shrilled. Professional protocol be damned. "Why me?"

"You are childhood best friends," a member stated an obvious fact. "You know his weaknesses. Exploit them, use them against him. Remember, it's for the good of the Royal Family and our Princess."

He did vow to protect the Royal Family, but this was just…

What about their poor ol' commandant's sanity?

"And I don't have to inform you that the utmost discretion is to be exercised on this mission?"

Mission? Oh, so it was a mission now? Did he have to fill out a mission report at the end? Do they want all the details?

…Better not ask.

"No, sir," Flynn said the words automatically, like the good little commandant that he was. And the fact that his mind had shut down and he was now operating on auto-pilot. "I will complete this task immediately."


And with that, he was dismissed.

Turning on his heel, Flynn walked as calmly as he could out of the council chamber and headed straight to his private room, numbly greeting his knights along the way. When he reached the sanctity of his room, he closed the door softly and locked it as he slowly played over the entire surreal conversation over in his mind.

It didn't help.

The council thought that Yuri was trying to seduce Estelle and it was his duty to prevent that from happening. How? Well, by distracting him in whatever way was necessary.

Including seducing Yuri over to him himself.


"How am I supposed to do that discreetly?" Flynn fumed, uncharacteristically kicking a chair across the room.

The whole thing was utterly ridiculous. But what made it worse was that all the Council members agreed. They had sat down, discussed this matter of Yuri supposedly seducing Estelle, and the only method they could come up to prevent that from happening was to get their commandant, a man trained for battle, to seduce him instead.

That was their most logical of choices? What other hair-brain ideas did they dismiss before coming up with that brilliant plan?

Flynn continued to fume over it for a little while longer, pacing his room in angry circles, muttering under his breathe about idiotic advisors. He then came to the dreaded realisation that there was no way out of it. He had to find Yuri and confront him.

So, he might as well get it over with.

Taking a moment to gather himself, Flynn opened the door of his room and stepped out. He gave Sodia a very brief excuse that he was going out for the night and won't be back for a while before he left.

There was no strategy; there was no 'game-plan' so to speak. He had nothing. He wasn't trained for this kind of thing. All he could do was go to Yuri and literally ask him; what the hell? What have you been doing now?

This was going to be an awkward conversation.

Entering the Lower Quarter, the sight of Yuri's room looming into view brought an unfamiliar butterfly sensation to his stomach. It didn't help that his best friend was lounging lazily at the window. Who of which immediately perked up when he saw him.

"Hey Flynn," Yuri greeted him. "What brings you to my neck of the woods?"

Flynn cleared his throat. "Yuri, we need to talk."

Yuri's brow furrowed, looking confused and slightly apprehensive before waving him up. Flynn took his time reaching Yuri's room, hoping that the short walk would offer fresh new insight into his current situation.

It didn't.

He was positively screwed.

All too soon Flynn reached the door to Yuri's room, of which was open and was immediately set upon by Repede happily greeting him. Flynn took a quiet moment to run his fingers through Repede's fur, finding a sense of clarity to his thoughts for a moment before whispering to the powerful canine.

"Can you wait outside a bit? Yuri and I need to speak. Don't worry," he chuckled when Repede whined. "It's not serious. Complicated, but not serious."

Seemingly happy with that, Repede shot a quick glance over his shoulder to Yuri before moving to leave the room, Flynn closing the door behind him with a soft click.

"So?" Yuri said as he leaned against his desk, his arms folded tightly over his chest as he stared at him expectantly. "What is it?"

"Yuri," Flynn said as he pushed away from the door. "I've been ordered by the Council to stop you."

Suspicion only grew in Yuri's eyes. "Stop me?"

"Yes, but, not for the reason you are thinking," Flynn replied quickly, lifting a hand in a peaceful gesture. "Well, I'm baffled to be perfectly honest."

Yuri blinked at him, clearly showing his confusion. "If you're confused, then think how I must feel."


"Yes, Flynn?"

"They have sent me to..."


"To prevent you from seducing Princess Esetellise."

At first, Yuri's expression was completely blank. He just stared at him, his eyes unblinking, his features pulled into a neutral look. And all Flynn could do was grant him a look that said; Yeah, I don't believe I just said that myself.

Then, unexpectedly, Yuri's lips twitched into a barely contained smirk. Then, he just snapped. He literally buckled over, clutching his stomach as he started to laugh, loudly and, in Flynn's opinion at least, hysterically.

"T-they...Estelle...S-seduce...?" Yuri muttered between his laughter. "Bwaha!"

"U-um..." Flynn muttered as he scratched his cheek and watched Yuri clutch at his desk for support. "Yes, quite, Yuri."

He had never seen Yuri laugh so much or so hard. And really, he wasn't all that surprised, considering. Heck, he would have laughed out-right as well if he hadn't been surrounded by the serious and sombre faces of the Royal Advisors.

"Are you done?" Flynn asked after a moment.

"Ok…" Yuri muttered as he pushed himself away from the desk, brushing his hair back as he tried to control his chortles. "Ok. I'm ok. Heh, right. Aw man, she's like a sister to me," he said with a gravelly voice, his throat probably sore from laughing so much as he wiped tears from his eyes with the heel of his palm. "Where did they get that shit from?"

"I really don't know," Flynn answered as he shook his head. "You see what I have to deal with?"

Although Yuri was no longer laughing, humour continued to dance in those dark eyes of his, and a smirk played across his lips. "Um, so, how do they wish for you to prevent me from being the sexy rogue that I am?"

Flynn felt heat rush to his cheeks and he abruptly turned to busy himself with some menial task, like cleaning some rubbish off Yuri's desk. His room was always such a mess. He didn't partially want to answer that question, but knew that Yuri would pester him endlessly until he learned the truth. He always managed to get the answers out of him one way or another.


"Sorry?" Yuri said as he stepped closer, tilting his head to the side. "I didn't quite catch that."

Flynn cleared his throat and straightened his shoulders. "I have been given full permission to use whatever it is necessary to distract you from pursuing Lady Estellise."

There, that should be answer enough.



"Alright, fine," Flynn said in sheer exasperation as he turned to him. "Including seducing you myself if I have to. Happy now?"

Yuri just looked at him and a moment of uncomfortable silence fell over them. Flynn winced and immediately went back to shuffling papers on Yuri's desk, keeping his hands busy as his mind became overloaded with embarrassment. He had anticipated that the conversation would be awkward; he just never thought it would be this humiliating as well.

Suddenly, Flynn found himself face to face with Yuri, his back pinned against the desk as his best friend stared at him with unreadable eyes.

"Yuri, what-?"

"Go on then," Yuri said to him unexpectedly. "Seduce me."

Oh, Flynn, will I ever stop torturing you? …Um, no. Never.

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