Bonum Medicus

Oh! Hello there my beautiful dear

Take my apology as sincere, I didn't think you'd be here,

I must say it's a very pleasant day when you head my way

Came to admire my finish? No? Well don't say, I don't care anyway

You don't know what you're missing. Narcissistic you call me?

Well even he would fall for me, besides didn't he have a reason to be?

I can fly without any wings, dance without any strings.

So why listen to all their lies

When you can stay here and stare into these eyes?

Even I will attest that Rachet is the best,

But he has nothing on me out of surgery.

I love the painful touch, so fear me as such

Unlike that dumm kopf Starscream, such a pirck

Maybe I'll give him a different arm, yes that'll do the trick!

A trick that Airachnid would try such as the one that made Breakdown die.

That cruel little witch, just wait till you need a stitch,

I'll do worse than scratch your chassis! Lucky for you would be stasis!

You took my bro and for this you'll know

My beautiful rage that is now without cage.

Now I must digress, hate ruins success

I shall await with mirth for when your strapped on the medic's berth.