'Reshiram, go!'

The legendary dragon was her last Pokémon – just like N, she had kept it for the final battle, and though Zekrom was already out and slightly injured, it was now a one-to-one battle.
While she was reaching for her Pokéball to throw it up into the air, N gave his black dragon a potion. Now the battle would be completely equitable. So far, they had won each round alternately and the outcome of the battle was still completely uncertain.

Reshiram appeared with an impressive groaning. Touko couldn't help, but hold her breath at the vision of the massive, yet beautiful, legendary dragon. She couldn't quite get used to it, she probably never would. She had often heard about him, but seeing pictures in a book about Unova's Pokémon and being so close to him she could almost caress him were two completely different things. She just couldn't watch elsewhere, and even the atmosphere seemed to grow exponentially tense.

Reshiram and Zekrom were now standing still, staring at each other silently, waiting for their respective masters' orders.

Touko flicked her hair back to free her vision. Though her face was calm and determined, her thoughts were invading her head, and her heart was racing uncontrollably.

She was battling for what she believed was right, and so was N. But what if she failed? She couldn't even begin to imagine what would happen then. She had to win, no matter what.

She put her hand on Reshiram's soft side, and murmured:

'Help me, Reshiram. If you truly think I'm the hero, lead me to victory!'

I'll do my best – Reshiram's strong voice echoed in her head. Never had she been so happy a Pokémon could telepathically speak. Thinking N could hear all Pokémon species the same way made her feel a bit jealous.

But it was no time for such thoughts. Feeling a bit more confident, she shouted:

'Reshiram, use Dragon Breath!'

While N immediately answered:

'Zekrom, Fusion Bolt!'

The two dragons obeyed instantly, and the ground almost began shaking as they attacked each other with speed that belied their massive height.

-N, you still can stop this, Touko cried out as she was walking toward him, in order to move away from the dragons' furious battle. She knew that being too close might be a bit dangerous. She paused a few inches away from him, as he was near enough to hear her voice without having to shout.
He also made a few steps to her before stopping and shaking his head negatively.

'Touko, I know I'm right. I can't loose.'

'You're too confident', she mumbled to herself, her voice low enough to make sure he couldn't hear it. 'This is going too far, N', she added in a more audible tone.

She took one more step forward.

'I have to free Pokémon from trainers, Touko. We can't keep taking them away from their families just to put them in Pokéballs and make them battle until they're KO. Pokémon are living creatures, not tools!'

He made another step forward, too, and soon they were close enough to see each other's face in details.

'Reshiram, use Extrasensory!'

'Zekrom, Slash!'

They kept staring at each other intensely.

'N… I know you think you're doing what's better for Pokémon… but believe me, Pokémon and humans need each other - we shouldn't be separated!'

While the Dragons were still challenging each other, the two trainers kept getting closer to one another. A third party could have thought they had forgotten they were battling if it wasn't for the regular orders they were shouting to their Pokémon, barely watching them executing it. It was almost as if the true battle was taking place now between the two of them instead of their Pokémon. And in a way, it was.

Touko clenched her fists. If only she could make him understand!

'Only battles can make Pokémon stronger – wilds Pokémon hardly evolve as easily as the Pokémon of a good trainer, and you know it! Look, by making them battle, you challenge them, in a good way, and it tightens up the bonds between trainers and Pokémon! '

N grinned, shaking his head.

'They get hurt in battles, they suffer of it – how can you say it's good for them?'

'Because it also helps them! Pokémon can be happy with humans…and they are, most of the time! Just because there are some bad trainers doesn't mean you have to separate all of them from their Pokémon! Not all of them… not all of us are complete morons… I love my Pokémon, and I dare to say they love me as well.'

'I know they do, Touko. But you're an exception, and that's why Reshiram chose you. This is… it's not worth the risk. There are too many Pokémon suffering from incompetents trainers. We have to stop that.'

'N, you're completely right about that. Really. And we can probably do something about it, but forcing all trainers to free their Pokémon is not the solution. I bet lots of Pokémon would then also suffer from it.'

'Only at the beginning… they would soon enough realize they were meant for freedom, not for Pokéballs.'

Touko sighed, and closed her eyes. There was no way she could make him see reason, though it seemed his voice had lost some of the conviction he always had when talking to her, but it was probably an illusion. She was tired, exhausted even. She wanted it to come to an end - and a happy ending preferably.

The two dragons were now both about to be knocked out. The next move would be decisive, they both knew it. Reshiram had a little bit more energy, but Zekrom was faster.

Touko grinned as she realized that, but she refused to think about what would happen if she didn't win.

'Reshiram, use Dragon Breath, now!'

'Zekrom… use… Zen Headbutt.'

Maybe it was just her imagination, but N's voice seemed strangely hesitant.

Yet it didn't matter anymore. Zekrom attacked first, but Zen Headbutt wasn't strong enough, while Dragon Breath was as effective as she had expected it. Zekrom was KO.

She had won. She couldn't believe it.

'Good job, Reshiram! ' she said to the Dragon returning to her, while gently caressing his head.

She quickly called him back in his Pokéball to give him the rest he deserved.

N came closer, with an undecipherable expression on his face.

'Zekrom and I were beaten. Your truth… your feelings… They were stronger than mine, it seems…'

N's voice was still hesitant, but his face was neutral and she was surprised he had reacted so well, considering he hadn't managed to succeed in the end.

And then… something clicked in her head.

Could he possibly… have lost on purpose? No, she definitely couldn't believe it. And still… why, why on earth did he use Zen Headbutt, when a Dragon-type attack would have been way more effective, making Reshiram KO? Why? Psy attacks weren't a weakness to Reshiram; and nobody could have known it better than N. Zekrom was faster than Reshiram, with a good attack, he would have won the battle before the white Dragon could have obeyed her.

So, how could he make such a big mistake? Did he lose intentionally?

She shook her head.

No. That's impossible. N would have never lost on purpose, he believed too much in his ideals…

Yet, the doubt subsisted. She remembered the way he had spoken to her, seeming suddenly so… unsure.

'You brat! ' roared a voice from behind Touko, interrupting her thinking process. 'Do you think you're still worthy of sharing the name Harmonia with me? You good-for-nothing boy! '

Touko faced the newcomer who was now in front of N and stared at him in disbelief. Ghetsis. She couldn't say what was the most disturbing: the fact that he was N's father (though, she had to admit now it was pretty obvious since having green hair was rare enough for the two of them not to be a coincidence) or the way he spoke to N.

'You! ' choked Touko. 'What-'

Ghetsis ignored her, still looking intently at N, though he seemed to answer her silent question:

'To start with, I spurred N into pursuing ideals. The reason we reawakened the legendary Pokémon now was to give MY Team Plasma more power! Power to control the fearful masses! That at least was well done. After saying you had to put your beliefs on the line and battle to see which one chosen by the legendary Pokémon was the true hero... You lost to an ordinary Trainer! There is such a thing as being too stupid! Add it up, and you are nothing more than a warped, defective boy who knows nothing but Pokémon... '

He then turned toward her.

'Touko! ' (She grinned as she heard her name pronounced by such a devilish moron.) 'I never would have thought the legendary Pokémon would choose a Trainer like you! It caught me completely off guard. This doesn't change my goal. My plans have not been disturbed! In order to rule this world utterly, in order to manipulate the hearts of people who know nothing, I will have N be the king of Team Plasma. But, for that to work, you- since you know the truth- You must be eliminated! That was just a convenient lie that I needed to create Team Plasma. Use your head. What's to be gained from letting go of useful things like Pokémon? Certainly, manipulating Pokémon helps people expand their possibilities. That much, I can agree with. So it naturally follows that only I should be able to use Pokémon! You can say whatever you want. A Pokémon, even if it's revered as a deity, is still just a Pokémon. Touko, so what if it chose you! That doesn't mean you're a threat. Come on! Now you'll face ME in battle! I can't wait to see the look on your face when you've lost all hope! I won't allow anyone to stop me! No matter who does what! '

'Alright', she answered defiantly, already holding a Pokéball, 'let's battle!'

At that very moment, nothing could please her more than the idea of taking away the mischievous smile on Ghetsis' face.