
Sooooo… yeah, it's been 3 years…. Sorry about that. I completely dropped of fanfiction back in 2012. But, considering I'm now an English major in College, I figured I should pick this back up. So, the loooooong awaited chapter 4.

Note: I'm working off the premise that they are 16 in the year 2010


Percy didn't exactly know how to react. He'd been thinking about a future with Annabeth, but it was another thing to have that future sitting in front of him, with expressions of worry and trust. Annabeth seemed to feel the same way, her eyes showing her surprise.

"Wait," she said, turning to Olivia. "How old are you?"

"12" Olivia answered.

Percy could see Annabeth quickly doing the math.

"Are you telling me I'm going to be pregnant in 3 years?! At 19?" Annabeth seemed stunned by the knowledge. At my inquiring look, she added "not that I don't want kids, I just thought we'd be out of college first."

"I'm not exactly planned…." Olivia interjected, blushing. "Plus you were worried about the shorter of halfbloods. You still get to go to college anyway over in-"Olivia cut herself off.

"Where?" Annabeth asked, but Olivia just shook her head.

"I've already said way too much. Even though I'm sure someone will wipe this all from your memory when we get home, I can't say anything."

Just then, there was a commotion outside.

"Angry cyclops on the perimeter!" they heard someone shout outside.

After Percy glanced at Chiron for approval, he ran out the door and up the hill. Sure enough, two angry cyclops were chasing after halfbloods on the other side of the perimeter.

"Nice of you to show up, Jackson." Clarisse growled at him, as he ran headlong into the fight. The cyclops were already injured when he arrived, and the fight didn't last much longer, with he and Clarisse delivering the finishing blows. When the dust cleared, he saw two unfamiliar kids, who both looked to be around 8.

The boy was clearly from two very different parents, with mocha skin, but Asian features, and pitch black hair. He was holding the hand of a blond, caramel skinned girl with blond hair, though Percy couldn't decide what color her eyes were. The both looked at him, confused.

"Uncle Percy…?" The girl said like it was a question.

Then Percy responded in a way he shouldn't have in front of 8 year olds.




So, once again, sorry. I'll try to be more regular about this. Starting again is the hardest part. I should have chapter 5 up by next week, barring any unforeseen circumstances.

Thanks guys, for all the encouragement.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.