A/N: I apologize in advance at how bad I am at writing fight scenes I do promise I am trying to get better. This is the last chapter of this story and I should be able to get the sequel started very shortly. I hope that everyone has enjoyed this story so far! Please let me know what you think!

Mission in the Land of Waves

Chapter 9

Naruto's P.O.V

I winced in pain as we separated; knowing I would be needed in this battle, "We need to go help them," I said softly and moved to take a step forward only to be stopped by Shikamaru. He quickly pulled me back and crashed his lips against mine causing me to melt into his hold. My face flushed slightly as he pulled back and gave me a loving look.

"I'm so glad I made it in time, I cannot lose you Naruto," He whispered and gently cupped my cheek. I nodded and leaned into his touch as a battle raged around us.

"I'm sorry I hurt you again Shika…" I whispered sadly, but he shook his head. Sighing softly, I pulled back and asked, "Will you follow my lead? We need to stop Dotō do you think you can trap him if I can distract him enough? The man is crazy and will destroy this country to get what he wants."

"Of course; tell me what you had in mind?" Shikamaru smiled as I explained what we needed to do knowing my team would understand the plan as soon as we got to them.

Author's P.O.V

Dotō was proving to be an incredibly difficult opponent. For a man of his age who had been unopposed for such a long time; it was surprising that he had stayed so powerful. So far, he had severely injured Zabuza's right arm causing the powerful swordsman to drop his sword in hopes to not permanently damage the appendage, and was now using much lighter weapons. Kakashi's back was incredibly burnt and the man was officially out of action as he could not move, or the burnt skin would tear, and he would bleed out. Sakura had moved back to stand guard over her sensei; the pinkette wings beautifully visible and her fans posed in her hands to strike should they get to closer to her.

"Fuck," Sasuke cursed both his eyes glowing as he tried his best to counter the elder ninja with Zabuza's help. Suddenly a blur of blonde blocked the man's attack from hitting his teammate. "Nice of you to join us Naruto,"

"Sorry I was a bit tied up," The blonde quipped a very distinct Kunai in his hand.

"It is fine; but I hope you have a bloody plan," Sasuke snapped as the blonde just flashed him a smirk.

"Of course! Zabuza-san; tell Sakura plan 32!" Naruto smirked, and the elderly ninja nodded having already been informed of their strategies as he jumped back to switch with his charge. The pinkette shrunk down as soon as she heard the plan disappearing from sight as Sasuke and Naruto quickly pushed back Dotō forcing him into a spot that they wanted. As they went their speed picked up until it reached a spot that Dotō had a hard time following them; their age and energy giving them a distinct advantage.

"you are going down you bastard!" Naruto snarled as he managed to strike Dotō across his cheek sending the man flying back finally exactly where they had been leading them. As the snow ninja went to stand he felt his body freeze. Behind the man was Shikamaru his shadow extended as he kneeled smirking.

"Got you," he stated as he stood and as team 7 began to walk towards the dictator, each having pulled out their own signature weapons. Sasuke his obsidian sword that had been gifted to him by Itachi which had originally belonged to Izuna Uchiha. For Naruto it was his father's Kunai; Kurama had led him to find one and allowed him to start the basics of the Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) allowing the touch starved boy to have a connection to his family even if he need to hide his knowledge from the village. Sakura brandished her fans, the only thing she had managed to take with her when her family was destroyed and the last gift she had gotten from her mother.

"No!" Dotō cried unable to move as the three Genin struct. Sasuke's blade severing the man's head as both Naruto and Sakura cut off each of his arms. Shikamaru soon released his families Jutsu as the body hit the frozen ground. The leaf nin all smiled to each other before panicking as Naruto finally sub came to his exhaustion and began to fall backwards. Rushing forward Shikamaru quickly caught his fallen Mate as the rest of team 10 arrived at the clearing.

"What happened?" Asuma asked the formed mist nin as he took in the scene in front of him and began to set about healing Kakashi with his limited knowledge of medical ninjutsu.

"Those four were able to get the blonde brat free and ride the world of a particularly nasty dictator," Zabuza explained as the other Genin rushed to their classmates, "I will deal with that body if you want to continue to heal him." The swordsman did not wait for a reply as he moved forward to collect and get ride of the dead body as the Genin moved towards their sensei Naruto being carried by Shikamaru.

(Two weeks later)

Shikamaru's P.O.V

I smiled and pulled the blonde tightly against me. He had been asleep healing for almost two weeks and today was the first day he had woken up. Though Kurama had promised me he was perfectly fine it was still reassuring to see him awake and functioning. Smirking I gently kissed his cheek causing him to blush brightly.

"S-Shika!" he exclaimed causing both Sasuke and Sakura to laugh at the blonde's embarrassment.

"Yes, troublesome blonde?" he asked as their sensei's called them over. They had also remained in the land of snow for so long to make sure that they were stable enough for the country to run smoothly as they transitioned into a new era. Sakura had refused to take over as ruling the country even though her family was related to the royal family. She had told them to create a council and elect their own leader. Her place was in the lead village not in the snow.

"We will be setting sale today for the leaf village now that Naruto has woken up and we are sure that the land of snow will not dissolve into chaos as soon as we leave. The boat we chartered thanks to Zabuza's contacts is large enough for us to continue your training as we sail back to fire country," Asuma stated as all the Genin smiled up at the three Jounin's completely ready to get back to their own country.

"We have decided to split you into three groups for training along the way. With me will be Sasuke and Shikamaru as I will be the best to teach them strategy and help them to improve their taijutsu as I have the most experience with each of their clans' styles. With Asuma will be Choji and Naruto as he is the most qualified to teach Choji about chakra control and natural chakra as well as he is the best wind specialist in the entirety of the fire country. Finally; that leaves Sakura and Ino with Zabuza. Ino you need to learn to be far more well rounded and to learn that you are not in charge. All of us felt that it would be best for you during this week to take orders from someone that you have not worked with, and be warned this man is brutal in his training methods so you will either fall in line or break, as well as you need over all the most work on ninjutsu and taijutsu. Sakura you will be continuing with your families training," Kakashi smiled as all the Genin nodded their heads the only one looking unhappy was Ino, "We would also like to inform you that the Chunin exams will be happening around a month after we have arrived back at the village. Normally such fresh Genin would not be nominated but both Asuma and I feel that you are ready. Both of you have completed a B rank mission and my team has technically completed an A rank and you have done the compulsory number of D ranked missions to compete."

"What do you mean I need the most work?" Ino all but snarked once the silver haired man was finished causing me to roll my eyes. Hopefully Zabuza would be able to get her to behave like a true Kunoichi of the leaf and less like a spoiled child.

"It is as he has said Ino. Despite coming from a clan of great Ninja's you act like a child from a civilian family that has only just entered the academy. It is far time you grow up which is why I am allowing you to be trained by a master of their craft. Zabuza is one of the highest ranked Ninja's in the bingo books and will teach you to be a proper Kunoichi where I have failed," Asuma said with a sigh causing his student to snap her mouth shut.

"Alright, pack up your belongings and we will set out. In a week we will be back home," Kakashi said and we all nodded rushing off to gather what we had brought. I smiled as Shikamaru helped me, and together we finished quickly.

"You excited to be heading home 'Ruto?" Shikamaru smiled and kissed me gently as I nodded happily.

"Yes! This mission has not been fun," I said as we left the room hand in hand, "I am looking forward to a month of training and not having to worry about some mad man turning me into some kind of pet," I replied and felt my mate squeeze my hand. We met up with the others and boarded the boat back home and towards our next adventure.

The end