Hey there guys! I'm back! Temporarily at least. I decided that this has been sitting in my computer for long enough and I'm just going to put up what i have so far. Tell me if you like it and I'll write more! Thanks for sticking in there! Enjoy!

"A thing."

Billy silently shut the web cam off and looked down. He knew he had to snap out of this funk. At least when he was robbing banks and pulling heists, he was preoccupied and his troubles couldn't reach him. It was easier to just stop being Billy and let Doctor Horrible take his place. It was the smart thing to do. Smart but seemingly impossible in the long run. How did one go about switching personalities? Besides, Doctor Horrible was more of a persona than anything remotely real.

Billy stood and walked over to the closet that held his new red lab coat. He grimaced at the sinister change. He preferred the white lab coat more but Bad Horse had commented that the white seemed too "Good". Naturally Billy had to change it to suit Bad Horse's image of evil. He had kept his old outfit but it was tucked away in a box in the bottom of his closet. Billy nudged the box with his toe and frowned. He was tempted to revert back to the old lab coat for that night's ELE meeting just to see Bad Horse's expression.

Why the long face Bad Horse? You liked the red better? Sorry, I didn't realized you had a dress code…

Billy smirked at the thought, the closest he had come to truly smiling since Penny's death. The memory crashed down on him and he winced, eye twitching. He mentally cursed himself for bringing the pain back. He had been able to block it for a while but he knew it would pop up again some time or another. Billy snatched the lab coat from the hook and threw it around himself. Pulling the gloves and goggles on, he transformed into an evil shell of himself. As long as Doctor Horrible was there, Billy couldn't feel the sharp stabs of guilt and regret, only dull throbs. Doctor Horrible became a shield, a numbing drug, a way out. Billy knew it wasn't right to run from his feelings but he just couldn't deal with it right then. He stepped out of his apartment and headed to the meeting.

Doctor Horrible is here.

You're dismissed, Bad horse said in his deep timbre. Doctor horrible worked against the urge to shudder. Fake Thomas Jefferson had warned him on his first day that talking to Bad Horse face-to-face would take some getting used to. That was an understatement. Bad Horse's ability to speak telepathically came at the price of being highly uncomfortable to those in the conversation. Doctor Horrible doubted that he would ever get used to it. Whenever Bad Horse "spoke", it felt like he was actually in the Doctor's head, viewing every speck of knowledge and every little memory with cool disappointment and cruel judgment.

Everyone but Doctor Horrible, Bad Horse amended. This time, the doctor couldn't help but shudder. He slowly sat back down and watched everyone else leave. Fake Thomas Jefferson gave a discreet nod as he passed. Doctor horrible nodded back as Jefferson pulled the doors closed with a soft thud. The room fell into an eerie silence as Doctor Horrible waited for Bad Horse to speak and he squirmed when the leader finally did.

You seem to be fitting in well here, Doctor, Bad Horse said slowly, drawing out every word. Each syllable wormed its way deeper into Doctor Horrible's mind

"Y-yes, Sir. The other members have been quite accommodating," said the Doctor.

And I see that Thomas has taken a liking to you. Keep that close to you. He isn't quite as charitable with other as he is with you. He caused the last death within our little group, said the Thoroughbred of Sin. Keep that in mind. Doctor Horrible's face turned as white as a sheet in the blink on an eye. He felt sick all of a sudden.

So, let's get to the point. You haven't been quite as honest with me as I had hoped… Bad Horse said moving around the table. A bead of sweat appeared on Doctor Horrible's forehead. Your equipment has a history of malfunctioning, doesn't it?

"Well I wouldn't-" Horrible started.

Doesn't it? Bad Horse pressed.

"Small, fixable malfunctions," he admitted.

One such malfunction caused the man you were trying to kill, a certain Captain Hammer, to become unfrozen and damage your so-called "Death Ray". He then attempted to kill you with it but failed to due to the damage he caused. This damage saved your life and ended another. Bad Horse said now standing behind a horrified Doctor Horrible. The Doctor's eye twitched as he followed the path of the conversation. Bad Horse knew, then, that her death wasn't directly his fault. He had known that Bad Horse would eventually find out but he hadn't anticipated it to be this soon. The big question now was what he would do about it. Doctor Horrible had thought about this before and came up with two theories. Either Bad horse would kill him on the spot for lying to him or he would commend him for taking advantage of the situation. Doctor Horrible admitted to himself that the latter was highly unlikely so he prepared himself for the hooves that would no doubt be coming in contact with him in mere seconds.

While your luck completed the task, I want you to you to do it again. Bad Horse said walking back to his place at the head of the table. Doctor Horrible's eyes snapped open.

"W-what?" he asked astonished that he was still breathing.

You accomplished something, a position that your peers have fought tooth and nail for, through an accident that you took credit for. In order for you to atone for this lapse in your experience, I want you to finish what you started.

"What do you mean by that?"

You had intended to murder Captain Hammer. I want you to go through with your plan and I don't want to hear anything about malfunctioning equipment this time. I can't afford to have liabilities on my team do you understand?

"Absolutely. I'll get right on that sir," Doctor Horrible said in a monotone voice.

Good. Then you are dismissed. Bad Horse said turning away. Doctor Horrible stood and stumbled out of the room. He managed to close the door before collapsing against it. His head was spinning with the details of the conversation. He slid down the door and sat on the ground, eyes closed.

Well, at least it will be easy… Doctor Horrible thought to himself.

Easy? Asked Billy from deep inside the Doctor.

Bad Horse just told me to kill Captain Hammer, Doctor Horrible replied.

Kill Captain Hammer? He's useless now! There's no point! Billy exclaimed sounding a little closer to the surface.

What? You thought you would never have to kill anyone ever again? Doctor Horrible said.

Well, no, but this is Captain Hammer! Billy said fighting his way to the surface, We can't do that!

Who said anything about we? Horrible said pushing Billy back down.

"Doctor? Are you well?" said a colonial sounding voice. Doctor Horrible opened his eyes and saw Fake Thomas Jefferson walking towards him.

"Oh yeah. I'm fine," he said letting Jefferson help him to his feet.

"I assume your talk with Bad Horse was a little much for you?" said the fake president with a hit of amusement.

"Let's just say you were right that it takes some getting used to," he said with a weak laugh. Jefferson laughed with the Doctor as they walked away from the meeting room.