Planning a wedding is a messy business. Some tackle it gracefully, others feel like they might come apart at the seams. Either way, it's easy to find yourself worn out, even when you're supposed to be celebrating!

As per tradition, the bride is given a wedding shower while the groom and his friends have a bachelor party. Both Elli and Jack were relieved to have a break, although their friends were very excited for them and could barely contain themselves.

"Truth or dare?" Karen announced with a smirk.

"Karen that's not a shower game!" Anne complained.

"And the theme was 'slumber party', your point is?" Anne glowered as Karen proudly puffed out her chest in victory.

"Fine, but only if Elli wants to." Anne muttered. Everyone then turned to the bride for her approval.

Elli was a little surprised that someone had suggested this game so early on, but if she knew Karen, it was bound to happen eventually. She sighed.

"It's alright with me."

The face of every girl lit up in anticipation, except perhaps Anne. Anne still looked mildly cheesed off at Karen.

"Who goes first?" Popuri chirped.

Elli paused for a moment. Since this little game was taking place well after midnight, she was feeling very tired, but she knew they wouldn't just let her bail, so her best bet was to play along and try to get them to pick other people.

At least then she wouldn't have to think about her answers - or fib convincingly.

"How about..."

She tapped a finger against her delicate chin, feigning a tough decision.


With that, Anne's glare shifted to her.

"Will that be truth or a dare?" Karen asked smugly, folding her arms. Anne's eyes darted to her, and then back to Elli.

"Dare." Anne blurted, and then momentarily cringed, like any potential dare victim wondering if they haven't just signed their own death warrant.

But Elli wasn't in the mood to be mean. At least not that mean.

"I've got some 2-minute creme caramel mix ready to go-" She started. Everyone looked confused, was that really a dare? Creme caramel sounded nice. It sounded French, and that was good enough for most of them.

"But you have to put strawberry sauce on it."

There was doubt in their faces now, good.

"Well, you heard the lady!" Karen wagged a finger at her friend. "To the kitchen!"

As promised, Elli dug out the mix and let the others follow the instructions. It was basically a quick custard mix with caramel topping. This time however, said caramel topping was forgone in favour of strawberry syrup.

Anne looked unsure at first, but reasoned that it probably wasn't as bad as something Karen would try to make her eat. She carefully tested the dessert with a spoon - noticing how it jiggled when she did - and slid it in.

She only took a small spoonful, and quickly thrust it into her mouth to get it over with.

After a moment, her expression changed from one of dread to one of scrutiny. The other girls all leaned in with anticipation.

"That's... that's not bad actually. It's interesting."

Was that disappointment on Karen's face?

"You doubted me?" Elli laughed. Anne began to smile.

"I guess I'm next then." She announced, hands at her hips in a rather determined stance. For a split second, Karen's smirk faltered.

"I pick..." She looked from person to person, carefully sizing them up. "Popuri!"

Said girl squeaked audibly, prompting a few giggles. "Um... truth?"

Anne seemed like she was thinking hard on this one. Elli had been surprised she hadn't picked Karen. Perhaps she was waiting to do something big later. Oh well.

"Are you and Kai-" She began, Popuri's eyes widening. "Dating?"

Ooh, nevermind! Straight for the kill.

"Um... I guess" She blushed a little, sheepishly covering her mouth with one hand. Mary let out a gasp.

"I pick Mary!" Popuri suddenly fired off. "T-truth or dare!?"

Mary squeaked. "Dare! I-I mean truth!"

"You only get to pick one." Karen reminded her casually. "The first one was dare, so that's what it'll be!"

Popuri took a moment to think about her dare, still kind of embarassed over having blurted out her answer. She was horrible with keeping secrets like that.

"Ding-dong door ditch the scientist guy!"

Oh lord.

Elli closed her eyes for a moment and steeled herself.

"You know, it might be a bit late, maybe pick something else? We shouldn't wake anybody up..."

She opted to stay back at the house while the rest made the trek, but Karen all but dragged her sleepy butt along. Poor Mary, she looked mortified. It took her a few minutes (and some "gentle" coaxing from the others - save for Elli) to approach the door.

"Wait!" Popuri whispered. "Leave him this letter."

She then proceeded to hand the bespectacled girl a pink envelope with a heart sticker on it. "Is this...?" Mary squeaked, Popuri suddenly responding with a sinister grin.

Elli had to admit, she never knew how or when Popuri had the time to write that letter.

She felt more awake now, if only from the tension of how this situation could probably explode in any number of ways. Mary's shaking hand ghosted the doorbell a few times, she even applied slight, experimental pressure, but never enough to trigger the mechanism.

Until someone ran up behind and gave her a push.

Panicked, Mary froze to the spot! Fortunately for everyone involved, Karen wasn't completely heartless and pulled her along as they all sprinted to safety from the fences theyd been hiding behind.

When they were out've sight, a huge pair of owly bloodshot eyes appeared from the scientist's trailer, blinking a few times before taking the letter inside.

Now that it was Mary's turn, she almost immediately chose Karen as revenge for being pushed. Popuri would have to be claimef by someone stronger than she, for Popuri had proven to be... unstable.


"Dare." Karen shrugged. She knew Mary didn't have it in her to do something mean.

"Wait." Anne called out, and motioned for Mary to lean in so she could whisper in her ear.

"That's kind of mean..." Mary muttered in response to whatever the Redhead had told her.

"Cook something."

The others looked confused again.

"And eat it."

Well this was getting out've hand...

To Be Continued...