Note: Hello Everyone. I'm so-so sorry that I hadn't been able to update. My brother basically lives in the hospital now!

Oh. And my Beta has gotten so busy that she doesn't have the time anymore. SO I am looking for a new beta at the momment!

This chapter is unbeta. I don't think it's too bad.

Chapter 6

"It's too early."

Kai chuckles, he looks back at Meilin. She sitting up in bed, her black hair spiked up in a blob. Her red eyes slightly puffy from lack of sleep "Well. D-Don't you normally get u-up early for school?"

Whining, the small girl shakes her head and flops back onto the bed with a loud-thump "No! Back home, school doesn't start for another hour and ten minutes." She groaned, sniffing a little and rubbing her eyes "AND. It's summer, how come you go to school?"

Humming, the brunette put on his white ribbon that hangs of the sailor part of his clothing "I go to c-cram school. It's d-during the summer." He shrugs and looks at his cousin "There's an off c-chance I might b-be coming home l-late."

Meilin lets out another groan and wave her hand around.

Smiling, Kai turns and slips out the dark-room. He peeks into his mothers bedroom and notices it's empty "She d-didn't come home.." He mumbled softly and quickly walks down the steps.

He looks into the living room and see's the older brunette sleeping on the coach. He giggles shyly and exit's the house to see a certain pinkette waiting outside "Mornin."

Sakura smiles and nods, she tilts her head to the side and beings to speak. Kai simply nods his head to whatever she says. If his dreams aren't dreams, then what are they? They can't possible real, right? There's no way he can go into the game and meet all those characters.

Oh God!

If it's all real, then his definitely not a virgin anymore.

"I'm pregnant."

"With your baby. I'm going to name it Henry. We're moving to Island."

Kai blinks, he looks at his pink head frown with a frown "What?"

Sakura laughs, she shakes her head making her pink hair bounce "Nothing." She chuckles as Kai tilts his head a little.

"B-But you said your pregnant."

Nodding her head, Sakura winks "I also said it's your baby."

"And y-you're going t-to name it Henry!" He giggles, looking up at the sky. If this joke wasn't a joke, Fuko would kill him, after all. It's obvious that the two liked eachother, heck Fuko got into a fight with Milo over the girl.

Breathing softly, the brown glanced at the girl "I like the n-name Henry. Henry Buttermick!"

Sakura bust into giggles, her cheeks darkened a little "B-Buttermick!" She squeals softly, her pink-hair flutters around as the two makes their way towards a large, familiar building.

"Yo! Kai!"

The brunette jumps, he turns slightly and stares blankly. Sakura hums and looks around the shorter boy and gasp "Fuko! What are you doing?" She growled, running towards the boy, Kai trailed behind with flickering eyes.

The raven head boy looks up at them and smiles "Just teaching my friend here a lesson or too." He smirked and slapped the younger boys bottom, making said boy squeal and cry out.

Kai pouts a little and tilts his head "B-But must you sit on h-him?"

"Yes. Yes I do." The curly head boy muttered, crossing his arms and nodding his head prideful "Can you pass me my water-bottle. It's rolled across the ground."

Kai looked around his feet and noticed said bottle, moving to get it he heard Sakrua ask just who their friend is sitting on.

"Oh. He isn't important." Fuko grinned, nodding his head in thanks as Kai pasted him the bottle.

Kai leaned down to look at the boy on his stomach "S-So. Why are you sitting on h-him?"

Fuko suddenly let out a purr and bounced up and down, making the boy cry out, his legs fluttered in air "I'll let you up once you agree you won't run."

Sakura frowned as Kai tilted his head "W-Why would he r-run?" He asked eyes wide a little.

Fuko looks at the other before smirking "You now the other new girl. Minko? Well. Our good old friend, Kiba here. Has a little crush. And I'm helping him out!"

"Ah. You're helping him out?"


"By sitting on him?"


"That's not weird at all."

"Is that an insult?"

"I said it out loud."

Kai sighed as he looked between his two friends. He couldn't help but admit, the two would make a great couple. He could just see the day when they admit their feelings for eachother.

Smiling brightly at the thought, the boy turned back to see the Chinese girl sitting on a stone wall. Strangely, she held a long samurai sword.

"Very mysteries."

Jumping, Kai looked up a little and noticed Aqumi. Her hair had been straighten and she's dressed in a cotton white shirt with a dark blue knee length skirt. Kai pouted a little, he found it strange that he was looking at a Aqua look alike.

They're not dreams

Narrowing his eyes a little, Kai tilts his head a little "Ano. B-But are you by any c-chances connected to K-Kingdom Hearts?" He asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Aqumi blinks a little in surprise. Her hair flutters in the wind as the two stared at eachother blankly before she smiles lightly "Kingdom Hearts? Is that a game?"

Kai's eyes widen a little, he moved to speak when an arm circled his shoulder and Sakura looks up "Yup! It's our favourite game. We're actually going to play it day."

The other smiles warmly at the girl "I see. I've never heard of the game."

"What!" Sakura gasped, pulling away from the brunette in favour of looking up at the older woman "How can you not know what Kingdom Heart is? It's like…It's like…Well. It's just not normal!"

Kai sighed a little "Not e-everyone is a Kingdom H-Heart freak.." He whispered softly as he looked at the two girls. He sighed once more and turned around, his amber eyes glows a little and walks up to Fuko. Glancing down at the young boy underneath his friend, he blushed a little and sat down next to his friend who grins widely at the small grunt.

Amber eyes flickered down at the boy "Ano. W-What he do?"

"Well. He said he was going to confess." Fuko began and wiggled a little at the word 'said' before he smiled lightly "But he chickened out and ran away AGAIN!"

Giggling, Kai looks down and smiles brightly "Well. H-He'll never get a-anywhere being sat on."

Fuko sighs, but nods "Alright.." He mumbled softly, he tilts his head back a little "We're going to let you up now."

Hearing a muffled voice, the two pushed themselves up and watched as the other pushed himself up on shaky legs. He grunts softly and glares lightly at Fuko, who tilts his head a little with an almost innocent expression. The boy glared heatedly at Fuko before he suddenly spun around and ran.

"Hey!" Fuko yelled before groaning "Now, I have to catch him all over again."

Sakura frowns and tilts his head a little "You said right evil when you say that…" She sighs when a loud ring echoed around the grounds making everyone look at the building "Class is starting."

Kai blinks a little as everyone began to walk towards the building. Kai looks back at Fuko.

"Let it g-go Fuko.."


The brunette flicked at the white sweets in front of him. He pouted a little, the three were now sitting in Fuko's bedroom. The boy was just finishing of his homework. Kai rests his head against his hands and sighs softly "C-Can't we just play a d-different game. Why is it a-always Kingdom Hearts."

Sakura giggled after putting in a disk, she turns to look at him "Because we've already started the first game and the second one. We have to finish them." She stated softly, walking towards the boy "I've put the first one. I think we've just finshed Traverse Town."

"Cool." Fuko mumbled, waving his pencil around "Than it's Kais turn to play."

The brunette paled as he noticed that he never actually played the game "R-Really. My t-turn?" He squealed softly, his eyes blinking a little and his hands twitched as Sakura played the controller into his hands.

Fuko suddenly shirked, he throw his arms into the air "Done!" He cheered as Sakura crossed hers.

"You may be done. But there's a 99% chance it's wrong." She muttered loudly, her eyes narrowing as Fuko grunted and rolled his own eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever.." Fuko growls and sits down next to Kai and rubs his hands together "Lets do this."

"Okay~" Kai mumbled, listening to the soft tune of 'Dealy Beloved' Rolling his shoulder, he clicked onto the load game and waited for it to load. Once it done, a familiar brunette boy appeared on the screen.

Sighing, the boy turned the smaller, brunette on screen around "And where do I g-go?" He mumbled softly, making Sora jump onto a ledge or two. He listened to his friends and does what they tell him too do when it suddenly cut to a scene.

The boy frowned, it was a little strange watching Sora on his television, but he had to admit, Meilin was is right. Sora does run very weirdly, it very funny to watch him run around.

Suddenly Fuko grunted "I hate Wonderland. It's a pain in the ass too get through."

Kai smiled as Sora, did in fact appear in Wonderland. Kai couldn't help, but feel excited at the bright colours and music that rang out around them. The brunette smiled a little and turned to go talk to the young golden head girl on screen.


The brunette tilted his head and couldn't help, but want to meet the girl who looked around their age.



Kai hummed as he closed the door behind him, his amber eyes fluttered around as he walked through the door to see the small girl sitting on the coach.

Tilting his head a little, Kai mumbled softly "Twilight, seriously?" He muttered, shaking his head and moving to sit next to the girl.

"It's good." Meilin shrugged lazy, leaning back against the cushions.

Rolling his eyes a little, Kai hummed and rested his head against the cushions "T-They sparkle. V-Vampires aren't s-supposed to-to sparkle."

Meilin hummed, her black hair shaggy "Yeah. But I like the plot and the Jacob guy is hot."

"Hey Kai. Who do you prefer? Woman or Men?"

The boy blushes, his head tilts a little "W-What?"

Meilin frowned, her eyes darkened a little and she smirks "What do you like? Boys or Girls?" She asked, a grinning appearing onto her round face as she spoke each word.

"I-I….W-Why do y-you want to know?" He asked, his body shuddered when his cousin looked up at him with a sly smile.

"Because last night you and Venny were very cuddle." She smirked widely, leaning forward and tilted her head "You too make a lovely couple."

Blushing brighter, the boy played with his fingers "…I-I… I g-guess I'm…g-gay.." He muttered, looking of to the side. He's is gay. He did have sex with three guys, who if they could, would all have sex with him at the same time.

Suddenly Meilin squealed, her hair bounced "That's so cute!"

"Y-You're a y-yaoi fangirl?" Kai gasped, eyes widen a little as he glanced at his cousin wearily.

Meilin nods her head "I don't like Roxas for nothing yah know. I love reading stores of Sora fuck-Fudging him!" She shrieked like it was the most impotent thing in the world.

"F-F-Fuc…Sora…R-Roxas.." Kai squealed, his face turning another shade of red. His eyes rolled a little and he groaned softly as he placed his face into his hands. His head shakes a little, if only Meilin new.

"W-Wait. But I thought y-you had a crush on R-Roxas?"

Meilin frowned a little, she tilts her head "Well. I did when I first played Kingdom Hearts, but that quickly disappeared. I don't exactly have any crush on them…I think a few of the guys in the Origination are hot, Roxas, Sora and Ven including."

"Y-Yeah…The guys in the o-origination are pretty h-hot.." Kai mumbled softly in a daze before jumping when the girl bumped into his shoulder.

The dark head girl smiles "So. What happens tonight? Where will we go?"

Kai frowned a little, his head tilts his head more "It isn't l-like that. I d-don't get to c-chose where w-we go.." He mumbled softly, it was still hard to believe it was all real, not a dream.

"Can we go to bed, now?"

The brunette chuckles, he glances up at the clock "It's only 8-8pm." He shrugs and stands up "What do y-you want to e-eat?"

Meilin pouts, she groaned softly and rubbed her neck "Okay. I'm not that hungry, maybe just a sandwich."

Kai nods, he turns to the kitchen "Okay."


"C-Can you cook?" Kai asked, taking the plate from the girl.

The small black shakes her head and stands up, her arms stretches out a little as she follows the brunette into the kitchen "Nope. Last time, I almost burnt down the kitchen."

Kai blinks a little "R-Right…You no cook." He muttered to himself, his amber eyes flashes as he turns around to look at the girl.

"Let's play Kingdom Hearts." Meilin smiled brightly, holding her game up as Kai groaned but nodded and followed the dark head girl into their shared bedroom.

The brunette sighed as he watched his cousin play the video-game, he smiled lightly at the familiar music that echoed around his bedroom. Meilin giggled as the brunette began to hum along.

"You seem a lot more cheery then yesterday."

Kai blushed lightly and shrugged "I s-suppose it's because I p-played Kingdom Hearts earlier t-today.." He mumbled softly his eyes flickering.

The dark head girl gasps, her eyes widens a little "When did you play it?"

"Um. M-My friends a-are obsessed w-with the game. We've started the f-first two games and it w-was my turn to play….." Kai trailed off softly. His eyes lowers to his lap "A-And well…I…I actually e-enjoyed it. I liked the W-Wonderland level.."

A soft chuckle escaped the dark head girl, her eyes flickers towards the young boy "Wonderland, huh? It's not my favourite level. I prefer Halloween Town.." She smiles softly, a soft tone slipped out from her pale lips.

"H-Halloween Town? Isn't t-that based of the m-movie…N-Nightmare before charismas?" Kai asks, he sometimes feel old when other people talk about the games. He's never played it, he basically knows nothing about the game.

Meilin nods her head softly "Yup. Most of the levels are based on movies. It's a crossover with Disney. Wonderland is from Alice in Wonderland, last night. We were in Lion King." She spoke without lifting her gaze from the screen "You said at one point you were in Twilight Town and Destiny Island. Well those were created for the characters. Um. Destiny Island is made for Sora, Kairi and Riku while Twilight Town is actually made for Roxas."

Kai pouts a little. He re-thinks everything. He did meet Sora on Destiny Island and he did lose his V-Card there. In the game that's also where you start out, in the second game you start out in Twilight Town. Right where he actually meet Roxas. Sighing softly, Kai ruffled his hair "I still c-can't believe t-this is actually h-happening…It has too b-be all a dream.."

Meilin glances at the boy, she stares blankly "Well. If it is a dream. Than it's pretty strange that I had the exact same dream of you." She mumbled softly. She couldn't understand. There's many people who would give to be in her cousin's place and yet her dopy cousin was lucky enough to actually get an awesome adventure like this.

And just think. It was only a couple of years ago he had that accident. In fact, the small girl was shock that her cousin could actually remember her, they got along like he could. Maybe he did, or maybe it was just a feeling he got. She secretly hopped he did, she had missed her cousin. After the accident, she wasn't allowed to come and visit him anymore, she still remember seeing his face that day in the hospital.

Maybe that's why he got this adventure, to make up for what fate so curly placed upon him.

"Is s-something wrong? Y-You have this s-strange expression on y-your face." Kai asked, he tilted his head and leaned forward to look at his younger cousin.

Meilin jumps a little, she forces a weak smile "I'm…I'm fine. Really." She mumbled before shrieking when Sora was suddenly killed by a surprise Heartless in the game. Groaning, she ducked her head "God Damn it Sora!"

Pouting a little, Kai laughed "H-How is it Sora's f-fault? You were b-blanked out, lost in thought. It be y-your own thought." The brunette giggled, he smiled playfully up at his cousin on the bed.

"You didn't have to point it out." She huffed, throwing the remote at the boy who caught easily "Lets see you do better."

Smiling brighter, Kai switched onto the continue button. He tilts his head a little and glances up at his cousin "W-We're in A-Atlantic." He mumbled shyly watching as the dark head girl laughs loudly.

"I'll admit. Sora looks pretty hot as a Mermaid!" She shrugged, pushing herself up and stretching out her arms. Her light pink nightie fluttered as she moved softly around.

Kai hummed, he twirled the boy around, giggling at the Turtle that swam after him "M-Merman."

Meilin's nose twitches and she huffs "Right." She groaned, rolling her eyes a little. She crawled into the bed and snuggled into the blankets, she watches as Kai accepts a challenge.

Her eyes drops before opening once more when Kai lets out a giggle. She smiles lightly at the expression on the boys face before hugging the pillow tightly.

The brunette tilts his head a little, he plays the challenge. He smiles as he completes it and rolls onto his stomach and kicks his legs in the air. He giggles softly, like a child on charismas as Ariel appears on screen. After a little while longer, the boy turns his gaze over his shoulder when he asked a question about the level, he glowed in curiosity as the small girl didn't answer.

Moving onto his feet, Kai sighs at the sleeping girl. Rubbing his forehead, he looks at the clock and read 10pm. Mumbling softly, he saved the game and than switched it off before moving towards the light-switch. He was a little weary about going to bed, but he shaked it of and crawled into his own bed.

The brunette sighed as he laid back against the pillows. His body twitches a little as he stared blankly up at the roof and he hopes wherever he wakes up next isn't to bad. Glancing up at Meilin, he silently wondered why she had entered his dreams, it actually freaked him out.

Because it all has to be a dream! Just has to be!


"Who's this?"

"How would I know.."

"I was just asking!"

Kai groaned, he felt figures pocks his cheeks. He whined a little and pushed the punchy fingers away only to hear soft chuckles.

"He sure is a feisty one. Isn't he?"

Whining once more, Kai mumbled sleepily and his eyes fluttered open. Looking, but not seeing. He was surrounded by an over bearing greenness. Rolling over, Kai shakily pushed himself up, his hands resting against something prickly. His amber eyes looked around dizzy as he rubbed them. Whimpering softly, he noticed his hands were against bushes.

Tilting his head a little, his hands slid against the bush until he touched a few roses, the strange thing was that they were wet. Blinking a little, he pulled his hands away to see redness on his pale hands.

Pouting a little, the boy stared blankly down at the red liquid that's splattered across his palms "A-Are….Are…A-Are the r-roses p-painted?" He wondered and jumped a little when he heard soft chuckling.

Turning back around, he stared blankly at a small group standing behind him. A tall man with shaggy blonde hair, he had a long plunge nose. A white top-hat with a matching penguin-like suit. His bright blue eyes swirled around as he stared at him in amusement.

The man crosses his arms and hums "You've been sleeping for awhile. We're glad you've finally woken up."

"But it's like you've never seen painted roses before." A small, girlish voice giggled. Tilting his head, Kai narrowed his eyes to see a small furry grown mouse standing on the man's shoulder.

The mouse had a blonde curl that wrapped around her green eyes. A deep, royal purple and golden coat warped around her small furry body as she giggled a little louder "Don't you know anything about this world?"

"You can't expect him too.." Another voice giggled, turning his gaze onto the other being. Kai gasped softly, a almost tall being stood behind the man. He only came up to his shoulder, he had fluffy brown furry with two long, furry and floppy ears. He was dressed in a green hat that sat between his ears, making them flop over his deep grown eyes. A matching green suit stood on his furry body "No one understands our world."

Kai flinched a little at the giggles that erupted up his mouth and turned his attention to the area around him. It was a little strange, bright green bushes stood around in a square and in the middle of a bush was an archway. A small, white house stood in the corner and a long, wooden table stretched out in the middle.

The brunette turned and walked towards the rather big cups that laid around the table. His gaze returns to the trio watching him "W-Where am I?" He stutters, his stomach curls as the small mouse leaps across the mans shoulder. She grips a ribbon hanging from his hat and swings herself toward Kai. She crawls up his leg until she reaches his shoulder and smiles brightly "Well. You should know this place."

Humming softly, the boy runs his eyes across everyone. They did look familiar, but yet they didn't. He jumps a little at a bell that rings from a father-clock standing at the end of the table.

Loud gasps echoed out around them, the small boy jumps a little. He turns his attention around and watches as the man and the rabbit-err man rushes around the table "Tea-Time!"

"T-Tea Time?" He mumbles softly, his shoulders flinches a little as the Mouse jumps from his shoulders, she lands on the table and giggles.

The female Mouse looks back at him and laughs more "Yes. We're having a Tea-Party!"

Kai's eyes widen, he looks at the three "Tea P-Party.." He gasps, walking towards them "I k-know where I a-am!"

The man smiles crookedly at him "Oh. And where are with?"

"W-W-Wonderland!" Kai squeals, ducking towards them "Tea-Party. Y-You're The M-Mad Hatter?"

The man chuckles, his hat ducks slightly and he bows lowly "At your serves, young man.."

Kai smiles brightly, her cheeks darken and he plays with his fingers before looking up at the rabbit "And y-you're the….the…the…M-March Hare?"

The rabbit laughs loudly, his ears twitches "Oh-Oh Yes-Yes. That's me." He squeals loudly, making Kai giggle.

Amber eyes flickered onto the small mouse. She stood, holding a spoon in her small, round hands "And you. Y-You're M-Miss Mouse, a-aren't you?"

Miss Mouse giggled and courtesy, her own rather big ears twitches and she giggles loudly.

Kai giggled as well, he smiles brightly and bows "I-I'm. K-Kai." Oh how it felt good to introduce himself for once. He quickly sat down at the end of the table and smiled shyly at the trio who began to giggle and say strange and funky words, a few he had to repeat a few because he's never heard of them before.

He knows one thing. When he wakes up, he's going straight to his dictionary.

More giggles erupted around the table. His eyes rolled down to his lap. He was secretly glad he had gone to bed in a pair of jeans and a normal white shirt. He was not walking around in his underwear. More clothes!

Tilting his head a little, the brunette watched as a figure stumbled through the archway. The person looked confused before it turned around and Kai giggled "You look c-cute."

Meilin glared at him and huffed, she stomped her foot lightly "Shut up!" She snapped. His cousin had her long black hair held up in ribbons, a knee-length pink puffy dress and a pure white apron. You could see the white underwear puffs as the dress raised up when she walked. On her right cheek, in-printed into her pale skin was a light pink rose.

Her ruby eyes glared at Kai and she sneered "How come I woke up in this. And you get to wake up in that!" She hissed, pointing at the brunette, ignoring the soft giggles from the trio.

"You remind me of Alice." Suddenly the Mad-Hatter said, standing up from the top of the table.

Miss Mouse squealed, her tail wiggled around "Oh Alice."


"I miss Alice. She hasn't visited in such a long time." The Mouse giggled, twirling her sugar spoon around. Almost like she was dancing with it.

Meilin tilts her head, she places her hand onto her hip and turned to look at Kai "Alice in Wonderland?"

Kai smiled brightly and nodded "Yeah. Isn't it g-great?" He giggled at her expression.

The dark head girl frowned and placed her hand onto his forehead "I think this place is getting to you. You're laughing so much."

Kai giggled louder, his cheeks turning rosy as he shrugs "I d-don't know. E-Everything is j-just so f-funny for some r-reason." He giggled, his hand covering his mouth as his shoulders shaked.

Meilin looked up at Mad-Hatter, she frowned as she re-thought through the story "Ah. The Tea-Party. The one play in Wonderland that's full of laughter." She sighed and looked back down at her older cousin.

He giggled and smiled up at Meilin "Do y-you want to j-join the T-Tea-Party?"

Meilin sighed, she rubbed her forehead and shakes her head, her ruby red eyes looks up at the bright blue sky "We can't stay Kai. We need to go!" She mumbled softly, gently taking her cousin's wrist and tugging him onto his feet.


"Do come back again~"

"The Tea-Party goes on and on~"

Kai giggled and waved at them as Meilin tugged him out of the archway. He smiles brightly while humming. The dark head girl gently leads him past a couple bushes that had painted roses.

The brunette blinks and groans, he rubs his head "I f-feel sick.."

Meilin smiles softly "Good. You're back. You were at a Tea-Party."

Kai looks at his cousin and nods his head a little. His amber eyes looks around the place, he tilts his head and looks down a bushy hallway "Let's g-go down t-there.." He mumbles, pointing in the direction.

Smiling, Meilin hums "Alright than." She bobs her head as she follows the older boy. Her eyes looks up and down as the walked past, she laughed softly at the few rocking horse flies that fluttered around her.


Meilin jumps a little, she peeks around the boy and laughs. There, in front of her was a familiar scene. She hums, her eyes looks around before slipping around Kai and pocks her head out of the archway. Many-many card-people stood around, they seemed happy. But the strange thing was, that the Red Queen of Hearts was no where in sight, but a young woman sat in throne.

The young woman had long, silkily black hair that fluttered around her small head. Golden strips sparkles in her hair. Her body was wrapped in fairy like white dress, it puffed out at ends and covered her feet.

"She beautiful.." Meilin whispered and suddenly jumped when the woman looked towards her and smiled softly. She gently waved her hand around to signal them to come closer.

The dark head girl looked back at Kai and grinned "Come on."

Kai sighs, but he nods and follows after his cousin. His eyes looks around, it wasn't just card-people around, but there were other funny looking creatures, all held different colour flamingos. It was strange golf game. Turning back around, Kai looks up shyly at the white woman.

The woman smiles and bows in a posh madder "Welcome. I am The White Queen."

"White Queen? What happen to The Red Queen?" Meilin asked and jumped when everyone gasped when she spoke 'Red Queen'

The White Queen chuckles, her blue eyes sparkles brightly "My Young Sister has been away for awhile now. I am the rightful ruler of Wonderland." She spoke, her eyes looks up behind them and gently waves her hand out "As you can see we are celebrating. So please. Join in."

Kai looks back at the party, his amber eyes looks at all the happy people. He jumps a little and watches Meilin runs towards a few creatures began to talk, she smiled brightly as she spoke.


Gasping, the brunette turned back around and looked at the White Queen. He blinked, so she did know who he was.

The White Queen smiles, she turns her gaze behind her "Perhaps you'll fit in a lot better if you wore something much more….Wonderland like."

Kai pouts a little, it's the first time he woke up in something other then underwear. Sighing, he nods and bows. The Woman smiles and calls over a few card-people, who quickly whipped Kai away to a small house.

The brunette looks around, his amber eyes sparkles lightly. He tilts his head to the left and looks at the small pill of clothing on table. Walking towards it, he picked it up and smiled lightly. It wasn't too bad. Humming, the boy began to pill of his clothing.

The new clothing consisted of a cotton white, frilly collar with one of those older corsets around his waste over the cotton shirt. The ribbon made a paten up his stomach towards his chest, finishing off with a red lose bow. A pair of black, jean short that ended just above his knees.

Poking his head out the door, he peered up at the card-people standing outside. Blushing shyly, he slid out the house and played with fingers shyly as he followed the cards back to the party.

"Kai. We're playing golf now." Meilin smiled waving over at him. She smirked at his clothing, but looked down at the small fuzzy animal at her feet "I'm sorry. I hope we don't hurt you to much."

The small animal grinned, it waved it's hand up before turning back around. He wiggled in the grass and tugged on a pair of goggles over his eyes before curling into a tight ball before making a fumes up.

Meilin grinned "Okay than." She mumbled and flicked the blue flamingo in her hand, the bird let out a loud squeal and straighten out. The dark girl wiggled her bum and lowered the bird, it taps it's peck gently against the animals back "Sorry if this hurts." She mumbled before using as much force as she could, she hit the tiny ball animal and watches in amazement as it flow across the green ground.

Kai watches as the dark-head girl almost got an all in one. The brunette watches another creature went ahead before it was his go. Pouting softly, he shovels across the ground. His amber lowered to the flamingo standing next to him. It glared angrily at him.

The boy sighed and mentally wondered why he got the disobeying bird. Sighing once more, Kai glanced up before moving past the bird to walk away. And when he saw the bird look away, he grabbed it by his ankles. He squealed softly as it fluttered it wings around, it swigged it's head around.

"Having trouble with birds today?"

Kai yelped, his body shuddered when the bird's head suddenly flipped him onto his back. He groaned and glared up at the sky, he tilted his head back and looked behind me. A boy stood in a tree, arms crossed leaning against the bark, his legs crossed.

The boy was dressed in a purple and pink stripped shirt that ended just above his knees. Long purple jeans and a yellow scarf wrapped around his face. The boy had spiked blonde hair with slit blue eyes. A pink and purple stripy tail wiggled around with matching fluffy ears.

Kai's eyes widen, he rolled over and stared up before blushing and smiling "R-Roxie." He giggled at the boy who purrs and leaps from the branch.

Roxas chuckles and leans down, he scoops his paw like hands underneath Kai's body and helps tug him up. Kai almost stumbled over his legs before he looks back at the golden head cat boy "T-The Cheshire C-Cat?"

"I like it." Roxas shrugs innocently, his own cheeks a dusty pink colour.

Kai giggled shyly, he hums and tilts his head "I'll a-admit. You d-do look cute. B-But I would of t-thought S-Sora would be more l-like the C-Cheshire C-Cat.."

"I suppose so. He is more of a git than me." He hums softly, making the brunette giggle more and shake his head. Roxas smiles warmly, he turns his attention towards the laughing black head girl "So. She's your cousin?"

Kai looks at Meilin and nods "Yeah. S-She's a-also your f-fangirl." He laughed softly at the surprise expression that over takes his face.

"But I thought…." He mumbles softly, the blonde stares blankly at the girl.

Kai tilts his head in thought "W-What do y-you mean?"

Roxas snaps out of the thought-state he was in. He looks back at the brunette and smiles "Well. I can't blame her. How can resists this?" He chuckles, singling his body making the brunette blinks and giggles, he hugs the blonde laughing. Roxas smiles brightly and hugs the smaller brunette tightly.

Kai suddenly leaned away a little "Is a-anybody e-else here?"

Roxas smiles more and suddenly leans forward. He presses his lips firmly against the brunette who shivers, but kisses back. Their wet muscles mixed together, they gently brushed against eachother before withdrawing. Kai blushes even brighter "T-That wasn't a-an a-answerer.."

The golden head boy chuckles, he leans away and looks around the party. He hums and looks back at Kai "Yeah. Follow me." He smiles and grasps the shyer brunette hand and gently lead him back out from the bushed hallways.

Kai gently brushed his fingers against the red roses, he glanced back at his fingers and giggled at the red paint before following the blonde around a corner. He ignored the slight coldish touch the other hand and watched as his tail wiggled around "Is I-it r-real?"

Roxas glanced back and laughed, he hums and eyes his tail before it suddenly wrapped around Kai's waste "Yup."

The brunette squealed and brushed it gently with his free hand and giggled at the soft sound that erupted from the blond. His amber eyes looks up when Roxas stops, Kai gasped in surprise "A-A-Amazing.."

Roxas looks back at the brunette and laughs softly "Yeah. We knew you would like this."

Kai tilts his head a little, the brunette scans the tree house. It stand high and prideful, beautiful different coloured flower leaves pocked out of small holes "C-Can we go I-inside?"

"Well. That's the reason we're here." Roxas chuckles, he gently tugs on the others hand and leads him up the strange book shaped steps. Kai looks up at the singing blue and yellow birds that circled around them.

The two stopped at a cool, shaped archway. Roxas looks at the brunette and smiles. He gently tugs him through the archway, Kai looks up at the wooden patens that littered the roof.

The brunette's amber eyes sparkles in amazement, his eyes slides across the rather large wooden hall. A four-post bed stood by an open window that had two fluffy white curtains that fluttered out with a gentle breeze. The bed had card like patens that curled up the posts, white cotton pillows and a light purple bedding.

The brunette tilted his head and walked towards the bed, he leans over the end of the bed and looks at a sleeping boy curled up. The boy is dressed in the exact same clothing of Roxas. Smiling shyly, Kai crawls onto the bed until he was by the boys head, his Cheshire Cat ears twitches as the brunette scratched behind his ear.

The boy moaned, his head tilted and a soft sound rumbled up his throat making Kai giggle "You p-purr." He chuckled softly and tilts his hand a little and rubbed gently underneath the boys chin before he felt the bed dip next to him.

Roxas smiles as he crawls towards him, he looks down and places his head into his hands and purred softly as the boy's eyes fluttered open and stared blankly at the golden head boy "Roxas.."


The boy's baby blue eyes flashes lightly as he looks at Roxas before he looks up at the brunette "Kai…"

"H-Hai.." The brunette smiled brightly, he tilted his head "M-Mornin Ven."

Ven slowly pushed himself up, he blinks his blue eyes and rubs them before yawning loudly like a cat. Kai giggled at the act and giggled more, he curled back a little to himself a little. The golden head boy pushed himself up and looked up, his eyes switches between Kai and Roxas before chuckling "I…I didn't think you'll be here so soon.."

Roxas laughs and nods in agreement, he glances at the brunette and nudges his shoulder with his own. Kai blushes and shyly and bumps his shoulder back, his amber eyes looks back down at Ven, he still looked sleepy. The golden head boy shovelled forward and pushed himself onto his knees when Kai blushed blood red.

"V-Ven.." He squealed, his eyes widen. Ven tilted is head a little, his hair flutters a little as Kai pulled his legs to his chest and pointed at him. The blond frowns and looks at Roxas who also is blushing.

"Ven. You. Um. You're…." Roxas stuttered before groaning and leans forward. Ven pouts, he suddenly shuddered and gasped. He grabs Roxas's hand and looks down, he blushes bright red as he notices he had a hard on.

Roxas glances up as Ven tried to form words, but failing. The boy simply moves his fingers gently, making Ven shudder and gasp "Ven. You're sensitive..Like Kai.."

Kai jumps a little and blushes at his name. He blushes even more when Ven looks at him, his eyes half-lidded, his pale cheeks a bright pink colour. The brunette stutters before gulping and pushing self forward, Ven straight away pushed forward and meet the boy half way.

Their lips slammed together with a loud smack. Roxas watches as both moans, their lips moving against eachother. Licking his own lips, the boy slid closer and placed himself behind Kai, his legs laid numbly on both sides of the boys hips. He looks down before sliding his right hand around Kai's waist and shyly dips into the boy's waste band.

Feeling the cold touch, Kai shuddered and pulled away from Ven to moan softly. His body jerked when he felt the cold fingers touch his member. Ven gasped a little, he peeked at Roxas who nods for him to move closer. The boy quickly slid forward, pulling Kai's legs over his own legs resting on both sides of hips. Ven gasped loudly as he felt Roxas's other hand gently slid into his own purple jeans, moaning. The boy's back arched back and he cupped Kai's cheeks pulling the boy closer and sealed into another kiss.

Roxas gently massaged both boys members, he played with their slits before he circled the ends. His hands slipped out and he looked over Kai's shoulder, he unbutton the black shorts and gently tugged out his member before turning his attention onto Ven's jeans. Once he had both of the boy's member out, Roxas used his own body to nudge Kai forward, making Ven's and Kai's members brush up against eachother.

Kai squealed and pulled away, he looked down and cried when Ven rocked his hips forward, brushing the two flesh up against eachother. Ven placed his hands onto Kai's shoulders and pressed their mouths together once more. Kai shuddered at the feeling of the moss tongue play with his own before both pulled away with a line droll connecting their mouths together.

Panting, Kai shuddered more. He tilts his head back at Roxas and blushes at the expression. Looking at Ven, he smiles shyly and leans forward, pecking the boy on the lips. Getting what the brunette wanted to do, Ven shovels back and helps the boy up onto his knees.

Roxas looks between the two in confusion, both turned to look at the other "What is it?" He asked, tilting his head and pushed himself up onto his knees.

Kai gulped softly, what he want to do he had never done it before. Ven smiles and takes Kai's hand and squeezing softly. Kai smiles brighter and nods, both looked at back at the confused boy. Kai's hands twitches as he leans forward and gently unbutton Roxas's purple jeans.

Roxas watched in curiosity, his eyes widens a little as Kai tugs out his own member "You don't have too.."

Kai looks up shyly and smiles "Y-You…You g-guys have k-kept t-touching me…p-pleasing me…I want t-to…" He mumbles, looking off to the side.

The blonds eyes flashes and he nods slowly, almost shyly. He watches as Kai turns back, he looks at Roxas's member. The brunette breaths softly and leans forward, he breaths softly across the head and smiles at the shudder the blonde gave off. Smiling a little more, Kai closes his eyes and gently licks the head, he moves down the base of the member.

Roxas's back arched a little. He gasped and kept his arms at his sides, to matter how much he wanted to touch the brunette. The brunette moaned softly as he heard the gently gasps leaving the blonde, Kai tilts his head a little and gently licked up the front of the member to the tip. Breath deeply, the boy suddenly sucked on it and pulled away straight away when Roxas let out a loud cry "D-Did I h-hurt you?"

The blonde panted, he looks down at the precious brunette and smiles softly "No. No. It's was actually the opposite.." He whispered and cupped the brunette's rosy cheeks before pushing their lips together.

Ven watched tensely. His eyes drops down to the brunette's backside and smiles. He leans forward and gently wrapped his arms around the boy waste and tugged the black shorts down, feeling this Kai shuddered and pulled from Roxas to look at Ven who looks back shyly before duck his head.

Kai's eyes widen, his back arches and he shudders when he felt a hot and wet pressed against his hole. His eyes widen and he shivered as he felt it push into his hole and licked at his insides.

Roxas's breaths deeply and smiles at the boy who looks shakily back at him, his body shivered. Kai's eyes drops back to Roxas's member and dips back down, Roxas gasps as Kai began a sucking motion.

Ven pulls away and whips his mouth, he glanced up at the blonde and shovels forwards more. He tugs down his own purple jeans and wraps his arms tightly around Kai's body. The boy jerks a little as he felt an familiar, yet unfamiliar push against hole. Breathing softly, the blonde nipped at his neck and pushed into the brunette who cries against Roxas's member.

Kai dug his fingers into the blankets underneath them, he tries to concentrate on sucking the other blonde off. He feels the boy shudders and gently brushes his hair to the side.

The blue eyed boy tighten his arms around Kai's body, he gently began to rock his hips forward and backward. He hears the boys muffled boys moans and cries. He closes his eyes tightly and shuddered more, speeding up a little.

Roxas lets his head roll back and he cries out, he gasps as Kai almost chocks. The blonde gently slipped himself from the boy's lips and looks at the brunette's plump lips. He wanted to ask if the boy is okay, but he know the boy would be able to answerer, he probably would be able to hear him, not with Ven rolling the two forward and backward.

Ven suddenly rolls backwards, he moves into a sitting position and curls his arms underneath the brunette's legs and holds them out, showing the rosy red member standing out proudly.

Roxas's eyes glances at Ven who nods silently to his question. The boy stands up shakily and tugs down his jeans, he sits back down and slides forward, he helps Ven lift the boy up a little.

Kai's eyes widen even more as he felt another member slid into his hole. He lets out stutter and he shivers, he looks up weary at Roxas who gently peaks him on the lips and slips his arms tightly around the brunette before he too rocked against the brunette.

The brunette squeals loudly, his back arches. Kai's lost for words at the feeling that over takes him, his body shudders and jerks against the two blonde, tails slipped underneath his shirt and rubs against his chest.

Back arching, Kai's body twitches before ha gasped when he felt two different kinds of liquid splash up his backside. He breaths and shudders as he feel against the two, breathless after his own climax.

Roxas chuckles "I think t-that's the first time you haven't s-said a word during it.."

Kai eyes the blonde and pouts "Y-You wanted m-me to talk d-dirty?"

"I would l-like that v-very much.." Ven whispered shyly, ducking his head a little against Kai's shoulder. The brunette blushed brightly and kissed the side of the blonde's head.

"M-Maybe next t-time..V-Venny.." Kai smiled timidly, he looks down and pants a little.

Roxas sighs softly and leans forward a little, he kisses the brunette on the cheek and smiles softly at the amber eyed boy.

Kai groans softly, he smiles a little more and wraps his arms around Ven's shoulder and plays with the boys spikes timidly, his amber eyes half lidded. He hums softly as Roxas leans forward and presses his lips against the others.

Whimpering softly, Ven tightens his arms around the younger brunette. He sighs and nuzzles the boys next and tugs gently on the white cotton shirt still on the boys body, his fingers traces the ribbon of the clothing that looks a little like a corset.

The other blonde pulls away, he smiles and pecks Kai once more. He leans back and looks down, he chuckles and gently touches a hot and hard piece of flesh making the smaller brunette shudder "Kai. You're still hard."

Ven peeks over the brunettes shoulder, he looks down at the boys member and hums softly. He reaches out and circles the tip lightly with his finger as Roxas's finger slid to the base of Kai's member.

Kai whines softly, he tugs gently on the blankets underneath him. He whimpers as he his back arches as the feeling that rounded his member, he bite down on his bottom lip and closes his eyes. His teeth bites harder down on his bottom lip, he could taste the copper liquid ooze into his mouth as he gasped and moaned. Kai felt the ever so familiar feeling of the knot appear in the pit of his stomach and it didn't take long for it to come undone.

Shudders, his back arched as white liquid splashed across both blonds hands. They chuckled as they lifted their hands to look at the liquid. Almost like a mirror Roxas and Ven both licked at their hands, cleaning of the liquid.

Panting, Kai breathed deeply. His eyes flickered a little before he leaned his head back and looked up at the clinging. His cheeks puffed out as he panted before pout "Ano. B-But you are d-dressed like t-the Cheshire C-Cat. S-So where's t-the real C-Cheshire Cat?"

Both blonde laughed, Roxas hums as the trio lays down. Kai pressed between the too once more. Roxas on his back, Kai on his side, head resting on the blonde's shoulder with Ven on his side hugging Kai from the back, his own head nuzzled between the brunette's shoulder blades.

"Well~ I'm right here~"

Kai looks up and squeals at the purple and pink cat sitting on the window seal, his slit eyes sparkled as he tail waved around. A large smirk on his face "And I do have to say. That was one hell of a show~" He purred out disappearing slowly.

The amber eyed boy stared widely before groaning, his face beet red as his head ducks and both blonde chuckled at the sleeping brunette. Ven peeks at Roxas "He…Kai fainted.." He smiles and nuzzled the boy's shoulder.

Roxas brushes the brunette's hair and sighs "And he was doing so well at staying awake after.." He mumbled softly, he pecks the brunette on the forehead.

Ven makes a small humming sound and yawns, his eyes drops as Roxas laughs "And you're no better than him.."

Kai groaned, he rolled over and rubbed his eyes softly. They fluttered up and he stared up at his bedroom cling, he stares blankly up at the patens before he rolls back over and looks up at Meilin, she's still sleeping.

Sighing softly, Kai sat up and held his head, his eyes groggy and he gowns "Need s-sleeping p-pills.." He muttered softly and shakes his head "Or I'm l-losing my m-mind."

Note: so was it good? plz review okay^^

Roxas and Ven's outfits are based of Hikaru and Karou's outfits in Ouran Host Club. Wonderland outfit and Kai's outfit is from Maria from Umineko.

Thanks for reading. See yah soon ^^