Yup. Rewritten with changes. Carry on.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Winx Club cartoon. This also extends to the comics, movies and games, which are owned by Iginio Straffi and his company Rainbow S.r.l. Neither do I own the Barbie films, which are owned by Mattel Entertainment.
Just beyond the rainbow, in a world unseen by most, lies the realm of Magix, though some call it the world of fairies... Fairytopia.
On a large sunflower, a lone girl sat there, accompanied by her pet, a pixie-rabbit that she called Kiko. The small ball of fur was asleep by now, snoring slightly and mumbling gibberish as he slept peacefully atop the wide surface of the flower. The girl, with a mop of long, red hair, had her legs curled beside her, her head tilted back as she watched a group of fairies play above her. Her hair was tied back into a high ponytail, and the girl wore a light blue halter top that revealed her midriff along with a matching skirt with a slit in the side. She wore calf-high boots, also of the same colour.
"Hey girls!" shouted one of the fairies, hovering down so she could look down on the girl. "Look who's there! It's Bloom, the wingless freak!" The fairy laughed haughtily, swooping down just inches away from Bloom's face. The fairies snickered as the leading one flipped her short hair over her shoulder. One, however, had her arms crossed over her chest, scowling at the insult.
Said fairy, a blonde with her hair tied into two low pigtails, clad in an all orange-ensemble, with a single-strap orange top, shorts, and knee-high boots, was Stella, Bloom's best, and only fairy friend.
Kiko woke at the moment, and babbling incoherent words at the fairy, he zipped up into the air, babbling in his language until the leading fairy pushed him down. The small pixie pet, unable to withstand the force the fairy used, yelped as he plummeted down. His wings buzzed frantically, trying to stop him from getting smacked onto the ground and becoming mush.
"Kiko!" Bloom shouted out, instantly jumping down from her secure perch atop her sunflower and expertly grabbing onto the stems and roots of the plants to swing from flower to flower, finally catching her beloved bunny in time. Glaring up at the fairies, she climbed back onto her flower, holding Kiko in her hands. "Amaryl!" she hissed quietly.
"What's the matter, Bloom?" Amaryl mocked, crossing her arms over her chest. "Scared widdle puffball over there is going to fall to his death?" The fairy laughed, as did all the other fairies. "That's so pathetic! Hah - Gah!" she screamed, drifting away with a strong breeze that had mysteriously appeared out of nowhere. The other fairies were similarly blown away, all screaming in shock.
Bloom's lips quirked into a small smile. That wind wasn't as mysterious as the fairies thought. She turned her head to the side, seeing Stella turn around, her arms folded over her chest. The wingless fairy smiled at her friend, standing up while cradling Kiko in her arms. "Thanks for helping, Stel," she called out.
The sunshine fairy dived down and landed on the sunflower, placing her hand on Bloom's shoulder. "I'm your friend, B," she said, smiling. "It's what friends do." The fairy extended her hand to Bloom, and when the girl took it, she gently flew the other down to the ground. "I'm not going to let those pixies tease you, Bloom," she said comfortingly.
Bloom shook her head as she started walking. Both Stella and Kiko took to the air near the ground, keeping close to her. "It's okay, Stella," the red-head shrugged. "I'm used to them by now."
"I know," Stella sighed. "But they keep doing this every day, and it doesn't help that your parents abandoned you to Alfea!"
Alfea was Bloom's residence, a peony flower coloured pale pink and blue.
Suddenly, a group of fairies, the same ones from earlier, swooped down, whispering in Stella's ear. Then, the fairy backed up, and spoke to the trio. "You'd best head home," she warned in a low, ominous tone. "It's safe there." After that, she flew off, soon becoming a speck in the blue air.
"What did she say, Stel?" Bloom immediately asked, her heart racing at the ominous warning. "What did she mean by 'it's safe there'?" When Stella didn't reply to her, Bloom swallowed down her nervousness and tried again. "Stel...?"
"The word in Magix Meadows is that..." Stella swallowed before she looked Bloom in the eye, her brown eyes unusually serious. "Griselda has been fairy-napped!" Stella looked around, before she finally leant in, and whispered in Bloom's ear, "By the shadow lord Darkar."
Bloom looked at her friend, stunned for a moment, before she finally found her senses and replied, her voice shaky. "But... but Darkar is just a myth!" she protested, paling. "He doesn't exist!" Beside her, Kiko babbled in agreement. Anyone could see that the two were clearly startled out of their minds. Bloom shivered, suddenly feeling like the temperature had dropped down to zero. "He... doesn't exist... does he?"
Stella shook her head, her brown eyes concerned. "I don't know, Bloom," she finally stated. "But I'll ask my mother. You'd better go home." The blonde was silent for a few more seconds before she asked, "Can you get home to Alfea safe?"
Bloom nodded. "Don't worry, Stel," she reassured the blonde. "I have Kiko with me." As if to make a point, the pixie babbled a string of words.
"Right," Stella replied, her eyes shining with worry. "I'll be going now, B. Be safe." The sunshine fairy immediately took to the air, her wings beating hard as she shot home to her mother, Luna. The blond fairy left behind a trail of yellow sparkles as she flew, the light emitting from the sparkles slowly fading as the sparkles dissolved in the air.
Bloom waves to her friend until the fairy could no longer be seen in the darkening sky of Magix Meadows. "Come on, Kiko," she finally said to the rabbit. "It's time we went home too."
After some time, the duo found their way back to the enormous flower with pink and blue petals. "Hey, Alfea," Bloom called out to the flower, which opened one petal to her at once. With a smile, the two went inside the flower. Inside was a simple room, with a bed and a vanity opposite it. Bloom sat down at the vanity, letting her red hair down. She grabbed a brush, running it through her hair as she stared at her reflection. "I just can't get over what Stel told me, Kiko," Bloom finally muttered, putting her brush down.
"I mean, Griselda's one of the Fairy Guardian's right? She couldn't have been fairy-napped, especially not by a myth... right, Kiko?" Bloom turned around when there was no reply from her usually very vocal pet. "Kiko?" She saw the bunny curled up on her bed, and couldn't help but laugh. "My little Kiko," she sighed. "At least one of us is having a good night's rest." She climbed into bed, staring up at Alfea for a while until a soothing lullaby started to play.
A smile crossed her lips, and she laughed. "A lullaby. Alfea, you're the best." The song seemed to twitter in response, and in the soothing melody's embrace, Bloom fell asleep, into the calming arms of dreams.
Yup, I added more drama to the situation, and I changed the characters about. We'll see how Griselda's doing in the next chapter.