Rating: T

Pairing: Alice Kingsleigh/Tarrant Hightopp

Summary: Alice returns to Underland and Chessur shows her something, that she wasn't expecting to see. What has the Hatter been doing while she was absent?

Disclaimer: I don't own Alice in Wonderland. I use it just to calm down my imagination.

A/N: Don't worry, my story "The Magic in Wonderland" is still in progress. It's just a little oneshot, that's been torturing me for some time. So I wrote it down to get my head a little bit less crowded. English isn't my first language, so please forgive my mistakes here. Enjoy!

As sober as the Cheshire Cat.

"Chessur? Where are you leading me?" Alice spoke running behind the Cat, who moved in the air through the forest very fast.

"No time. Just follow me."

Alice groaned annoyingly. "Chess! Could you move a little bit slower? In case you haven't noticed, we're in a forest and I can't run as fast as you can fly!"

He turned to her and his grin grew even wider. "The same little Alice," he purred, "but you really should be trying. Otherwise we might be late."

"Late for what?" the girl inquired.

The Cat turned his back to her and continued flying through the forest. "You'll see," he simply stated.

Alice rolled her eyes and followed

Only two years have passed since her last visit to Underland. During that time she'd answered all her questions and accomplished many businesses. Firstly, she had declined the proposal of Hamish Ascot, secondly, she'd expanded her father's trading company and thirdly, she had been blackmailing Lowell Manchester, her brother-in-law, so he had stopped cheating on her sister. And that was just wonderful.

Two weeks ago the girl had returned from China to London and her family had greeted her warmly, but still Alice hadn't felt right. London wasn't her home anymore. Now it was Underland.

She'd missed all her friends and so wanted to see them again. Then the girl had decided to return no matter what. To Tweedles, Mirana, McTwisp, Dodo, Mally, Thackery… and Hatter. She had written a letter to her mother and sister and run to the Ascot's estate. Somehow she'd made her way to the territory and headed for the familiar hole.

The fall hadn't been that frightful as before. And luckily when she finally fell, one of the doors had been open.

Then she'd found the Cheshire Cat, who'd been really happy to see her as well. But then she'd noticed he was worried. At first he'd refused to tell her and Alice had had to ask him several times before he agreed.

And now they were making their way through the forest and Alice was a little bit annoyed with Chessur's behavior. He was still refusing to tell her what had happened.

Finally, they reached a clearing. Alice was panting from exhaustion. She was really tired, but nevertheless she was determined to know the truth. So she stared at the view in front of her. Chessur pointed to the one side of the glade and the girl finally saw a small house.

"What is that, Chess?" she asked.

"Why don't you just go there and see the place yourself?" He grinned.

"Is it dangerous?" Alice asked with curiosity in her voice.

"As soon as there is a man, who can protect you, no, it isn't." And he evaporated before she was able to ask him the next question.

She sighed. 'A man who can protect me? Who might it be?' And she started towards the house.

When Alice approached it, she heard music and loud voices coming from there. 'What place is that?' She asked herself silently and carefully opened the door. And gasped at the sight before her.

There were many people inside. And all of them, including women, were drunk. Very drunk. They were laughing, fighting and turning everything upside down. But what shocked Alice the most – was how men were treating drunken women. They were kissing them open-mouthed, touching them everywhere, nearly undressing them. And these women were allowing them. Alice, who grew in London has never seen behavior like that. And it frightened her. A lot.

Alice wanted to get out of this place. She took a step backwards, but stopped abruptly. 'Wait, I can't just leave. Chess wanted me to see it. I must find something here. Or someone.' And she made two confident steps in. As soon as she did it, the door behind her closed. 'There is no way back,' Alice understood.

Once again she looked over the bar, trying to catch something with her eye. Finally her gaze stopped on the counter. A man in a top hat was sitting there. Even with his back to her she immediately recognized him. He was holding a half-empty glass in his hand and pondering something. She noticed what was in his glass and groaned in frustration. 'A rum.'

She confidently moved through the crowd to the Hatter, trying to ignore curious stares of the men. She was half-way to him, when suddenly someone stepped in front of her, blocking her way to her friend. He wasn't very tall, but she saw his muscular arms and realized that this guy was dangerous when angry.

"What are you doing in this place, lady?" He spat the last word mockingly. "This place is a very dangerous to pretty girls like you." He took a step closer to her.

"I'm here to meet my friend. He… is waiting for me," Alice half-lied.

The man chuckled and his gray eyes sparkled. "He can wait, can't he?" And he grabbed her arms roughly.

"Get your hands away from me!" Alice shouted, panicking.

Nobody heard her. People were laughing and minding their business. The man grinned, grabbed her waist and pressed her to his chest. Alice screamed in fear.

Suddenly, the man released her and she fell down on the floor, hitting her back slightly. She closed her eyes in pain, but abruptly opened them, when she heard strange voices above her.

Alice opened her eyes and gasped in surprise. Now there wasn't only the scary man, but Tarrant as well. His eyes were red in madness and he glared with hatred at the man, who was clutching his side. Then he took one step forwards and hit the man in the face. The man tried to hit the Hatter as well, but Tarrant quickly dodged and punched the man again. Maybe the man was strong, but Tarrant was mad. He was much more dangerous. The stranger fell on the floor beside Alice.

The girl was too shocked to say something. She just stared at the man, who was moaning in pain beside her. Nobody stared at them. Fights are not rare in places like that. So everybody continued chatting.

Finally Alice looked up at Tarrant. He was panting and his eyes were still red. He was staring at the man beside her, fisting his hands. Alice stood up and walked to him in order to calm him down. He never noticed her. He moved forwards to kick the man, but Alice stood right in front of him, pressing her hand to his chest, stopping him.

Tarrant just stared at her. His red eyes focused on hers. She gulped. It seemed he didn't calm down. 'He's drunk!' Alice realized. But too late.

The Hatter grabbed her shoulders, turned around and pressed her against the wall. Alice's heart was beating rapidly. She stared in his eyes, fearing what he was capable of. And then it happened. His mouth captured hers and he began to kiss her passionately. Alice froze. He. Was. Kissing. Her.

Tarrant became desperate, for she wasn't responding to him. She was too shocked. So he aggressively pressed his body to hers and bid with his tongue that she open her mouth to him.

Alice lost herself for some moments and opened her mouth to him, moving her lips in perfect unison with his. But when she felt his tongue inside, moving, dueling with her own, she suddenly remembered that he was drunk. Instantly, she pushed him from her. He was too drunk to stand and as a result fell on the floor.

Some people laughed at him. But Alice, flushed, turned to the barman. "How much rum has he drunk?" She asked.

The barman chuckled. "Almost the whole bottle! And he's been visiting my bar for some weeks already!"

Alice frowned and looked down at Tarrant, who was lying on the floor, unable to stand.

She bent on her knees to him. "Oh, Hatter, what have you done? Why?"

He just stared at her with now yellow eyes. The girl sighed. "Let's go, Hatter. I must bring you home." She took his hand, stood up and helped him to his feet. He swayed a bit, but she supported him.

They slowly made their way to the door and left that place. 'I'm never going there again!' Alice swore as they walked through the forest.

Suddenly, Tarrant freed himself from her grip and stopped, eyeing her suspiciously. Alice turned to him. "Hatter? What's wrong?"

"Why are ye still 'ere?" he asked, his yellow eyes becoming orange.

"W-what? Where should I be?"

He moved further from her, "Ye're nae like th' others." He whispered anxiously.

"Hatter? Are you alright?"

"Please, go! Ah d'nae want teh see any illusions anymore! Jus' go!"

His eyes became red once again.

"Hatter!" Alice stepped to him and raised her hands to calm him down.

He watched her closely, as she approached him and pressed her lips to his. He closed his eyes and responded softly to the kiss. She pulled apart and smiled.

"Now, you believe me?"

He kissed her again. They stood there for some moments, but then he gently pressed her against the tree. His mouth claimed hers passionately, his hands wandered up and down her body. And she moaned slightly, "Hatter!"

"Nae, lass. D'nae call meh that. Ah'm Tarrant Hightopp. An' Ah'm yers! Completely yers!" he panted between light kisses to her neck.

"Yes," Alice breathed. Then she remembered something. "Tarrant, why have you been drinking so much?"

He pulled apart from her. "'Cause Ah've been waitin' fir ye." He answered simply.

"But why? You shouldn't have!"

The Hatter sighed. "Ah had teh. Othe'wise, Madness would ha'e overtaken meh. Th' rum really helps in these cases."

"You waited for me?"

"Aye, lass. An' ye ken why? I luv ye."

A warm feeling spread through her body. She smiled. "I wouldn't have come back if I wasn't in love with you too."

The Hatter grinned and nuzzled her neck, sucking on the soft spot there.

"But Tarrant, you need to sober up. I'm taking you home right now!" she said teasingly.

"Nae, lass. Ah'm as sober as th' Cheshire Cat." Tarrant murmured, laying his head on her shoulder and closing his eyes.

"Why, Tarrant! You still remember an old friend!" a voice purred above them.

But Tarrant was already fast asleep. The girl felt his weight on her, but it wasn't that difficult to support him, for she was leaning against the tree. Alice looked up and smiled when she saw Chess.

"Chessur? What do we do?"

The Cat grinned even wider. "Well, I can help you. But Tarrant will owe me something."

"I hope he wouldn't mind," Alice chucked.

"Where to, little Alice?"

To the Windmill, please and thank you." Alice ran her fingers through the man's hair.

"OK, then." Chessur purred. "Hold on!"

And they disappeared from the sight. In some seconds Alice felt herself inside the house and opened her eyes. She was in the Windmill, in a living room. To tell the truth, the inside of the Windmill didn't look as old as the outside.

Alice was standing near the coach, so she was able to lay Tarrant there easily. "Thank you, Chess." She stroked the Cat's fur.

He just grinned and evaporated.

Alice bent down, kissed Tarrant softly on the cheek and whispered, "Goodnight, my Tarrant." Then she went to see round the house. After all, she needed to find a place to sleep. The girl just hoped he wouldn't mind. 'Of course, he wouldn't.'

A/N: 1) The idea struck me while I was watching the "Pirates of the Caribbean". There, as you remember, Jack Sparrow (Johny Depp, yes) was drinking rum. So that's how it appeared in my mind.

2) Chessur normally couldn't transfer objects. But in my fanfic I decided to give him this ability, so he was able to carry Alice and Tarrant to the Windmill. Again, my imagination.

I hope you liked it :) Review.