He Followed Me Home, Can I Keep Him?

Chapter 1: Shadows in the Dark

Summary: An unknown organization has they're eyes on a very powerful hollow. Only one thing stands in their way…. One Substitute Shinigami. It's up to Ichigo to find out what this group is up to.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach, wish I did but I don't.

Just a note so no one is confused, this story will take place after the fight against Azien, but Ichigo does not lose his powers. Also I will do my best to keep the characters from being OOC but at least with some of them will be a bit OOC at times. Anyway this was a story idea that just hit me one day and it hasn't gone way since, so I want to get it out there for others to read. I hope you enjoy.

Reworked: Just a note, since I've now found a beta reader, I'll be going through each chapter and editing them or adding onto them. But if I don't make any big changes I won't make a note of it. All those chapters that have been will have reworked at the top. All but this one that is, I didn't change much here just wanted to informed you guys what I was doing.

Somewhere in an unknown location….

"I think I've found it." A figure says while typing way at a computer. This man is but one of many that sat in the room. Each one forced on their own screens, all but one. This one man walks over to the one that spoke up.

The man looks over the first one's shoulder to take a peek at the screen himself. "So you've finally located that strong hollow signal that we keep see in that region?" He asks.

The first figure gave a quick nod. "Yes Sir, after observing that region for some time, I've finally been able to find the exact town that the hollow has pick for it's territory." The other man gave a small nod, but before he could say a thing the first continues. "Though it seems that since last we picked up the signal it's only become stronger. If we wait too long there is a chance that it might become too powerful to be…."

"Do not worry, no target as yet to escape our soldiers. I'm sure that they are more than capable of handling it." The second man says cutting off the first one before he can even finish his sentence. He takes a closer look at the screen. "Karakura Town huh? I'll send out an order to our men that are close to that area, make sure to send them all the information we have on this one." The man says as he moves to walk away. 'The last thing we need is for that target to disappear again…' He can't help but think as he glances over his shoulder has he walks out of the room.

"Yes Sir! I'll get right on it." Says the first has he begins to type faster on his keyboard.

Sometime later that night outside of Karakura Town…..

A group stands overlooking the town. One of them pulls out a small machine and hits a few buttons on it. "This is the place alright. Let's see what it says about our target…." Says the man. He looks to be in his mid-20s with short black hair and he was wearing an army looking outfit. He gives out a low whistle, "Wow, not much on this one really. It's good at hiding it's spiritual pressure, there is no info on how it looks, there is nothing about it's abilities at all. The scanning team really slacked off with this one. What do you think Jimmy?"

"How many times have I told you Mickael, it's just Jim…" replies Jim. Jim appears to be in his last 20s, he has longer then shoulder length dirty blond hair that is pulled back into a ponytail. His outfit also looks to be that of some sort of military. "As for our target, if I remember right this one would keep appearing then disappear off of the scanning team's radar. So it can't be helped if there is not much information to go by. In fact that's part of the reason we're here, to find the hollow and get more details on it to see if we more out here to help or if just the three of us will be enough. Am I right Miss Lilly?" Jim asks as he glances to his side.

A young woman takes a step forward. "That's right, but I doubt we'll need any more than just us. We'll be more than enough to take whatever this town has to throw at us." Lilly looks to be close to her mid-20s if not a bit younger. She has close to shoulder length hair that is dyed blue and she also is wearing a military looking outfit but it looks a little bit different from her companions. "So stop the small talk and let's spilt up and find this thing. We all have the signal of it's spiritual pressure to go by so that should be enough to find this hollow." As she says this she holds up her own device much like what Mickael has in his hand.

"Yes ma!" Says Mickael with a half salute while a small smirk crosses his face. "I hope this one is more fun than the last one. Anyway let's get moving Sky Shatter." He says while looking over his shoulder has a large bird like monster moves over to him. He hops onto it's back and glances at Jim. "Hey Jimmy, I bet I'll find it first!" Mickeal says with a laugh as he gives a silent command to Sky Shatter to take off.

Jim gives a small sigh as he watches Mickael fly away, "I really wish he would stop calling me that… And why does he always have to try and turn it into some sort of game…" He shakes his head as he holds out his hand. "Come Razor and let us be off." As he says this the air next to him opens up, within one could see the shadowy outline of another sort of monster. Jim turns to Lilly long enough to give her a salute before he walks into the distorted air which closes after him.

Lilly just shakes her head at that and turns to look at the town once more. "I wonder what this one is like. No hollow has ever been able to elude the scanning team for more than a year before. Either way they want this one and bad. Let's get moving Blade Dancer." She says before moving toward the town followed by another large creature. If one were to look closely at it one could see what looks to be some sort of scary looking bone white mask on the face of the creature in the light of the pale moon.

That's it for this chapter, hope this is enough for now to get you guys to come back for more. Either way enjoy. R&R please!