Disclaimer: Glee and its characters do not belong to me.

Hello, everyone :)

I have been writing this for about a month now and it's almost done. I'm just finishing the last few chapters at the moment, and I will upload a new one every few days.

Although this is a Titanic/Glee story, it is not a crossover. All the characters you may recognise from the film in this story were real people, and I haven't used any of the original characters from the movie here.

That being said, I have done a fair bit of research on the Titanic to try and make this story as real as possible. Some things I have changed to suit the story, and I will let you know what is different. As this is set in 1912, I've tried to use language and clothing and such as they would have been used then.

Also, I don't really know much about either English or American culture, so if something doesn't make sense, it's because I'm not from either of those places.

The title is from the Florence + the Machine song, 'Never Let Me Go' which you may recognise from the Titanic miniseries.

By the way, in case you didn't see the pairing, this story will be slash. If that's not your thing then this probably isn't for you.

So yes, please enjoy and I would love to know what you think!

Placing the last of his suitcases by the car, Jeff stretched his aching muscles, having just arranged his entire life into four bags. He'd made two separate trips to bring them outside into the courtyard where his family's luxury cars were waiting.

"Jeffery, darling, I told you to leave that for the workers." His mother Lydia gestured towards his suitcases. He rolled his eyes.

"Mother, I am quite capable of carrying a couple of bags." The thing about Jeff's parents was that if they didn't have to do something, they wouldn't. To his mother, it just made plain sense to leave all the work for their staff because that's what they were paid to do.

Turning his back on her, he passed his suitcases to the chauffer, who was busy organising all of the carry-on luggage into the two cars. The rest of his family's possessions had been delivered to the dock at Southampton the previous evening, where it was waiting to be loaded aboard the Titanic. Although he was privileged to be travelling aboard on the ship's maiden voyage, Jeff couldn't help but feel nostalgic about leaving England. He'd only been there a few months, but the quiet countryside had appealed to him much more than the bustle of New York. And now he was going back.

Hearing a commotion, Jeff shot a wary glance to his left where three of the staff were struggling with seven large ports. A blonde girl stood behind them, fussing over her luggage as though it were her lifeline.

He sighed as his eyes fell upon his nineteen year old fiancée, Brittany. Donned in a light blue evening dress, she had a large hat on her head, her blonde hair falling in waves around her shoulders. Jeff couldn't deny she looked beautiful, even if he didn't really want to marry her.

He straightened as a tall, fair-haired man strode in to view. Dressed in a sophisticated black suit, he looked every part the business man he was.

"Father," Jeff greeted him.

"Jeffery. Are we ready to go?" Without waiting for a reply, he turned towards the car where his wife and his son's fiancée were now both waiting.

Jeff sighed. Business as usual. He could hardly remember a time when his father had shown any sort of affection for him. He'd always been told that that's what makes a successful businessman – never letting emotions get in the way of success. And John Sterling was definitely an example of that.

Casting a longing glance around the place he'd called home for the past several months, Jeff drew in a deep breath and slipped into second waiting car with his father. He shouldn't let it get to him. After all, he'd moved around more times in his life than he cared to count. But he really would miss England, and he vowed to himself that he would return.

As the two cars rolled down the long driveway, Jeff closed his eyes and rested his head back against the seat, slipping into a deep sleep.

He was awoken by a firm hand upon his shoulder.

"Come on, Jeffery, get out. We're here."

Opening his eyes, Jeff looked out the car window and gazed upon the RMS Titanic. The surrounding streets were alive with thousands of people wanting to catch a glimpse of the enormous ship. Cars blocked the roads, and large cranes lifted tonnes of luggage into the air to go aboard the ship. Some people were screaming, others were laughing, some were crying.

The most anticipated event of the year had arrived.

As he slipped out of the car, Jeff looked back at the ship. Its sheer size was without a doubt the most impressive feature of it. Standing at one hundred and seventy-five feet tall, and over eight hundred and eighty-two feet long, it was the largest ocean liner built in history.

Of course, the grandeur of it all was the reason why the Sterling's were aboard in the first place. Jeff's parents had not hesitated to pay for the £870 tickets, thinking it to present a positive image for them to be known to be aboard. Wealth and power were the only things his parents were concerned with, and being aboard the Titanic, notably in First Class, was an indication of their wealth to every other patron.

Jeff straightened his suit jacket and walked over to where his family and fiancée were standing on the other side of the car, offering his arm to Brittany politely. His mother was gushing about the size of the ship to the girl, who looked seemingly unimpressed. But, Jeff thought, that was how she usually looked.

As they made their way to the first class entrance, his father stopped several times to greet the other upper class businessman.

"Ah, Mr Astor. A pleasure to see you again." His father nodded and shook hands with a tall man who Jeff had met several times over the years.

He leant in closer to Brittany's ear. "That's John Jacob Astor."

The blonde girl looked bored as she glanced up at Jeff and raised her eyebrows. "I know who it is, Jeffery. My father and he are quite well acquainted." Raising her chin in the air, she slipped her arm out of his and walked forward to rejoin his mother.

Great. Off to a good start already.

After listening politely to his father's conversation for several minutes, Jeff excused himself and made his way to the boarding area where his mother and Brittany were waiting impatiently.

"Where is your father?" Mrs Sterling huffed. "We must be one of the first to go aboard. What if someone delivers our luggage to the wrong rooms?"

"They won't, mother."

"They could though, Jeffery. No doubt they hired only the most unemployed of the proletariats." She sneered at the word as if it was a disease.

Jeff looked away from his mother, his eyes resting on the large vessel. They'd called it 'The Ship of Dreams', and he desperately hoped it wasn't in vain. He had to escape this life, this meaningless existence where the idea of happiness was something to be scoffed at, where money was the centre of everyone's universe. He wasn't sure how long he could survive like this until he went insane.

As they boarded the ship, Jeff wished for something magical to happen. He looked around at the other first class patrons and all he saw were replicas of his mother and father. It was proof to him that no one could be happy when they were stuck in this life. And Jeff could only hope that he'd be able to get out, before the damage was irreversible.

But he had a feeling it was already too late.

Nick tapped his foot impatiently against the pavement. "Come on, Sebastian. Hurry up."

The tall boy a few metres away glanced up. "Hey! It's not my fault they insist on checking every inch of my scalp. It if was up to me I'd be on board the darn ship already – ouch!"

Nick rolled his eyes at his cousin's antics. Yes, they had been required to be checked for diseases and pests, but Sebastian's rebellious ways made the inspectors job that much harder. Nick's inspection had taken less than a minute because he'd stood still and kept his mouth shut. He could see the arrogant smirks on the inspector's faces as they purposely took twice as long looking over Sebastian.

When he was finally let go, muttering and cursing, he walked over to Nick, straightening his clothes and shooting glares at them.

Nick smirked in amusement. "You ready now?"

"Yes, Mr Duval. Now that they've ascertained that I don't have a rodent breeding pit or nits in my hair, I am ready."

"Good." Nick nodded his head, slinging his sack over his shoulder and starting to board the ship, only half listening to Sebastian's complaints.

"Honestly, I don't get why we have to go through the stupid Health Inspection anyway. Just because we may not be as well off as those rag dolls from First Class, it doesn't mean we're unsanitary! Look at them, just waltzing aboard with their little fluffy dogs and top hats." He put on a feminine voice, mimicking, "Oh, look Mary. Little Fido has a knot in his fur. How very unfortunate."

Nick shook his head, putting a ghastly look on his face. "Sebastian, I'm sure that's not all they talk about. Are you forgetting the fine china and the cushions on the chairs?"

Sebastian laughed. "How could I possibly forget, Nicky?"

"How many times have I told you not to call me that!"

As Sebastian threw back another remark, Nick smiled at the playful banter between the two of them. As much of a pain as Sebastian was sometimes, they had a close relationship.

Stepping over the threshold aboard the ship, Nick looked up at the tall boy, a grin on his face. Making their way to E Deck, he felt the happiest he'd been in a long time. He nodded happily at other passengers as they passed them in the narrow, white corridors. As they found and entered their room, he turned to his cousin.

"We're going to America, Sebastian. America!"

"I know, little cousin. They'd better prepare themselves, because Sebastian Smythe and Nicholas Duval are about to wreak some havoc!"

Nick laughed, noticing one side of the small room was occupied with belongings. Looking at the empty bunk, he turned to Sebastian. "So, are we flipping to see who gets top bunk?"

The other boy's eyes widened, looking at the corner of the room. "What on earth is that?"

Nick spun around, trying to find what he was looking at. "What...?"

Not seeing anything out of the ordinary, he turned back around to see Sebastian smirking at him from the top bunk of the bed.

"What's that you were saying about me having the top bunk, Nicky?"

Throwing his sack of belongings onto the lower bed, Nick grumbled. "Alright, fine. You win. I'll have bottom bunk."

Sebastian just smirked at him. "Love you, Nicky."

All he got in response was a groan.

In real life, Third Class boarded first because there were so many of them, but I have changed this here. Also, the Astor's didn't board until Cherbourg.

I'd love to know what you thought!