Hey everyone! See I never keep you waiting long do I.

Okay so for those who have been following 'The Puzzle Man' I hope you enjoy this installment and I hope you enjoy this opening chapter.

Namira, I am sorry but Eric is going to be around for a few chapters but not that many I promise.

For those who are new to this I redirect your attention to the last two installments. To understand this you will need to read 'Hangman' first, then read 'The Puzzle Man' and this should make sense.

Enjoy and please review.

All mistakes are my own

Reid felt his lungs burn as he continued to run. He was clenching his jaw as he ignored the pain in his leg. Reid's body betrayed him as his legs began to slow down. Reid stood for a moment before collapsing onto the ground as the adrenaline began with wither. Eric collapsed next to Reid and panted for breath, Reid knew that they had to stop and rest for a few minutes, he didn't even know how long they had been running for. All Reid knew was that getting out of the mental hospital was the only option. The pain in his leg was bearable, he would rather have the pain than fall victim to Jay Henson again. They had made it to the basment in the hospital and climbed through the window. Reid had practically pulled Eric towards the woods nearby.

"Are you..okay Dr Reid," Eric said as he tried to regain his breath.

"I-I'm okay, w-we need to k-keep going. W-we need to g-get to a pay phone," Reid said before taking a deep breath in to try and soothe the fire in his lungs.

"I can't believe we did that. Michael just stormed into my room and hit. Why did he want you?" Eric panicked slightly before he began tapping his knee repeatedly.

"A-A very bad man i-is after m-me and Micheal was g-going to take me back to h-him. I-I can't go back to him, I can't go through that a-again," Reid said fearfully. Reid knew he couldn't go through torture again. Reid looked to his disfigured hand, he ran his fingers over the spot where his little finger used to be. Reid remembered how he had screamed when Jay had sliced his little finger off with a cigar cutter, he remembered seeing his little finger dropped next to his head. Reid brought himself back from the memories to see Eric staring at him with wide eyes.

"I always noticed that but I never said anything. How did it happen?" Eric asked as he pointed to the space where Reid's finger used to be. Reid quickly pulled his jacket sleeve over his hand and got to his feet.

"I d-don't want t-to talk about it," Reid snapped before he looked around.

"I'm sorry," Eric apologised. "I didn't mean to offend you."

Reid felt guilty as he realised he had hurt Eric's feelings.

"I'm sorry Eric. I-Its j-just hard to t-talk about some of the th-things in my past. Come on, I-I know w-which way we have t-to go."

Reid was happy that he had an eidetic memory at that moment. He has memorised most maps to do with this area. He guessed that they would hit a payphone within the next two miles. All Reid knew was that they had to stay off the main rooms and out of sight of the police. Reid knew that it was probable that his escape had been discovered and alerts had now been put up. Reid just needed to call the one person he hoped he could trust.

He knew he needed to call Gideon.


Garcia started to lose her breath as she ran up the bullpen stairs and into Hotch's office. The team had arrived back late from a case and were about to leave. Garcia ran into Hotch's office to discover Rossi and Hotch to give her confused looks. They both knew that something was wrong by the look in her eyes.

"Garcia, what's wrong?" Rossi questioned.

"He's gone, he is just gone!" Garcia panicked.

"Who is?" Hotch asked.

"Reid!" Garcia shouted slightly. "I just recieved a call. He escaped with another patient, they found one of the guards on the floor with a bloody nose in his room and Reid was missing. They don't know how long he has been gone for and they still haven't found him."

"That place is supposed to keep him safe and they lost him. I knew that place was wrong!" Hotch said angrily as he picked up his office phone and dialled the hospital. Rossi walked over to Garcia and gave her a small hug to calm her. He could she was in between anger and panic with her emotions. Rossi and Garcia withdrew from the hug and jumped when they heard Hotch shouting down the phone. Rossi guided Garcia out of the office, he noticed that the rest of the team had come over.

"Garcia, do they know how he got out?" Rossi asked her.

"They searched around and found a window had been opened in the basement. Rossi, he could be anywhere right now. Anything could happen to him. We need to find him," Garcia sighed in fustration.

"What's going on?" Morgan asked as he walked over with Emily. JJ was still in her cubicle on the phone.

"Reid is missing from the hospital, they think he escaped with another patient," Rossi told Morgan.

"What?" Morgan shouted causing Garcia to jump. "That place is supposed to be secure. Do they know where he may have gone?"

JJ suddenly slammed the phone down angrily and ran over to the group.

"JJ, what's wrong?" Emily asked.

"Jay Henson escaped prison last night. They just called and told me after they failed to find him. Do you think that he is going try and take Reid from the hospital?" JJ asked as she tried to ignore the growing worry in her heart as she thought about Reid.

"JJ, Reid went missing from the hospital last night. This is not good," Rossi said.

"We need to find him. Reid is out there, we have no idea of his mental state at the moment and Jay Henson, the man that almost killed him is out and after him. We need to move now," Morgan said desperately, all he wanted was to make sure that Reid was alright. He flinched slightly as an image of Reid laying dead in a ditch covered in blood came into his mind.

'Please be alright Reid' Morgan thought.


Reid stopped dead when he saw the object of his desire, he let out a small breath of relief when he saw a payphone in front of him. It was still late in the night and Reid couldn't see anyone nearby. Eric stumbled slightly behind Reid before he came to stand at Reid's side.

"Eric, s-stay here. I-I'm going to go m-make a call, if anyone c-comes you need t-to stay hidden. I will be r-right back," Reid told Eric. Eric looked worried for a moment before he nodded. Reid watched as Eric sat against a tree and started tapping his knee nervously.

Reid took one more look around before he walked over to the payphone. Reid picked up the handset and felt a rush of joy when he heard a dial tone. Reid dialled for the operator and asked to make a collect call to Gideon. Reid awaited nervously for a time before he heard Gideon's voice.

"Hello," Reid heard Gideon yawn down the phone.

"G-Gideon, I-I need your h-help."

I hope that was okay. Please review, I would love to know what you think of this opening chapter.

Also I have to ask those who have been reading the last two installments. Why do you like it? I have to ask as I am shocked by how many people read. I'm thrilled but also intrigued.

Please review