A/N Inspired by role-play awesomeness! I own nothing!

"Woo hoo! Ahsoka! Guess what!" Anakin had burst into Ahsoka's room almost knocking her over.

"Ah! Master! Haven't you heard of knocking? What if I had been changing my robes? Or had just gotten out of the fresher?" The glare she gave him could have cut through a lightsaber.

"Forget about that! Guess what!" He was fit to burst.

"Master! How can you be so senseless! I'm a teenage girl and I need my priva-"

"WILL YOU JUST GUESS ALREADY!" His arm flailed around wildly

"Fine, Skyguy! Chill, okay! Umm, you got married to that Senator from Naboo and she's having a baby."

"Yes. Wait, NO!...How did you know?"

"It's kind of obvious. You know the whole galaxy knows, right?"

"But, but, but..." His jaw hit the floor.

"Oh, forget it. Is that what you wanted to talk about?"

"No, actually it has absolutely nothing to do with that." Finally, he regained his composure. "Since the end of the war, the Council has decided to reinstitute former policies."

"Meaning what?" Ahsoka was extremely puzzled. As far as she knew, things were the same as they had always been.

"Well, to start off with, they are allowing attachments again-"

"Yay! I need to go call Lux! Be right back, Master!"

20 minutes later...

"I'm back!"

"Finally! I've been standing here forever!"

"Anyway, please continue."

"Also, every Friday night there will be a party in a designated Jedi's quarters."

What's a party?" the puzzled look returned to the Togruta's face. And, once again, Anakin's jaw hit the floor.

"I thought I raised you better than that. Haven't you ever come with me and Obi-Wan to that little Correlian pub in Sector 15?"

"No, you said I was too young."

"Oh. Hmm. I thought your hair looked funny."

"I don't have hair."

"You did at the party."

"Master! Were you drunk?"

"Maybe...*cricket, cricket*"

"What am I going to do with you, Skyguy?"

"It was Obi-Wan's idea, not mine! So, back on topic, we are hosting the party."

"What's a party?"

"Argh! Nevermind! Just come with me to the store. We need to get food."

"We have plenty of food here, Master. Why do we need more?"

"Because, we need other kinds of food. Now, are you coming with me or not?"

"Fine, I'm coming! But, seriously, what's a party?"