Author's Note: This here is my FIRST Gitama story so I will need to know if it's good or not. Also this is my first romance, mainly yaoi fanfic. Let me know if there are any errors in this in reviews.
Warning: Foul language, chances of blood, chances of yaoi scenes in this story that may disturb people. If you don't like yaoi skip over it or simply don't read. For those who like yaoi and this pairing, please enjoy a review.
Pairing: Gintoki and Hijikata, with Hijikata as seme and Gintoki uke. Try reading it and see if you might it this was
Disclaimer: I don't own Gitama or its characters in any way. I could never come up with it; I'm only girl who is crazy about Gitama.
Chapter 1: Where am I?
To Gintoki in his room:
"Gin-san! We have consumers, wake up already!" Shinpachi yelled. "Hurry up, GIN-SAN!"
The lazy freelancer laid on his futon snoozing the day away. Not wanting to do anything today, he tried to ignore yelling from Shinipi, whatever his name was. It sucks to look after two kids and a big dog. They ate too much. China cleans out apartment if he and Shinpachi weren't there. A dog that eats eight dog food bags a day, isn't you regular average dog. Also the old woman hasn't got her rent from this month, last month, and the month before that from him yet. Shinpachi left with a huff seeing he wasn't budging. Looking at the clock it read 10 a.m., it was going to me a long day. Propping on one elbow Gintoki yawned and stretched like a cat. Making his bones pop a few times he got up and went to the bathroom. After using the toilet he brushed his teeth. Glancing in the mirror he saw his hair and growled. Why the shitty hell was his hair always looks look like this in the fucking morning? Turning on the sink faucet for the cold water he rinsed his toothbrush and put it in its respectable place on the shelves. With the water still running his placed his hands under the water and splashed him face in rapid movements. Brushing some of the water in his hair he managed to tame the white curls. Now that the hair was taken of he left the bathroom feeling refreshed. Next goal, going to the kitchen to get strawberry milk. Walking in the kitchen he opened the fridge and took out the carton and drank. Closing the door he completely ignored the note from Shinpachi and Kagura. Sitting in living room on the couch he turned on the television. Since nothing caught his interest he fell asleep again.
To Hijikata at the Shinsengumi headquarters:
The bazooka fired off at the Demon-Vice Commander while he was asleep. Dodging just in the nick of time, he managed to escape the deadly blow. Scowling he faced the person who shot him. Why does he get shot all the fucking time! That didn't need to be answered for he already knew who. Damn Sougo… Blowing the smoke from the opening Sougo came in with an indifferent expression. The racket startled all of the Shinsengumi, and they came rushing to the location. Kondo showed up in his pig and hearts pajamas and surveyed the scene with his eyes. Commander really doesn't have any shame. That was true; it has been like that ever since he met that four-eyed freak's sister. Once they landed on Okita and Hijikata he narrowed his eyes in suspicion. He walked over with a serious expression on his face and the stopped in the both of us. At first he was going to punch us for blowing up the place. Practically the building on this side of the building was gone.
"Oh I'm so happy you guys are safe," as he hugged the duo tightly around the shoulders crying like a maniac.
"It would have been better if Hijikata had died…" Sougo stated blandly.
"Teme…you so are asking for a beating aren't ya, you look like a piece of shit everyday all day." Dark and heavy aura surrounded the demon commander.
"You ARE a piece of shit all and everyday… " Sougo retorted harshly.
The two entered a heated argument and started throwing hands (fighting in ghetto version for Americans). Kondo going between them and was punished by millions of punches from each side. Then he could no longer take it. He yelled as loud as a siren. Making every in a 3 mile radius cover their ears and kneeling over in pain. Sougo and Hijikata took a heavy blow. It made blood run down from their ears, eyes, and nose. Kondo stopped the siren-like screech and saw everyone was in pain. Mainly Hijikata and Sougo of course. Kneeling in front of the tired demon commander he ordered him to do a patrol at stat. Not wanted to hear him scream again he agreed. Hijikata was now patrolling the streets of Edo since had nothing else to do. He couldn't stay and do nothing, like a certain perm-head. Speaking of the lazy bastard, where was he? Heh, most certainly being the lazy ass he was. Oh well it didn't matter to him. Until…
An engine roared as it flew over the second in command's head nearly hitting him. Ducking once again managed to get away from certain death. Serious, isn't death always after him and no one else. Landing while spinning in circles he stopped. What luck... It was Gintoki in the flesh. Why was it if I think or talk of him, he shows up?
"What's up mayo…" he said as he raised his hand in greeting.
The idiot, does he even try to be considerate? That would be a no. Dusted him self off while standing up. Gintoki got on his last nerve and he was so going to get it now.
"Oh, and what are you doing? Not that I really care you perm head…"
"Aww, how mean mayo. I was just going to get Jump, and you insult my perm for no reason." Gin whined.
Hijikata ignored him as he took out a cigarette and lit it. Taking a puff, he had calmed enough to listen to the lazy freelancer. The dark aura around him started to leak from the vice commander. It grew as the freelancer talked about random junk. A vein by his temple started to budge showing his anger. Still Gintoki seemed to not notice it.
"Commit seppuku…" Hijikata grumbled.
"Commit seppuku you damn bastard!" he yelled louder for him to hear.
"…finally quiet…"
Gintoki walked to Hijikata and punched him, square hard in the jaw.
"Go to hell, goodbye mayo," he growled as he hopped on his moped and rode off.
"Bastard…" Hijikata rubbed his cheek hissing.
To Gintoki while he is driving:
Who does he think he is? Insulting my perm and telling me gut myself after that. Seriously! Speeding along he got his Jump and went home. Before he opened the door Shinpachi grabbed his arm with sheer force. Looking at the boy his face seemed serious. He wasn't in the mood of teasing him so he listened to what he was going to say.
"Gin-san, we have a job at a laboratory, it seems something is wrong there."
"Isn't their job to check, I'm not a science freak…"
"Shamefully we don't have so it would have to do."
"…How much is it?"
"20,000 yen…"
"Fine then we will go. Where is China?"
"You mean Kagura? Oh she's waiting for us at the lab."
They set of to the lab. They met Kagura and went inside.
"Wow, it's so big~" Kagura eyes grown big in admiration.
"Its bound to be big, it's a laboratory, what you expect?" Shinpachi stated matter-of-factly.
The two fought fiercely, mainly Kagura eating up Shinpachi. That wasn't important though. The important thing is Gintoki is peering around and not knowing what he's doing. He looked through the tubes and beakers and tools with huge curiosity. Turning his head to the left something caught his eye, a huge machine. To him it was high-tech science thingy with big green and red buttons with others smaller in size with a large mirror in the middle, nothing more. Walking in high caution to the thingy, but sort of fast he made it to the machine in a couple of seconds. Staring at the two huge red and green buttons. He was about to push the red one, but remembered in movies that the red button was bad, so he pressed the green one instead. Big mistake on Gintoki's part. The machine roared to life making the mirror grow brightly blinding Gintoki. The racket caused Kagura and Shinpachi com in the room and had shocked expressions. Running to the silver haired samurai they tried to reach him. They were too late. A hand grabbed the lazy freelancer and pulled him into the glowing mirror. The glowing stopped and Gintoki was gone. Shinpachi collapsed to knees. He wept slightly murmuring Gin-san. Kagura placed a hand on Shinpachi's shoulder trying to be strong for the poor four eyes. Her eyes watered but she didn't dare to cry. Where was Gin-san they thought in unison.
To Gintoki somewhere far away:
Ughhh…my head hurts…did I have a hangover? Where am I? Also…I'm hungry… Trying to sit up he noticed he was in the lab, but Shinpachi and China wasn't there. He must have fell on some glass because there are wounds and glass all over him. A long scab ran down his leg. Glass tangled itself in his hair also some him back. He stood up and walked out the room and out the laboratory. Mainly he limbed because of the pain. Maybe Shinpachi can heal them for me. He walked to the Yorozuya apartment. It was there, thank goodness. He entered excitingly. Before he stepped in the kitchen he was hit in the head with a broom. Dodging the next hit he turned to face his attacker. His eyes grown wide at the sight. It was Shinpachi and Kagura! Wait a second, why they hit him?
"H-hey guys! Wait a sec!" Gintoki held up his hands.
The two stopped and stared at Gintoki hard.
"Why should we you unfaithful bastard? You left Yorozuya for that guy. You have no right to be here!" they yelled loudly.
"What are you guys talking about? What guy?" he asked not understanding anything. Who did I leave for?
"Don't play dumb, he left us for Hijikata because you guys are married. We would have been fine with that if you took us with you, but you decline our request, so we hate you!" they crossed their arms crying. "So go to him since you love him that much."
Mayo and me? I hate him? But here we like each other? None the less married! Oh fuck…Then the door opened revealing a stressed Hijikata. His stared at me, then filled with relief as he rushed to me and hugged he. He tried to avoid the glass though. Since when did he get taller? Looking up at the man he saw him looking back at him. His filled with not annoyance and hate but love and with a caring expression. He seemed nice. Nice enough to-wait a second! He must be faking this, so must be Shinpachi and Kagura. Pushing away from the vice commander he narrowed his eyes is suspicion.
"Hahaha, real funny guys, I nearly for it" I clapped sarcastically.
"Don't play stupid! I know you wanted revenge because I punched you this morning!"
"You never punched me Gin-chan" replied Hijikata.
"I did you bastard!"
"Gin-chan!" he grabbed my wrist and squeeze hard. "Don't you dare use those words at me, your husband."
"S-shut up! L-let go mayo! Leave me alone now, we are NOT married! Stop acting, you guys too." I stared at the other three. Hijikata expression grew dark as he yanked Gintoki and threw him on his shoulder like a dead deer.
"Sorry for disturbing you two." as he left carrying me on his shoulder with my arms dangling from his back.
Once we were outside I saw Okita sitting in the driver's seat of a police car. We both got in the back seat as Okita drove to the Shinsengumi headquarters. I seat away from the demon vice commander rubbing my wrist which have gotten red and a little swollen when he grabbed me. The said man looked to me and got out a first aid kit. Sitting it on the floor of the police car he made his way to the scab on my leg, which I forgotten about. It was bleeding heavily. Softly grasping my leg, my first reaction made me move my leg away hissing. Hijikata sighed and tried again, this I could resist since the pain in my leg kept me from moving. He removed all the glass shards and started applying the ointment. I bit my bottom lip to keep from screaming in agony. Wrapping the gauze to the gash he went to the other ones. Once we finished, we arrived to other destination. Entering the building we were greeting by the members. Finally after the last person we went in 'Hijikata and my' room. Closing the door the vice commander snaked his arms around the freelancer's waist. He yelped in surprise and tried to get out of his grasp. This Hijikata was stronger though so his forearms didn't budge matter how much he pushed downward. He nuzzled into Gintoki's neck growling slightly. A shiver went down the sugar addict's spine, only showing when Hijikata goes "Gin-Chan~".
"Let have so fun Gin-Chan. You won't run away anymore at this."
"Don't I get a say in this!" Gin-san whined, suddenly pushed down by the chain smoker.
"You'll like it when I'm finished," he said as he kissed his neck.
Moans slipped out Gintoki's mouth as he let Hijikata enter his mouth. Soon he gave in and flowed to Hijikata's lead. Moving down to his chest, the demon commander licked at his chest. Gintoki wouldn't deny how good it felt, only felt butterfly going around in his stomach. 'How can anyone leave you? Even if you are a mayonnaise addict. This feels too good. Go lower, go lower you damn bastard.' Much to his despair Hijikata stops and looked down on the blushing freelancer.
"Told ya you'd like it," as he kissed the man good night and laid down next to him sleeping with his arm around him. Gintoki stared at the black haired man. Figuring he still had so of his virginity he laid down next to him. Maybe I'll enjoy this Hijikata for a while, that is, until I go back.