Weak Spot

Rating: M

Warnings: Contains sexual themes, yaoi, underage sex, fetish

Summary: Izaya has always been fascinated by the dollars leader; a quiet highschool boy, always polite, always correct…just a bit TOO correct for izayas taste. But when the informant happens to stumble about a little 'preference' the boy tried to keep secret from everyone, what will he do?


Izaya smirked. He was watching his favourite human again, a dark haired teenage boy, with fascinating blue eyes, who happened to be also the leader of the Dollars, a very powerful, clearly colorless gang in Ikebukuro. He frowned slightly as the hyperactive blond friend of his little Mikado put an arm around said boys shoulders, getting a bit too close for the informant's liking. And as always, the boy would just smile a bit irritated and brush his friends arm off, no slapping his face, no blushing, no shouting, nothing what would have been close to interesting. Izaya sighed. It was like the boy knew when he was watching him through his binoculars, waiting for the highschooler to entertain him by doing something fascinating. This is why the boy must have decided on being the most boring person on earth whenever the informant was watching him. The corner of the raven haired male curled up in a slight grin, when he saw to drunks stumble the boy's way. Looked like a good opportunity to see Mikado's real personality again. Ah, yes, there it went; one drunk stepped closer to Mikado and sniffled on his hair. Izaya felt slightly envious; he had felt tempted to do this ever since he saw the boy the first time. He wonder what he smelled like…
the informant shrugged the thought off and concentrated on the scene on the street again.

"What will you do now, my dear Mikado-kun? Slap him? Stab him with a ball point?", the informant whispered to himself and chuckled quietly. He frowned again. Instead of doing anything of the like, the dark haired teenager had decided to shove the drunk away gently and continue his way home. The informant sighed and put the binoculars down. Why was the teenage boy always so correct? He had to have a weak point, a secret. Izaya craved to see the boy startled once, flushing in embarrassment, stuttering adorably. Just what could he do to get this reaction from the boy?


"That's the look, Mikado…"
Izaya's mouth curled up in a feline-like grin, as he saw his favourite teen blush, and shiver slightly. He was sitting in a café with his friends, the blond imbecile and the bespectacled busty girl. But what made the boy react that way? Had the yellow scarves leader said something suggestive again? Had the Slasher, on who his little Mikado seemed to have a slight crush on, flirted with him?

There it was, another shiver, the teens face heated up again. Izaya licked his lips. But then, the Informants eyes widened as his eyes fell upon the cause of the teenagers embarrassment.

"Don't tell me, Mikado…" he smirked. This was perfect.


Mikado sat in a café with Anri and Kida; he was just chatting with the quiet girl, both ignoring the hyperactive blond, as he had just made some very improper comments about Anri's body. Mikado sipped his coffee silently, still not paying the other boy any attention, even though he sought it so desperately, when he suddenly felt some brush over his foot with their one. He shivered. Oh crap..p-please stop..!, he begged in mind, whilst trying to withdraw his own foot. The assault stopped for a moment, but then he felt the same foot trail up and down his leg slowly. He flushed red and shivered again, trying to fight against the shiver, which started at his spine and spread over his whole body, as response to the action. He bit his lip to suppress a gasp, as the limb prodded at his foot again. Face heating up, he jumped up and excused himself from his friends, saying he still had some homework to do and ran out of the café. When he was around a corner, he leaned against the wall and sighed in relief. This was close…

"Hello, Mikado-kun~ What a surprise to meet you here!", an all too familiar voice declared cheerily behind him.

Mikado turned his head, jumping in surprise. "I-Izaya-san…!"
The informant smiled at him. Mikado intentionally took a step backwards. The taller male followed, by taking a step closer to him, smirk still plastered on his face.

"Actually…", the raven haired male spoke up. "I wasn't quite honest with you, Mikado-kun~" the teenage boy looked at Izaya in surprise. "What do you mean?" the man took another step in his direction, Mikado responded by taking another step back.

"To be honest, I'm not at all surprised to find you here. After all, I followed you~", the man said with a smile, which send shivers down the teens spine. "You know, the past weeks, I had been musing and wondering, what your weak spot might be…after all, everyone has one. But don't matter how hard I searched, I just couldn't find it." He smiled. "But that was just to be expected, if you take into account how hard you are trying to keep it secret from everyone~" The informant came closer again, which caused Mikado to back away further, until his back hit the wall. Somehow, he felt trapped at the moment. The raven haired male stepped closer again, putting an arm on the wall next to Mikado's head. "But when I finally decided to give up the search, I stumbled upon something very interesting~" With those words, he slipped off one of his shoes, and slightly trailed over the teens ankle with his foot. Mikado shivered slightly, his cheeks tinted bright pink. The informant licked his lips. That's the look I've been waiting for, Mikado~… He grinned, and with one swift movement grabbed the teen's leg, lifting it up. Mikado yelped in surprise and almost lost his balance, stabling himself against the wall to not fall. The Information Dealer smirked, his red-brown eyes gleaming with mischief, as he slowly undid the shoelace of the teen's sneaker. The boy's eyes widened. "W-what are you doing..I-Izaya-san…?"

Izaya grinned and slipped the shoe off the teen's foot slowly. "What do you think~?" He trailed slowly with his index finger along the sole of Mikado's foot. The teen shivered all over and blushed even more. "I-Izaya-san, s-stop it…"
The Informant grinned. "Why should I? Now that I've finally found your weak spot?" He took off the sock and let his fingers slide between the teen's toes. Mikado gasped and bit his lower lip. The raven haired male bent down and gently kissed the foot, giving Mikado a hot glance. The blue-eyed teen moaned softly, but quickly clasped his hands over his mouth when he realized what sound he just made, blushing fiercely. The older male chuckled lowly and licked over the foot sensually. Mikado closed his eyes and moaned again, trembling slightly. Izaya smirked. "Who would have thought that the always correct Ryuugamine Mikado would have a foot fetish~?" He put emphasis to the last words by massaging the foot and sliding his fingers over it, making the teen gasps out. Suddenly he put the teens leg down. Mikado looked at him a little surprised, face flushed and breathing hard. The informant bent down to him and whispered huskily to him. "Come to my apartment, and I'll show what I can do with my feet~"

The teen gulped and shivered slightly, face tinting an even darker shade of red. Izaya smirked.
I love humans.

So, minna-san, what do you think of it?^^ this is my first attempt on DRRR! Smut, so go easy on me! .

For everyone who is waiting for me to continue Sweeter Than Candy or What If…? (if there even are any, that is xD) I'm sorry to disappoint you. To put you at ease, they're not on Hiatus, I'm just currently lacking the inspiration, but I promise an update on What If…? soon^^

Just that you know, I will write a second chapter for this, and this will be both longer as well as containing smex xDD

Get ready for some real kink in the next one, when Izaya will try out how far Mikado's fetish really goes ;D
This is my first time writing something like foot fetish, and I'm not really good at it, since I don't have any experience on it, but I found it somehow cute for Mikado to have a foot fetish xDDD

Anyways, reviews and feedbacks are highly appreciated, flames will be ignored.

As always, thanks for reading and tell me your opinion. x3

Ja nee^^