Disclaimer: I do not own Psych nor am I affiliated with the show or USA network. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

This story probably takes place somewhere around season 3, but there are no spoiler warnings for anything before that.

Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1: Never Saw it Coming

Head Detective Carlton Lassiter didn't get his title by being soft. He had devoted many tireless hours to build his reputation as the strongest, toughest, and some may even say ruthless of all the officers at the Santa Barbara Police Department, and that is exactly how he wanted it.

It is also the reason for the gossip that Lassiter's partner, Junior Detective Juliet O'Hara, was overhearing on her way in to the department. 'Detective Lassiter doesn't have a heart,' Detective Lassiter wasn't born with any emotion', and Juliet's personal favorite 'Detective Lassiter is actually a new wave of unfeeling, emotionless crime fighting, robo-humanoid, sent to take over all police duties' (Juliet was pretty sure she knew exactly who was responsible for starting such an extravagant rumor). It was nothing that Juliet had never heard before, but the rumors did not set well with her. Which is why, once she arrived at Lassiter's desk, she had to ask her partner, "Doesn't it bother you?"

"What?" Lassiter asked with a slight hint of irritation at being interrupted from his paperwork.

"You Know, the rumors about being heartless, ruthless, and stuff."

"No….. should it?"

"Well, yeah" Carlton's indifference to it all worried Juliet. "I mean I know there is more to you than you let on, Carlton. Like maybe a caring, gentle side, and I think that maybe you might get along better with the other officers if you were to show that side a little." She said with a smile.

Once Lassiter fixed Juliet with one of his well known glares she knew that she may have hit a nerve. "For your information O'Hara, I did not get to where I am today by being all lovey-dovey or by caring what others think of me."

"Carlton, I was just-"

"And for that matter, I resent being told how to do my job! I don't-"

"Detectives! My office, now." Juliet let out a sigh of relief, Chief Karen Vick had saved her from further scolding.

On his way to the Chief's office Lassiter couldn't help but be bothered by O'Hara's questions. 'Why should I care that everyone thinks I'm some kind of coldhearted tyrant….. I'm actually quite proud of that' So why couldn't he stop thinking about it. 'Stop it! I've got better things to think about' Like the fact that the Chief was talking to him right now, "Anything new on the Fuller murder case?"

"No Chief we haven't found anything." The detective mumbled sulking into the chair in front of the Chief's desk. As much as Lassiter hated admitting that they had hit a dead end that is exactly what had happened. The case had seemed simple enough in the beginning, a burglary turned murder should have been an open and shut case. The Fullers had both been at work when their house had been broken into. And when Mr. Fuller had mistakenly come home earlier than expected he was met with three criminals plundering his home. Most likely in a panic the burglars attacked and stabbed Mr. Fuller, killing him in his own home.

Lassiter had high hopes on solving the case quickly. The Fullers were well off, with a large house and many valuable items, making them an obvious target for a burglary. But the scene of the crime turned up no fingerprints or evidence to the attackers identities. Even the department "psychic" could not "divine" anything helpful (secretly to Lassiter's joy). The thieves were smart and, excluding Mr. Fuller's surprise return, had planned everything to the last detail. Leaving the detectives at a dead end.

"Well I have news that might just change that" Vick stated with enthusiasm. That snapped Lassiter from his thoughts quickly. He had been hoping for days for something that might turn things around.

"Really?" Lassiter shot out of his chair in anticipation of what would change things for them. "Well, what is it?" The detective would have gotten his answer just then had it not been for the entrance of the constant nuisance in his life, Shawn Spencer.

"Chief! Jules! Lassie! Fancy meeting the three of you here." Shawn shouted as he burst through the doors of the Chiefs office. "And what brings you to this fine establishment?" Shawn was followed in by his business partner Burton "Gus" Guster, who at least had the sense to look nervous at interrupting the closed meeting. Ever since Spencer had opened his Psychic Detective agency he had been a thorn in Lassiter's side, and today was no different.

"Shawn we work here." Juliet answered. Her attempts at hiding her smile were failing. Lassiter's partner always seemed to have a soft spot for the fake psychic, and Carlton would never understand why. "What are you doing here?"

Almost instinctively Shawn's fingers went to his temple in his classic "I'm having a vision" pose, "I was psychically led here by the spirits of the beyoooond."

"You were not!" Gus chimed in. "We came here because you were bored and couldn't sit still."

"Exactly, that's what I said; the spirits of boredom led me here knowing that something exciting would be happening." Gus rolled his eyes. "And I'm right the aura in this room just screams excit-"

"Enough!" Carlton's frustration had quickly reached its breaking point. "You two. Out. Now."

"mmmmm… No that's ok. I'm fine right here." Shawn stated flopping down into the chair Lassiter had just been sitting in. The angry detective quickly grabbed hold of the smarmy psychics shirt collar yanking him back up and towards the door.

"You are not needed, nor wanted here, so I will kindly ask you to-"

"Actually detective" Vick interrupted "I would like Mr. Spencer to be here for this, he is still hired on this case."Lassiter clenched his jaw and forced himself to remove his death grip from Shawn's shirt. All the while trying to avoid the arrogant grin Shawn was shooting his way. "I was just telling Detective Lassiter and O'Hara that we may have a break in our case."

"Ah, see I knew I was needed here." Shawn added, Lassiter just rolled his eyes.

"We have finally been given permission to talk to the girl that was with the Fuller's at the time of the murder." This was perfect; it was exactly what they needed. The girl was an 8 year old foster child that the Fuller's were hoping to adopt. The break in occurred she was supposed to stay with them for a trial run to see if the adoption would work, which was also the reason that Mr. Fuller came home early that day. He had left work and went to pick her up from the foster home ahead of schedule. Once they got home he brought Riley to the kitchen to offer her cookies Mrs. Fuller had made for her that morning. When Mr. Fuller heard a noise he went to investigate and the little girl followed after but stopped short when she heard unfamiliar voices. Out of panic she hid but inevitably witnessed the whole murder.

The police hadn't been able to talk to her because of her sensitive mental state. The girl had been in and out of several different homes and she was already extremely introverted and afraid to trust anyone. And since the murder she only retreated further into her shell, only saying a few words since the event. Her therapist was opposed to any police questioning after the traumatic event, not wanting to harm her anymore.

"Her foster care worker will be bringing her in tomorrow, her name is Riley." Vick added, "And I don't think I need to mention that this will be done very delicately."

"This is great news Chief!" Lassiter was excited at the chance to finally move things along. "and I promise you when I talk to her I will be at my nicest."

"Yeah Lassie, probably not the best idea, you're not exactly known as Mr. Sensitivity around here." Spencer said with a smirk. "But, c'mon the kids love me!" Shawn did his best to ignore the snort coming from Gus' side of the room. "I think that if anyone should talk to her it should be me, even if she doesn't physically say any words I am sure I can divine something from her."

"Oh yeah that's exactly what she needs, you flailing around in front of her with some "psychic vision"." Lassiter scoffed "If witnessing murder didn't put her into shock I'm sure that will."

"I'll have you know that my visions are a work of art and-"

"Neither of you will be talking to her!" Vick interrupted, her exasperation showing through. "O'Hara will be the one to question her."

"What? Chief I am head detective and lead on this case." It wasn't that he didn't trust his partner, Juliet had proven herself to be an exceptional cop, but Lassiter did not like to be excluded.

"Yes you are detective, but what you are not is a woman. A frightened little girl will be more likely to open up to a female officer than a male. And besides Mr. Spencer is right, your not exactly good at….. delicate. I'm sorry but that's final. You're all dismissed."

The next day Shawn Spencer couldn't hide his excitement as he bound up the stairs and entered the police station. "C'mon Gus! Hurry it up let's go!" The pseudopsychic's lagging friend had already voiced his concerns back at the Psych office. He had said something about the girl's psychological state, and O'Hara needing to form a bond without their presence, and some other psychobabble, boring stuff. Shawn hadn't really been listening. He was too excited about solving the case. Shawn loved a good mystery and he loved to be the one to bring all of the pieces of the puzzle together. The thrill of it all was just too much to pass up (and getting to rub it in a certain head detective's face was an added bonus). The little foster girl was the missing piece that he needed to see the whole picture, to solve the case, to get the glory. There was no way that he was going to miss this.

"You know I don't think we should be here Shawn." Gus said as he caught up to his overly excited friend in the station's bullpen.

"Oh come on Gus, we have to protect this poor little girl from Lassiter's over eagerness to solve the case." It was only a half lie; Shawn just couldn't let Lassie get the needed information before he did. "And I didn't get the chance to tease the good detective about the Chief agreeing with me." Shawn couldn't help but smile every time he thought about the look on Lassie's face when Vick told that Shawn was right about his inability to be delicate. It was a look of shock and disgust that quickly turned to anger as he stormed out of the office. Shawn enjoyed getting under the detective's skin almost as much as he enjoyed solving cases, it was like the icing on his crime solving cake.

But without the lanky detective in sight Shawn and Gus made their way over to O'Hara at her desk. "Good morning Jules! You look bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning…. That's kind of a strange expression... what does that even mean?"

"I think you just compared her to a squirrel." Gus added. Juliet's face scrunched up into a questioning glare as she tried to stifle a laugh.

"Oh! Jules I'm sorry you don't look like a squirrel, I swear."

"Shawn," Juliet had to interrupt, she knew given the chance Shawn would keep going. "Did you need something?"

"Who? Me? No! …no , cant I just come and say hi"

"We were hoping to sit in on your talk with Riley." Gus said blatantly

"Gus!" Shawn objected

"Shawn that is why we're here."

"Well yeah but it takes a certain nuance to make a request like that and you completely failed it."

Gus ignored Shawn "So what do you think Juliet?"

"I'm sorry but no." Juliet sighed. She had already been through this same conversation with her partner. "Chief Vick made it very clear that I am to be the only one in the room with Riley and her case worker."

As if on cue Officer Buzz McNabb arrived at Juliet's desk followed by a large middle aged woman holding the hand of a young girl."

"Detective O'Hara this is Riley and her foster care worker Mrs. Lindsey Carter." Buzz explained. While Juliet and Mrs. Carter talked Shawn took note of the little girl that would bring the break in their case. She was skinny and kind of tall for her age. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into loose pigtails, and her big brown eyes were constantly shifting and avoiding eye contact with anyone that looked in her direction. She hung her head low and stood almost impossibly still. She clung to her chest what appeared at one time to have been a teddy bear, but now looked more like a stuffed rag in the general shape of a bear. It had obviously been worn down from overuse, but Shawn could tell she wouldn't be giving it up anytime soon.

"Right this way Mrs. Carter." Juliet said leading the two over to the conference room to talk in a private setting. Shawn followed after in hopes of slipping in unnoticed but was stopped by a firm tug to his arm.

"I don't think so Spencer." Lassiter growled as he pulled Shawn back to the desk. "If I can't be in there, there is no way that I am going to allow you to interrupt."

"So you're saying that I can only interrupt if your present, that's awfully selfish don't you think Lassie?" the door clicked shut behind Juliet and with Lassie watching him, all hope of hearing the conversation was lost.

Juliet was a bit nervous as she took a seat across from the young girl and her case worker. Mrs. Carter had already warned her that Riley hardly even said more than a few words to her, the likelihood of her speaking to a perfect stranger was almost nonexistent. But Juliet just had to try.

"Hi there my name is Juliet, what is your name?" Riley looked absolutely terrified, she wouldn't even look up from the table. Juliet didn't receive any response. "you can talk to me sweetheart, it's ok your safe here."


"Do you want to tell me your name?"


"how old are you?"


"I see you have a teddy bear, what's his name?"

Riley's only response was to hug the bear closer to her. This went on for another twenty minutes. When she couldn't get through to the little girl Juliet even resorted to asking simple questions about the case, but nothing got a word out of the girl. Juliet let out a sigh of frustration, she wasn't getting anywhere. "Riley I would like to talk to you again tomorrow, would that be ok?" Still nothing. She was hoping that tomorrow Riley would see that she wasn't in any danger and maybe open up a little. It was a long shot but it was something.

Juliet got up and opened the door for the two, thanking Mrs. Carter for her time. However, much to Juliet's irritation, they were met by an over excitable Shawn Spencer. "Hello my name is Shawn Spencer head psychic detective for the SBPD." Shawn directed his attention to the little girl who was surprised by his sudden presence. "Now I heard there was a young lady here that is going to help the fine police officers of Santa Barbara." Shawn crouched down to address her further when he was unceremoniously yanked back to his feet.

"Spencer, what did I say!" Juliet was thankful for her partners sudden appearance. She knew that Shawn meant well but was afraid that his natural overactive demeanor would startle the already intimidated child.

"Laaaasssiiiiie" Shawn whined "I was just talking to her."

"Which is exactly what I told you not to do." As Lassie and Shawn continued to argue Juliet looked down at Riley afraid that they were upsetting her, but she was surprised by what she saw. For the first time since she had arrived at the department Riley was no longer staring down at the floor, she was actually watching Shawn and Carlton with wide eyes. Juliet had no idea what, but something had caught the young girl's attention.

"Detective O'Hara are we free to go?" Mrs. Carter interrupted Juliet's thoughts.

"Oh…. Yes, sorry. McNabb would you please see Mrs. Carter and Riley out." Riley's eyes were still on Carlton and Shawn as they walked from the police station.

As soon as Riley had left Carlton released Shawn from his watch and turned his attention on his partner. "So how did it go? What did she say?" O'Hara knew the question was coming but she didn't know what to say, how could she tell her partner that she couldn't get a word out of Riley and they weren't any closer to solving their case.

The following day Lassiter approached Chief Vick's office to once again make a request to talk to the girl himself. He knew that O'Hara was doing her best she was a good cop and he trusted her, but he just had to get back in the case, back in control. If there was one thing Lassiter liked it was to be in control. But all of Carlton's plans were stopped short by one knowing, icy glare from the chief. Lassiter didn't even make it through the doors of the office before the death glare turned him on his heel in retreat. The only high point was watching the department psuedopsychic resigned to the same fate. Lassiter watched as Spencer gallivanted across the bullpen and into the Chiefs office only to return milliseconds later.

Lassiter, Spencer, and Guster all waited, not so patiently, outside of the conference room as Juliet tried once more to get the young girl to talk. But when O'Hara emerged from the room the look on her face told them that today hadn't gone any better. Carlton let out a sigh, the girl had been their big break but without her talking they were back to square one.

Lassiter stood back watching as the Chief and O'Hara thanked Mrs. Carter and asked her to let them know if anything changed. His eyes drifted down to Riley who looked more frantic than usual. Her eyes were darting around looking for something but her feet remained planted to the ground, afraid to leave her guardians side. The detective watched as her eyes caught sight of what she had been searching for. Several feet away lay her raggedy old bear, dropped on her way out of the conference room. But despite finding her lost treasure, the frightened girl did not move. Instead, her eyes met Carlton's pleading with him for help.

Everyone was too busy to notice Riley's silent cries for help. Even Shawn and Gus were engrossed in some ridiculous argument over whether Doritos or Combos were the better snack food. After a brief inner argument Lassiter walked over and picked up the stuffed bear. Riley's eyes followed him and continued to study him as he brought the bear over, crouched down, and held it out to her.

Riley's fear and hesitation showed in her big brown eyes but when Carlton's sharp blue gaze met hers he could see some of it disappear. Riley lifted up a hand and took the bear bringing it close to her chest in a tight hug, "Thank you Mr. Lassie." The words came out so quietly the detective wasn't even sure if she had spoken.

As Riley and her case worker walked away Lassiter stood back up, he could feel everyone's eyes on him. They were the first words out of the girl's mouth that any of them had heard. The silence was broken by a loud giggle from Shawn, "she called you Mr. Lassie…. isn't that cuuuute." Lassiter glared at Shawn as he returned to his desk. 'Crap!' He hadn't realized that the girl had picked up Spencer's annoying nickname for him. He slumped down at his desk 'This day keeps getting better and better'.

Juliet inched up to her partner's desk, her obvious nervousness radiating off of her. "Listen, Carlton, I'm sorry I couldn't-"

"Save it O'Hara, you did your best, we just have to come up with something new. I know there is something else that will help us find these guys."

"Lassifrass is right Jules" Spencer added with a comforting smile, "we'll close this case yet."

"… right…..Right! thank you, both of you." Juliet let a small smile come to her face before she quickly replaced it with a look of determination. "how about we go back to the crime scene, there has to be something there that we missed."

"Good, let's go!" Lassiter stood up to grab his coat when a very frantic Mrs. Carter came running up to the group.

"Detectives! Detectives! Please help!" Mrs. Carter came to a stop in front of them trying to catch her breath.

Juliet was immediately at her side worry covering her face. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's Riley…." The foster care worker took a deep breath, tears starting to come to her eyes. "I was putting her into the car and…. And I turned around for just a second, I swear!" she was forced to stop to let out a few sobs.

Juliet held onto the panicked woman's hand, "It's ok Mrs. Carter just tell us what happened."

She took a deep breath to control her sobs and continued "A man asked me for directions so I stepped over to help him and when I turned back to the car she was gone!" the woman couldn't continue any longer she broke down and cried uncontrollably.

But Lassiter didn't need any more, he immediately jumped into action. "Mcnabb, Parsons, Miller! With me now!" Juliet had managed to get the location of the car out of the distraught woman before the two detectives quickly led the three officers to the parking lot, with psychic detective and pharmaceutical salesman in tow. The head detective couldn't stop asking himself why he hadn't made sure that the girl was safe. They had assumed that the burglars didn't know about her, but he must have been wrong. He knew that she could not have run off on her own she was just too scared. And now because of his mistake she could be in danger.

Once they got to the car Lassiter ordered everyone to split up and search in every direction. He even, albeit reluctantly, allowed Spencer and Guster in on the search, the more eyes the better, and if there was ever a time Lassiter needed one of Spencer's "psychic visions" it was now. He had to bring Riley back.

The group split off (The psychic duo tagging along with Juliet for safety reasons). Lassiter made his way around to the back of the police station, gun already in hand. He searched quickly through each car in the back lot and then made his way across the street, figuring the criminals wouldn't be dumb enough to stay near the police station. As he approached the small mom and pop store Carlton kept thinking back to the girl's big frightened eyes that had been looking into his just moments ago. He should have told her that she was safe, that he wouldn't let anything happen to her ever again. But he didn't. He didn't say anything. And he did let something happen to her, how could he be so stupid?

Hushed voices from the far end of the store's parking lot broke Lassiter from his thoughts. Instinctively the detective brought up his gun and approached cautiously. Lassiter reached a large SUV that was blocking his view to the owners of the voices. He crouched down and sidled up to the end of the vehicle and carefully peered around. Two men stood on the far side of a car two spaces down. "Where the hell is he!" one of the men yelled, he was a short, stocky man with a thinning hair line. He looked very nervous and was repeatedly wiping sweat from his forehead. "It shouldn't be taking him this long!"

The other man seemed to be just the opposite of the first, he was tall with a more muscular build and had long hair pulled back into a ponytail. "Keep your voice down!" he chided, stepping around the car "He'll be here, we can't leave without him." That's when Lassiter saw her, the taller man was holding tightly onto Riley's wrist and pulling her along with him. She had tears running down her face and was gripping her teddy bear so tightly Carlton was sure the thing would pop in half.

The sight sent a spark of anger straight through the detective. She looked so frightened, Lassiter didn't think that it was possible for her to look any more scared than she had for the past few days, but there it was. He had to do something, he had to tell her that she was safe.

"SBPD! Freeze!" Lassiter yelled standing up from behind the SUV, gun drawn in front of him. Both men whipped around and stared at him in shock. "Don't move and put your hands in the air! Now!" He ordered. The men did as they were told. "Riley come over here!" The little girl didn't move, once again frozen in fear. "Both of you down on the ground, hands where I can see them." This time they didn't move. Carlton wasn't sure why, neither of them were armed. The detective moved towards the men, "I said-"

Any other day, any other situation, and Lassiter would have heard the third man on the other side of the SUV. But with the way Riley was watching him, with her eyes pleading him to rescue her; he never saw the butt of the gun as it came at his head. And it was the last thing he remembered before the ground came up to meet him, those eyes, those scared, pleading eyes.

Chapter End