"You look beautiful," Ron whispered to Hermione as she sipped her Champagne.

"Thank you. That is the idea. You're quite dashing, yourself." He laughed and kissed her sweetly. The meal that followed was excellent. Hermione had never remembered eating so well. It was said often that Molly liked to outdo herself, but Hermione couldn't imagine anything topping this feast. After the meal, the plates disappeared and the cake was rolled out onto the dance floor. George took the enchanted microphone and announced them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the newest Mr. and Mrs. Weasley will now be cutting their cake."

Hermione gasped as she saw it. It was amazing. There were several layers, each one different, but each somehow representing Ron and Hermione. The bottom layer looked like a large stack of text books, the one on top of that resembled Chudley Cannons paraphernalia. Above that was a row of prefect badges, followed by a Wizard's Chess set, and then a layer of quills and parchment. The topper consisted of two small figures that looked just like Ron and Hermione. They were enchanted to move, so they embraced, then broke apart, embraced, then broke apart. Hermione was crying once more. She'd thought the cake Mrs. Weasley had made for Harry in the shape of a snitch had been something, and it had been. But it was nothing like this cake. There was an palpable silence as the couple made their way down to the cake. Surely it was a crime to cut something so beautiful. Hermione gestured to her mother to make sure she took a muggle picture of it and their wizard photographer snapped dozens. They each took a plate and cut the bottom layer together. She took a piece in her hand and fed it to Ron, smearing it all over his nose.

"You have cake on your nose, by the way. Didn't you know?" she said playfully. Ron took hold of his slice and made to shove the whole thing in her face before gently feeding her, only a few small crumbs sticking to the side of her mouth. They were both laughing so hard it was difficult to swallow the cake. The cake was moved to the side of the head table, where everyone could admire it before it was cut into pieces for everyone to eat. Hermione imagined a cooling charm had been placed around it to keep it in tact in the warm summer air. Hermione looked around at all the people clapping and smiling and noticed someone. Viktor! There he was, clapping and smiling, right next to Bill and Fleur. Hermione did a double take. He saw her notice him and he waved, softly. She returned his wave with a timid one and a confused smile.

"And now it's time for the couple's first dance as husband and wife," said George, waving his wand at the magic instruments, and Hermione saw there were more of them now. They danced to a Celestina Warbeck tune, "The Magic of Love," which would have been cheesy had they chosen to have the lyrics sung, but as it was instrumental it was very nice. They had chosen it not because she really adored Celestina Warbeck, on the contrary. But Hermione had reminded Ron that it was a tune they'd danced to at Bill and Fleur's wedding and it had arguably been a turning-point in their relationship. Hermione danced with her Father to a muggle tune he'd chosen, though it was one she'd never heard. Then Ron danced with his mother, and then they switched, and Ron danced with Hermione's mother while Hermione danced with Arthur.

"Alright everyone, now that all the sentimental stuff is out of the way, let's have a party!" shouted George and the music changed from slow to lively. Ginny pulled Harry onto the floor, Angelina joined George, and Luna was waving her arms in an awkward way that caused Seamus to laugh uproariously. Everybody cut loose. Even Muriel was seen on the dance floor. After a few fast numbers, the music shifted once more to a slow song and Hermione found her new husband.

"May I cut in?" asked Viktor emerging from the crowd.

"Viktor, what are you..."

"I haven't yet gotten to say congratulations."

"I didn't see you at the ceremony," said Ron.

"Forgiff me. I did not come 'round 'later," he said looking meaningfully at Hermione.

"Just don't forget to give her back," said Ron, going to get drinks. Hermione and Viktor stood staring at each other for a moment that felt an eternity to Hermione. She waited expectantly for him to explain himself.

"I was wrong," he began.

"I'll say," said Hermione, anger starting to grow in her again. He put a hand up, urging her to listen.

"I see how he makes you smile and laugh. The vay you look at him, I've never seen you giff that look that to anyone, especially not me. Now, I know you vill probably vont me to leaff and I understand. But I vont you to understand that I do support you. I can be your friend. I vos being selfish and cruel. All that matters is that you are happy and I see you are. I vill not make dis mistake again." He hung his head. Hermione searched for the right response.

"You can stay," she said, touching Viktor's arm, lightly. Ron returned with three butterbeers and passed them around.

"I'm stealing my wife back, Krum," said Ron with a smile, pulling Hermione to him.

"She's all yours."

Ginny was making her way to them with a frightened look. Hermione shook her head, telling Ginny not to ask. She gave her a look that said, "everything's fine."

"My feet are killing me and I want cake," said Ginny.

"I'll watch the drinks, said Ron taking drinks from Ginny and kissing Hermione's forehead. She and Ginny got cake and joined him at a table where Luna was explaining Mantecorns to Neville. They listened in fondly as they enjoyed their cake and butterbeers. Harry was at the other corner of the dance floor, engaged in conversation with Charlie Weasley and a very pretty girl with blonde curls.

"They've been talking about Quidditch for ages," Ginny told them. "That's Helena Howes, she's training for the Harpies. She knows Viktor, too. At least, they've met before. I think she has a thing for him." Ginny suddenly looked as though she just had an idea. "Oh yes, that reminds me! Excuse me," she said, chucking her high heels and making her way over to Viktor. Hermione saw Ginny tug his arm and bring her over to Harry, Charlie, and Helena. Looks like Ginny would get her chance to play matchmaker after all.

"Shall we, Mrs. Weasley?" Ron asked, standing and holding his arm out. Hermione beamed at him.

"Yes, I think so, Mr. Weasley!"

They moved back onto the dance floor and Ron spun Hermione with a flourish. It was a long journey for them to get to this day, but it was a short time compared to the journey ahead. Right now, nothing mattered but the joy of the moment and at the moment they danced. The Weasleys.

The End

A/N: I'm sad to see the end, but also happy. Thanks so much for reading!