
Well, in the last chapter I promised you all an announcement and here it is!

As you already know I've been a Twilight Fan Fiction author since 2012 when I wrote my first fic called Sperm Donor Wanted. In September 2012 I published my first ever original work called Shiver under the pen name Flora Roberts, and in September 2013 I published Just A Step Away under that same pen name. Well, as of 2015 I decided to make some changes.

I decided that it was time to re-brand which means I stopped writing as Flora Roberts.

I pulled both Shiver and Just A Step Away off of all purchase sites that it was available for purchase on.

In 2015 I made the decision to go from writing erotica to romantic comedy, re-brand and re-launch myself write under a second pen name, S.L. Romines.

In September 2015, I published a short Romantic Comedy Novella called Bitter.

In October 2016, I then published a full-length Romantic Comedy called Beautiful Ink: An Inked Beauty Novel.

All of the above brings us to today…

As of May 19, 2017, I completed Sperm Donor Wanted but left it open without marking it COMPLETE so this next piece of information I'm about to tell you all could be added to it.

For the past few years, I've dabbled with the idea of pulling, re-writing and publishing Sperm Donor Wanted. So for some time now I've been rigorously re-working, scrubbing and polishing the story, making several changes but keeping the story just as fun and silly as you all have enjoyed it.

So, as of June 30, 2017, I will be pulling Sperm Donor Wanted for publishing. I am hoping to have the re-worked version published anywhere from now until the end of June. I will not be changing the name as the book will be published as Sperm Donor Wanted by S.L. Romines. I hope the above date is enough time for you all to catch up on the story or re-read it in its original form before it is pulled and the re-worked version is released in print and in ebook form.

I am also spinning the idea for a Sperm Donor Wanted sequel 20 years later ;)

Now I'd like to take a moment to thank every single one of you that have read, reviewed, followed and loved this story as hard as you all have. It amazes me that after all of these years new readers are still finding this story and loving it so much. So thank you!

If you all would like to follow me on social media, you can find me on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GOODREADS, INSTAGRAM and my WEBSITE under S.L. Romines so you can get every update on SDW's definite release date, find my previously published titles and any information on my future works.

And as for my WIPs, I will absolutely be finishing them.

Thank you and happy reading!
