The Decepticon warlord chuckled to himself as he took a sip of energon and munched on energon-chips. After finishing his four-hour long meeting and having a little conversation with Soundwave, Megatron literally ran to his private chamber to turn on his TV. Plopping down onto his favorite couch and grabbing a quick drink and snack, Megs turned the TV to the HUB channel. He was just in time.

They were showing a re-run of FIM's season 2 finale! Megatron watched with awe throughout the entire thing. Immediately after the episode ended and the credits rolled, the warlord cheered. Clapping his hands together, Megs had to admit it THATwas one heck of a season finale. Starscream wasn't kidding when he said it was epic! Flipping through different channels and taking a swing of energon, Megs reflected the latest villainous character to enter the show: Queen Chrysalis.

He had to admit, she was quite a good villain. Probably right up there with Discord even! However, if their was ONE pony that had taken Megatron's cold dark spark…it was none other than Pinkie Pie! The warlord laughed, remembering when the pink earth pony used her party cannon on those little changelings.

"They never stood a chance!" The Decepticon thought. Stretching, Megatron let out a yawn. That four hour long meeting had really put a number on him. Perhaps a quick stasis nap would help?

Grabbing his favorite ducky, Megs went into stasis on his comfy couch and began dreaming about the usual; Killing the Autobots, conquering the universe, and of course…My little pony.


Silently opening the door to Megatron's chamber, Soundwave tip-toed in and quietly looked over his master's sleeping form. Ever so quietly, Soundwave sat down in the chair beside Megs and turned on the TV. Using one of his tentacles, he attached it into the TV so he wouldn't wake up the warlord sleeping beside him. Taking out his favorite Rainbow Dash plushie, the con located the HUB channel and began watching and listening to My little Pony. No one knew Soundwave was secretly a pony fan, not even Megatron!

Any who, he had missed quite a few episodes and never found the time to watch them. However he did learn that there was going to be a season 2 marathon on today after re-showing the final. If Soundwave had a mouth right now, he'd be smiling like a school girl.

Episode after episode after episode, Soundwave simply sat and watched. Before he even knew it, it was already 8:30 P.M. at night. A sudden stretch from Megs brought Soundwave's attention to his master. Quickly the Decepticon turned off the TV and tried to get up, but fell back into the seat. Slowly sitting up, Megatron yawned and looked to his right to see Soundwave. Shaking his head and rubbing his optics, the warlord cocked an eyebrow at his most loyal Decepticon.

"Soundwave? What are you doing in my private chambers? Is it something urgent?" The silent con slowly shook his head, trying to hide his Rainbow plushie. Megatron chuckled, noticing it.

"Ponies got you too Soundwave?" The con simply nodded in agreement and played a clip of Rainbow's "So awesome!"

A/N: Sorry, this took me longer than it should have. Stuff been coming up and I couldn't finish it. I choose Rainbow Dash as Soundwave's favorite because she's the element of loyalty and he's incredibly loyal to Megatron. Pinkie and Rainbow go together like Megatron and Soundwave. XP

Perhaps in the next chapter we learn if any of the kids love the ponies (cough*onlyone*cough)? But who? And how will they take the fact that they're going to be stuck on the Nemesis…what I don't think I was suppose to tell you that!