Konoha's O.D.


Reach, Fort Suna 5.35 am.

In a dusty desert 150 miles off the coast of "New Alexandria", in a desert in the region of "New Fulena" (A/N yes I will be making up cities.) a pelican had just landed in "Fort Suna" and out came Sgt. Johnson along with a grey coloured O.D.S.T, and they were having a serious talk.

"Ok, Kakashi are you sure you want to make there marines ODSTs?" Asked a serious Johnson.

"Yes, now just hand me those files!" Shouted Kakashi.

Johnson sighed, he knew that these marines had lied about there age to get into the Corps. but they didn't worry about it, but making these teenagers ODSTs, they could die on their first mission.

Finally, he decided.

"Fine, but don't blame me if they all die..." Said Johnson handing Kakashi the files.

"Thank you." the ODST said.

"Oh and worry Johnson"


"They won't die."

End of Chapter