It was two days before the next Mortal Kombat Tournament. Liu Kang had won the last one, both of them. Shao Kahn had invaded Earth and had dealt with the repercussions of the Elder Gods. He had been revived mere days later. Raiden was once again at peace, considering that the visions had finally stopped and all the warriors who had fallen during the battle were revived (Sindel back in her right mind and ruling Edenia once more). Everyone was simply relaxing in the temple, waiting for our portal to appear.

A groan slowly alerted the members of the room to the stranger among them. Slowly, the female sat up, rubbing her head, her eyes still closed. Her dark crimson hair fell around her in waves, its length reaching her lower thigh. Her skin was tanned, saying she spent a lot of time in the sun... and her body was curved in all the right places to ignite a man's desire. She was blessed with wide hips, trim waist, and generous breasts. She was any man's fantasy.

"Where does it hurt?" asked Sonya, quickly walking over. The girl still didn't open her eyes.

"My head," she answered slowly, her voice melodic even to my ears. "I feel like it's splitting in two!"

"Well, you did have quite the fall," Sonya defended her. The girl nodded, then slowly opened her eyes. Almost immediately, shock (among several other emotions) raced across her face, her eyes flying from one of us to the next. Her heart began to race as her panic went up another few notches. Sonya freaked.

"Relax!" she tried to tell the stressed girl. "You're not going to help your head that way!"

Immediately, the girl closed her eyes. I watched as she forced her body to calm. She had iron-clad control of her emotions if she could do that. Sonya finished working on her head, then handed the girl the bag she'd come with. The girl clung to it as if it was her life.

"Now, what had you so upset?" Sonya asked her gently. In answer, the girl opened her bag and pulled something unfamiliar out. She handed it to Sonya. Sonya frowned, then looked it over. As soon as her eyes hit it, they widened in surprise. In mere seconds, she crossed the room and handed the strange item to Raiden. His own eyes widened for a moment, before they went back to the trembling girl.

"Do I assume correctly that you know all of us?" Raiden asked. The girl nodded, looking like she was scared out of her wits. "Then you also know we will not harm you?"

The girl didn't answer for a few moments.

"There's no guarantee of that for anyone," she answered finally. "Can I have my game back now?"

My eyes shot to the strange item in Raiden's hands.

"That's a game?" I asked incredilously. "You got all worked up over a game?"

That's when her fear vanished to be replaced by anger. I didn't even see it coming before she was in front of me. The whole room rang with the resounding sound of her slap.

"Don't mock me, Cage," she said, her voice cold. "At the moment, I have no patience for it."

Sonya and Jax quickly grabbed ahold of her arms and pulled her away from me while I rubbed my offended (and very red) cheek.

"That actually hurt," I commented. The girl merely scowled at me.

"What is your name?" Sonya asked her. The girl's scowl disappeared.

"Nova," she answered. Sonya gestured for more. "Nova Maelstrom Rose."

"Well, since you know us, I'm guessing introductions would be a complete waste of time," Sonya told Nova. Nova partially nodded.

"I would, however, like them anyway, to guarantee that my knowlege is correct," she said, showing how uncertain she really was about this whole thing. "I know he's Jonny Cage. You're Sonya Blade. That's Jax. That's Raiden. You're Lui Kang and you're Kung Lao. That's Kenshi... but the others I'm not so sure of."

"I am Nightwolf," said the native.

"Sub-Zero," said Iceman. The girl nodded, accepting that. Then she looked hesitant again.

"Umm... Raiden..." she seemed very, very hesitant to go on. "Have your... visions... ended?"

Surprise fluttered across Raiden's face, but he nodded. We also were surprised. She relaxed a bit.

"Then Liu Kang won both tournaments?" she guessed, her voice saying she was more sure of herself this time. Again, Raiden nodded. Slowly, she relaxed a little more.

"Why are you all here, then?" she asked, confused.

"It's time for the next tournament," I answered her. "We intend to stay on top."

"And what of me?" she pressed. All of us looked at Raiden to decide her fate. She very, very hesitantly, followed suite.

"It would be best that you remain close by until we are certain how you got here," he ruled. She paled a bit.

"Does that mean..." she swallowed hard. "...going to the tournament?"

Again, Raiden nodded. Then he handed her the game. Sonya then nodded to Raiden and pulled her away from us.

"Come," she told Nova. "Let's get you some clothes. Any particular style you want?"


Sonya saw to my wellfare. I was bathed, clothed, and fed. Fortunately, Sonya was willing to let me wear whatever I felt most comfortable in. So, I chose an outfit much like Kitana's only red in color and lined in black. I wore gold earrings and we put my hair up in a ponytail. We spoke very little in that time, Sonya understanding that I needed time to absorb all of this. She even kept me away from all the others. Towards the end of the day, she led me to a room, telling me I would be staying here, and I let sleep remove me from this world.

The next morning, I woke to the feel of fur against me. My eyes fluttered open and I saw a small, black kitten. I smiled and lightly pet it, waking it. It mewed at me so cutely, then purred. This kitten couldn't be much older than a few weeks. It was so small... It was a wonder I hadn't crushed it with my body during the night. Then I saw it's eyes and I froze. Looking back at me were eyes as crimson as my own. Finally, I just accepted it and relaxed, then checked for gender. Naturally, the kitten wasn't very happy about that, but soon settled down in my hand.

"What am I going to name you, little one?" I asked softly, thinking about it. "How about... Cobalt?"

The kitten purred as if in agreement so I smiled, then slowly got up. I put my hair back up and dressed in the outfit of my choice (I had seven just like the one I'd chosen yesterday, same in every way). I put in my earrings, then walked out the door, Cobalt following close behind. After I reached the steps, little Cobalt mewed pitifully at me. So, with a smile, I picked him up and placed him on my shoulder. He gladly rode there, enjoying the view. He occassionally played with a stray hair or my earrings, but I was used to cats doing that. After all, I only owned four of them.

"You're awake," Sonya said, surprised. I nodded. "I was just coming to get you for breakfast."

Then she saw Cobalt.

"Where did..."

"I woke up and he was next to me," I answered. "His name's Cobalt."

Slowly, she nodded and then turned around, leading me to the dining hall.

"If it's not too much trouble, Raiden would like a word with you while you eat," she said. "Afterwards... well... I want to train you in some self-defense. You are a pretty young woman, something I'm certain will catch many eyes during the tournament... and much ill will."

I nodded.

"Thank you," I told her, then followed her to the breakfast line. I was delighted to see many things I recognized on the buffet. I took some french toast, some eggs, some bacon, some hashbrowns, and a glass of water. Then I sat down at the table where Sonya was. She laughed when she saw my plate.

"Hungry?" she teased. I smiled.

"Only at breakfast," I answered, then ate. I used utmost manners, making sure to appear the lady I sure as hell was not. However, they didn't need to know that yet. Sonya was just as quiet as I... until Raiden sat down at our table. I put my empty dish aside and looked at him calmly.

"Tell me more about yourself and this... game... that had you so upset," he said. I nodded and obeyed.

"I don't want to seem rude, but... none of this exists, none of you exist in the world I come from," I answered him. "That game is one of many like it, all telling the stories of your world in a way that people in my world can... interact with. The reason I was so upset is because... well... I'm definately not home anymore."

He nodded, accepting my answer.

"Can you tell me what would have happened if I had continued to fail in preventing my visions?" he asked. I bit my lip.

"I..." I hesitated. "I don't..."

I cut myself off with a sigh and bit my lip again.

"If you can't, I understand," he said. I nodded.

"I only can't because there are numerous different outcomes to every story, considering there are so many characters that exist to change it with the smallest decisions," I explained. "We... can never truly know... what may have been."

Again, he nodded, seeming surprised.

"You seem wise beyond your years," he said. "How long have you been alive?"

I gave him a cheeky smile.

"You do know it's very rude to ask a woman her age, right?" I pointed out. Apparently he didn't because I'd managed to startle him again. I chuckled. "Wow... surprised twice in one day. I'm on a roll!"

Sonya chuckled, unable to help herself. Then I got serious again.

"To answer you, I'm twenty-two," I answered. He seemed to think that over. "Anything else you're pressing to know? I don't mean to come off as rude but... considering where we're going... I'd kinda like a little bit of self-defense practice."

"Do you know any self-defense?" he asked. I shook my head with a rueful smile.

"My Dad forbid me to be taught," I answered. "He's very anti-violence."

With a small dismissive wave, Sonya and I left, but not before I gave Raiden a piece of advice.

"Word to the wise," I told him. "There are other ways to let people know you don't need anything more than a wave of dismissal. I could take that as an insult to my stature, as it is a gesture meant for those that are beneathe you."

I let him think on that, then finished the statement with a wicked grin.

"Last time I checked, I haven't been beneathe you yet," I finished, then walked out of the room, pulling a stunned and giggling Sonya after me. Once outside, I chuckled while she let loose her laughter.

"I can't believe you said that!" she said. "And to Raiden no less!"

I shrugged with an amused grin.

"Twas worth the priceless look on his face, though," I pointed out. She only laughed harder. We got a few raised brows from some of the monks, even a few from the warriors that were going with us. Thankfully, we then arrived to a clearing and she began to teach.