This has been in my head for a few weeks, but I haven't been able to get it down on paper. I usually don't do prologues, but I'm trying something new. I want to know what you think of this and if I should continue with this story. Please review since my review board is open for EVERYONE. I do not own CSI: Miami or Danny Phantom.

The club was alive with the pulse of the beat of the bass. The music was so loud. People were on the dance floor dancing like there was no tomorrow.

A girl who looked like she was much too young to be there was trying to make it through the throng of dancers, attempting to get to the exit. Her black hair was plastered to her pale face. She looked at the DJ's booth and saw the man at the turntables. She knew the man, not just who he was, but what he was. The girl also knew this was too much for her to handle on her own. She had to find her friends as fast as she could.

A dancer bumped into her and something fell from her ear. Another dancer stepped on it and smashed it to pieces. The girl covered that ear and doubled her efforts to get out of the club. Another dancer smacked into her and something fell from her other ear. The girl searched for what fell for a second, but began to run, her hands clasped over her ears. She couldn't get to the main exit. She looked around for a fire exit. She spotted one not far from her. She started to run for it, but crashed into someone. Her hands fell from her ears to try to stop her fall. She hurried to get off the floor, but as she did, her violet eyes glazed over and she began to dance with everyone else.

"Danny, help," she whispered before she lost herself completely to the music.

Okay, that's the first bit. Please let me know what you think.