Not mine...

Also, I am happy to announce that I am officially a beta reader! So if anyone likes my style and would like a beta... ^_^

Trowa liked watching Quatre dress.

For other than the obvious reasons, as well, of course.

He liked watching him pull out inlaid drawers made of fine woods and glass handles, rummage through them, and then lay several items on top. He liked how he would stand, very still for a moment, and then point dramatically at a pair of trousers or a vest, somehow knowing based on that one item exactly where the rest of his outfit was. Sometimes he had to call out, "Trowa! I think I left that shirt in the laundry room, would you mind..." and it would always be exactly as he said.

Quatre liked to collect ties and cuff links, mentioning more than once that they were one of the few ways a man could express himself while wearing a suit. That was completely ridiculous, from Trowa's point of view, because Quatre always looked unique and comfortable in his clothing whether he wore a tailored three-piece or shorts and a t-shirt. Nevertheless almost twenty pairs of links, all silly mementos of vacations or inside jokes, sat in rows in an old carved wooden box that had belonged to his grandfather. Trowa never tried to count the ties.

The long and short of it was, Quatre dressed deliberately and with a sense of purpose.

Relena had teased him once, when Quatre showed up to a party suddenly much taller and all sophisticated angles, that it was a good thing he was open about his relationship with Trowa (who was standing nearby, smile in his eyes) or else he would spend the majority of her birthday fending off offers, and she really did want him to have a good time.

As the two friends continued chatting Heero turned to Trowa, mouth upturned slightly.

"We're lucky we don't have to dress ourselves for these things."

"Damn straight."

"I'm going to burn all of my suits!" Quatre said, sighing and flopping back in a chair. He kicked his shoes off and Trowa watched as they bounced across the floor, finally landing in the corner.


"Two weeks of straight meetings with dinosaurs who care more about how I spend my money on myself than they do about how I spend it on people who need it, or the company for that matter."

"I like you in suits."

Quatre turned to his companion, eyes narrowed. "You like me out of suits as well."

Trowa stared back. "Yes, but the process is important."

After a few moments Quatre sighed dramatically and threw his arms up, amusement clearly showing on his face.

"Oh alright, the suits can stay. You don't have to try so hard to convince me."

I'm sorry that this is a bunch of random scenes. Q_Q Quatre and Trowa are the best, but its difficult for me to write them. You have to start somewhere though, right?