
Chapter One


She always cried. How could she not? She had nothing. There was nothing for her to have outside of this room. The white walls haunted her day and night. The only light she had was when that woman would come. There were no windows…only one door that was always locked. Always locked. There was no way for her to get out. No way for her to escape the beatings when they came from that woman. The woman that called herself Hitomi's mother.

How could she even dare face her? She blamed everything on Hitomi. The death of a man name Shijo Kyoma; Hitomi was quickly able to put he answers to that. Shijo had to be a father or a brother. But why was it all blamed on her? It wasn't fair!

She didn't know why, but she had been born a sick child. Her chest always hurt. Her throat was constantly raw. She could barely walk. Why? What had she done to be treated like this? To be given this? Was she going to have to endure this for the rest of her life? For years she sat there, going through all of this. She didn't know how long, but she was sure that it was very, very long.

Hitomi had learned to ignore that woman when she came inside. In the earlier yes the woman loved her but now…it was nothing but hate. She would force herself away from this room, this horrible place, and find herself in a place of peace and tranquility. With a new friend always there, waiting on her.

His name was Kudja. He was a tall man, nearly 6'1' with long, pale blue hair nearly to his knees and a pair of dark yellow eyes that could be seen through the slits of the black and white mask he wore. The mask was just a white, round face; emotionless as it was tied around the back of his head. He would always be wearing a long, black cloak over a long, white outfit. Whenever they would meet Kudja would wrap his arms and cloak around Hitomi and whisper things into her ears to pull her mind away from what her 'mother' was doing to her.

Just like he was now.

Kudja loved holding this woman in his arms. He was the only one she had and since he was taken from his home she was all he had now as well. He needed her just as much as she needed him. Her pale brown hair barely reached her shoulders and her matching eyes were always so sad. Her skin was a deathly white and he grip was weak as her body was so thin. It made him want to do all that he could to protect her; just like he did to Shirayuki. (Come on, you gotta know who that is, guys :)~)

They were sitting on a boulder at the top of a mountain, high in the sky. The clouds above them soared through the blue sky as green grass and trees and flowers were thrown out beneath them. This was the only freedom that Hitomi had, the only access to the outside world. She wanted to stay here forever.

"Kudja…" Her voice was weak and frail as well, making him grip her tighter. "When is all of this going to be over?"

"Over?" He asked her.

"Yeah…when am…when is she going to stop all of this? When-"

"Hush," He told her. "It'll all be over soon, I promise."

"No it won't," She replied after a moment. "That's what you always say but she…she comes back. Daily! I am not strong enough to fight her off. She beats me over some man I've never even met! How are you going to make this stop? How?"

Kudja closed his eyes and began to sing for her in a soft voice. He found that it was always a way to calm Hitomi down.

"Saa ryoute hiroge

Ano kumo wokoete

Niji no achi kugette

Mezasu basho he

Fly Away

Kimi gasobaniirukara."

Hitomi closed her eyes and listened to the man sing. He had a beautiful voice that could calm her down no matter what mood she was in. He always knew what to say, what she was feeling, and he would always song the right song. This one she had heard so many times…

"Tsuyoga rino naifu

Wo furimawashi te

Kizutsu kete kizutsu kete

Kurayami de saken deta."

Leaning her head back onto his shoulder, Hitomi lost herself. She could imagine herself flying through this area, Kudja right beside her. Freedom. That was all she wanted.


Hitomi was pulled out of Kudja's grasp by a sharp sting on her left arm. Ripping away from whatever it was, Hitomi found herself pinned against the wall of her room, her 'mother' standing over her with a knife in her right hand. Blood was dripping from it. She had stabbed her.

"We'll…we'll go see Shijo together," The woman laughed. Her eyes were wild and her laugh was crazed. "You…and me…and Hiromi! All three of us will go to him! All of us!"

"Run," Kudja's voice entered her mind again. "Run, or she'll kill you!"

Hitomi didn't have to be told twice. The woman lunged at her for another stab but the girl crawled out of the way. Pulling herself up as best as she could, Hitomi tried to run out of the room but she fell. She was then jumped on, receive another couple of stabs. "NO!" She cried.

"Quickly, repeat after me," Kudja spoke fast. "Bakudo Number 8. Seki."

Hitomi didn't wait to ask what would happen. "Bakudo, Number 8. Seki!" Power traveled through her, draining whatever it was that she had left. A small, light blue orb generated in front of her just as the knife came back down. The moment the knife struck it the woman was thrown back into the wall. The girl didn't even wait. She pulled herself back up and moved as fast as she could from the room that had long been her cell.

"No!" Hitomi stumbled through the house, trying to ignore the bleeding that dribbled from her. "No," She stumbled and fell into a large area, the dining hall, of the house. Everything looked so strange to her. So new. It was like she was in another world. The door behind her opened again and she rolled over to see her mother standing over her again, that crazed look still there as she held the knife tightly in her hands. "No, please," She pulled herself across the floor as best as she could but she had no strength. She felt tears begin to leak out of her eyes as the woman stood over her, continuing to mumble about 'going to see Shijo together…as a family'.

"Hitomi," She froze at the sound of Kudja's voice. "Do you want to die?"

"No…" She whispered.

"I can't hear you."

"No," She got louder.


"No." She wanted as her mother knelt over her, pulling her hand back with the knife.


"No!" The knife came down for another stab


"NO!" Hitomi screamed, closing her eyes while shoving the woman away from her. She was still for a moment, not daring to move until a warm, wet substance began to drip onto her skin. She shakily opened them before giving a gasp. There was a long sword (a Nodachi) in her right hand, shoved through the woman's chest above her. Hanging from the handle of the blade was a dark skull. Hitomi's hand began to shake. The blade…it was so heavy. How was she even holding it…Her eyes traveled higher to see Kudja standing behind the dead woman, holding the tip of the blade up with a single finger. He locked his yellow eyes with hers before a grin spread across his face.

"You are must stronger than I thought, Hitomi. I'm impressed." Hitomi struggled to her feet, gripping the handle with both hands as she pulled the blade from the body. It splashed in the blood when it hit the floor. She could barely hold the blade up now until Kudja slipped behind her and placed a firm grip on her arms. "This woman claimed to be your mother and yet she beat you. Tortured you. Kept you locked inside a room since you were born. And now…she was trying to kill you." He paused for a moment and backed away.

Hiromi was still before using all her strength and bringing the blade crashing down into her 'mother's' chest again and again.

"Mother!" The voice caught Hitomi by surprise and she dropped Kudja. She whipped around and slipped in the blood, landing on the ground. She grabbed the large sword again and shakily pointed it at the new woman behind her.

And so it begins…

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