
by supernaturalfreak17

Chapter One: Hide

Summary: What if the body in the tomb wasn't Adam, but his older brother? What is he followed Dean out of the tunnel?

A/N: In this, Adam looks nothing like Jake Abel. Also, Adam is 16 and Liam is 19. Check my profile for links to pictures of Liam, Adam, Daniel, and The Flock.

I own nothing except Liam and Daniel, but not their appearances. They belong to Jake Abel and Burkley Duffield.

When I wake up, I'm in a bed. It's not mine. I look around. I think I'm in a motel room.

The door opens, and Sam walks in, followed by Dean.

"Where's my Dad?" I ask. I try to sit up, and I fall back down with a grunt.

Sam rushes to the side of the bed. "Relax, Adam. You're safe with us. Do you know how long you were in the tomb?"

I try to remember, but I can't. "I don't know. A week? What's the date?"

"April 24," Sam answers.

"Where's my Dad?" I ask again. Sam and Dean share a look. "Someone answer me!"

Dean answers me this time. "He's dead. Almost 3 years."

It's not possible for Dad to be dead. He just visited us…Three years. Maybe it is real. But how? Dad is so strong. How the hell did he die, if he did die? I intend on challenging them, but a small noise escapes my lips. Like a whimper.

Sam and Dean give me these looks that are so, sympathetic, so pitying, that I feel sick to my stomach. I can't take it. Not from people I don't even know. I throw the crappy blankets back. "You know what? To hell with this! In the past week, I lost my mom, watched my brother get eaten by this, this…Thing! I was stuck in a cave for more than a week, and now I am going to be told that my Dad has been dead for the past three years by complete stranger? This is not happening! Because if my dad is dead, I should have been fucking told! I can't take it! I don't even know why you know who I am, or why you know my Dad. The only thing I know about you is your names! For all I know, you killed my Dad! I'm out!" I sit up, and this time, I don't fall down. I turn to the side, and begin to stand up. I collapse back to the bed. Sam reaches over to help me, but I slap his hand away. I don't want him near me, let alone touching me. "Don't touch me. I said I was leaving, and I'm gonna do it on my own. I stand up, and after a moment, I am steady. I take a step towards the door. Dean makes a move as if he wants to stop me, but I ignore him and keep walking.

"No! J-just get away. I don't need your help. I don't know you. Get away." My voice is shaky, but I won't cry. They'll just think I am weak. I reach for the door knob, and turn around. "Where the hell is my bag?"

Sam turns around, to the other bed, and pulls a dark brown shape off of the bed. My bag. He hands it to me. It's heavier than it was before. I turn to face the door and open it. I cross the motel parking lot, towards the office.

The door is open. I see that the office is set up like a motel room, minus the beds. I ring the bell. Once. Twice. Three times. Someone walks out from what is supposed to be the kitchen.

"How do you get to Connor Drive from here?" I ask.

"Three miles south." It's a woman. I think. I can't really tell.

I turn around and start to leave. I take the directions. I now have to walk 3 miles to my road, then another half mile to my house. Great. Just fucking perfect. I head towards the road. I really wish my phone was charged. I could call my best friend, Daniel, and have him come pick me up.

+Three Hours Later+

It feels as if I've been walking forever, but I've only made it about a mile and a half. I still have two miles left. I've never been in this part of town, and it's strange. The trees seem darker, and it seems as if nothing is right.

The road that I'm on is a twisting, winding, path that seems to lead to nowhere, but as I pass the signs that state I have another 5 miles until the Windom Mall, I know I am on the right path.

I'm not sure what I wouldn't give for a charged phone. If I had one, I could call someone, Daniel, Lissa, or even Nathan, and have them come pick me up. Hell, I could even call Sadara or Ashtyn. But my phone is dead. I have no chance to call anyone until I get home, to my car.

Daniel is my best friend. He has been since I was in Kindergarten, and he was the only one that ever talked to me, save for a few others, like Max or Jeff when I was in 9th grade. That was the year that we lived in Virginia. That was the year I broke my arm. I got into a fight with Jeff and Max's brother, Nick.

We moved back here, and I met the new girl, Lissa. She's been my girlfriend since the middle of 10th grade.. Sadara and Ashtyn are my cousins. They live about a mile down the road, and they are twins. They're 17.


I have now been walking three and a half hours. At the rate I am going, I make a mile in two hours. That's too slow. I should move faster, but I can't. I am weak from days of sitting in a tomb and I slept for who knows how long. It will be getting dark soon, so I need to make sure I keep a steady pace. I can't afford to slow down. I have about a mile and three quarters, so I am halfway there. It is only about 4:30, according to my watch. I have nearly four hours until dark.

A half hour later, I hear a car horn. Voices yell, "Adam!" It's Sam and Dean. I should have known they would be looking for me. I break into a run, with my bag slapping my hip with each step. Only a mile and a half until I get home. I will be safe.

The car is gaining on me. Surely they will see me soon. I turn off the road, into the bushes. I have just crouched down in a hidden spot when the sleek black car passes me with Sam and Dean yelling for me. The car is like a ghost, passing silently, except for the screams.

Once I am sure they are gone, I crawl out. That wasted nearly seven minutes. It is now 4:58. If I don't get home in three hours, it will be dark. I probably won't be able to see at all, with these woods being so dark.


I have been walking for four and a half hours. It is 5:28. Normally, we would be having dinner right now. Liam would be coming down stairs to help me finish dinner, then we would sit down and eat. After dinner, we would do our chores and sit around until 10. That is lights out. I would lay in bed until mom got home at 11. Except on Sundays. Mom always got home at 3 on Sundays.


It has now been five hours. About another hour until I have hit my street. I haven't been hungry for quite a while. Good thing, too, because I can't afford the time I need to eat. I am almost home. I am starting to feel the effects of walking for five hours with little rest.

The road in front of me ends in a crossroads. The sign that points ahead says that the Windom Mall is straight ahead by a few miles. I follow the sign straight forward.


A half hour later, I am on my road. I now am almost home. I break into a run for the last little bit. I know I have extra clothes in my car that I can change into. I have my car charger. I can call someone. Daniel.