DE Chap10

When Elena woke the next moring she was comfortably snuggled up to Damon who was still sound asleep snoring softly. When he'd come to bed she had no idea but she liked how this felt. Waking up next to the man she loved. She started to wiggle free of Damons arm but it tightened around her.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked sleepily.

"I thought you were asleep."

"I was."

"I didn't mean to wake you up." Elena said snuggling closer.

"You didn't really. I was waking up anyway." Damon said and kissed the top of her head. "Can we stay like this all day?"

"Sure until our bladders explode or we die of starvation."Elena said.

"Hmm, both could be a problem. Tell you what, you go take care of what ever you need to take care of. I'll go take care know..what I need to take care of. I'll make a quick breakfast and meet you back up here then we'll get back to this snuggling stuff."

Elena laughed, "Ok, sounds good to me. I'm going to take a shower. I'll meet you back here."

Half an hour later Elena came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel combing out her wet hair. she didn't expect Damon to be back already. "Oh!" Elena said in surprise.

"Gees Elena I'm sorry. I figured you would have taken your clothes in the bathroom with you."

"I forgot." Elena said blushing.


They stood rooted in place, locked in eachothers gaze.

"Um, Damon you should probably put that stuff down." Elena said.

"Huh? What stuff?" Damon couldn't take his eyes off of her.

Elena laughed and pointed, "The tray Damon. You're going to drop it."

"Oh yeah. Sorry." Damon turned his back to her and set the tray on the dresser fighting to control his thoughts until Elena was standing next t him.

"Damon," Elena said laying her hand on his arm sending a jolt of electricity through him. "I'm the one who should be embarassed. Not you."

Damon turned to her and gave her the crooked half smile that she loved so much and brushed wet hair away from her eyes. "Elena you have no idea the effect you have on me fully clothed. Seeing you like this, well," Damon took a breath and let it out, "I can't put it into words."

"Then maybe you should show me."Elena said wrapping her arms around him

"No Elena not like this. I can't take advantage of the situation."

"You aren't Damon. It's really me taking advantage of the situation."

"I can't Elena. Not this way. It's not right. I'm sorry." Damon left the room leaving Elena alone and bewildered. She didn't espect that reaction from him. Confused and really embarassed she put on her sweats and one of Damons t-shirts and went downstairs to find him.

Damon was sitting on the couch in the living room. He looked troubled or even angry. Elena sat next to him but didn't say anything for a few minutes. Until she couldn't stand the silence any longer.

"So, um, what just happened up there?"

"You were there."

"Damon are you mad at me for that?"

Damon sighed and glanced at Elena, "No not really."

"No not really? Damon what's wrong?"

"Elena there is no way you can understanf how badly I wanted you up there." Damon started to explain.

"That I can understand. What I don't is why you rejected me."

"I've told you a little about my relationship with Katherine right?"

Elena nodded, "Yes"

"Our sexual relationship was based on nothing more than manipulation. We never really made love. All it ever was was just sex."

"Ok so what's that go to do with you and I today?" Elena asked confused.

"What happened upstairs today was her favorite seduction game." Damon explained

"I see. So that was a game I was playing? I couldn't possibly have wanted to have an intimate moment with my boyfriend. No that would be wrong of me. So let me ask you something, Lets say, just for kicks, a few months or a year from now, assuming we're still together, lets say a similar situation happens. Are you going to blow me off again? I'd really like to know Damon because I have to tell ya, that was a little humilliating." Elena ranted and stormed up the stairs to the bedroom and started gathering her things. she hadn't heard Damon come into the room.

"Please don't leave." he said.

"Do you have any idea how hurt I am Damon? I mean very few things about us bother me. Even the fact that you're 100 and god only knows how many years old.."

"66" Damon interupted.

"66 what?"

"166 years said, '100 and god only knows how many years old' I'm 166 years old." Damon clarified.

"Whatever, my point is, the fact that you're 166 years old and technically dead, none of that bothers me. Being compaired to your evil slut dead vampire girlfriend..That bothers me."

"Elena, I wasn't compairing you to her. You asked a question, I explained myself." Damon said.

"I also asked another question. What about next time? Should there be one."

"I don't know Elena. Do we have to talk about this right now?"

Elena smiled an angry sarcastic smile, "Nope we sure don't." She said picking up her bag. "So call me when you're ready to have an adult conversation." Elena said and stormed from the room.

"When I'm ready to have an adult conversation? I'm not the one freaking out and running away like a child. Not to mention that calling her my 'dead vampire girlfriend' is a little redundent since technically you have to be dead to be a vampire in the first place." Damon said to himself.

When Elena got home she was still angry. Probably more angry since she had time to thing on the drive home. She decided she wasn't really mad at Damon. She was mad at herself for being jealous. That was the real issue. She was jealous of a dead woman. "How irrational is that?" She said to herself and stormed into her house and started up the stairs to her room.

"I thought you were spending the weekend at Damon's" Elena's mom said from the other room.

"We had a fight." or I had a fight. She thought.

"You didn't break up with my favorite softball partner did you?" He dad yelled from the kitchen.

"Way to be supportive dad!" Elena yelled back and went up the stairs to her room slamming the door behind her. Elena's phone was buzzing with a text. She dug it out of her bag and saw it was from Damon.

"Ugg what now!" she said

"If this is about jealousy," My god could he read minds too? "You need to get over it. It's no different than you sleeping with Stefan."

"Gah! The nerve of him!"

Then came a second text.

"Actually it's a lot different. You never met Katherine but Stefan's my brother."

"Oh now you've done it!" She said. Elena started texting back fingers flying across the keyboard. "For your information Damon Salvatore, Stefan and I NEVER slept together! I remain to this day, unfortunately, a virgin, so you are the one who.." Elena ran out of room and had to start a new text. "Needs to get over it. I wanted to share something special with you today and you ruined it. I love you Damon but I'm so hurt right now."

Elena layed on her bed to have a good cry but there was a knock on her door and her mom peeked in, "Can I come in?"


"Want to talk about it?" Miranda asked

"Yes and no." Elena said with a laugh and wiped tears away. "You probably won't like the subject."

"Oh I think I can guess the subject." Miranda said giving Elena a 'Mom' look. "Sex?"

"How'd you know?"

"Elena I was 18 once too you know. Let me guess, he wanted too, you didn't and he got mad?"

Elena blushed and looked at her mom out of the corner of her eye, "Um no, actually, the other way around."

"Oh I see." Miranda said. "Elena are you sure you're ready to take that step?"

"I don't know I hadn't thought about it til today and it just seemed right. Apparently I was wrong."

"Maybe you're overreacting a little just listen a minute." Miranda said when Elena started to protest. "Maybe Damon just wants you to wait a little longer to make sure you're really ready."

"Ha! No mom that's not it at all." Elena went on to tell Miranda the whole story.

"Ok, I'm going to be very honest with you and you can get mad all you want but I agree with Damon."


"I'm sorry Elena. Obviously his memories of her are painful for him. Your actions today brought back a painful memory. Rather than getting angry you should have been a little understanding."

"I..but.."Her mom was right and Elena knew it. She had no arguement. "Uggg you're right." She said and layed face first in her pillow. "I'm such an idiot!"

"No, you're not an idiot. You're an 18 year old girl who's in love, has raging hormones and maybe got a little bit jealous at the mention of an old girlfriend. It's all very natural. Chances are he probably understands."

"So what do I do now?"

"Oh I think you need to figure that out for yourself." Miranda said and left the room.

Elenda layed on her bed for a while and decided she needed to just put her pride aside and go back to Damons and beg his forgiveness. Elena grabbed her bag, got back in her car and drove back over to the boarding house.

Damon must have heard her drive up. He opened the door before she could knock. "Hey" he said.

"Hey, um, can we talk?"

"Of course." Damon said and let Elena into the house.

"Damon I owe you an appology. I shouldn't have gone off on you like I did. That was obviously a painful time for you and I'm sorry I wasn't more sensative to your feelings."

Damon looked at Elena sadly, "Thank you Elena. Yes it was a painful time. Mostly at the end when she was playing her games. I'm sorry too, for those texts. That was completely uncalled for."

"Why would you just assume that Stefan and I had slept together?" Elena asked.

"I don't know. I guess just the times we're in."

Elena smiled, "So everyone my age must be having sex?"

"Well you were more than willing this morning."

"True." Elena stepped up to Damon and wrapped her arms around him. "Are we ok."

Damon kissed her lightly on the lips, "Of course babe. What couple doesn't argue?"

"Yeah but I was hurtful. You were only explaining and I blew it way out of proportion"

"It happens babe. I wasn't very nice with those texts either so lets just forget about it and move on."

"K. I love you Damon."

"I love you too baby. Now will you please tell me why you dragged me back home after begging me to go after my brother."

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Stay here. I'll be right back." Elena ran up to Stefans room an grabbed the journal and took it down to Damon. "Here read from here to here." She said.

Damon closed the book and looked at Elena. "He planned the whole thing. He knew what he was doing. It wasn't some bloodlust ripper rage at all. So what do we do about it?"

"We do nothing Damon. He's out there alone and we're here together."

"but he could come after you again." Damon said with a look mixed with pain and fear.

"I don't think he will Damon. We beat him. He won't come back to Mystic Falls. So what we're going to do is forget about your brother and go on with our life, together, like he doesn't exist."

Damon and Elena did just exactly that. Elena had been right. Stefan never came back to Mystic Falls.