Chapter 1

Dear Diary

I don't know what to do about Stefan anymore. He's hardly ever around and when he is he's cold and distant. Like he doesn't care if we're together or not. Honestly I don't know if we even are together. I still love him and want to help him but he keeps pushing me away. I don't know how much more I can take. He won't tell me what's going on. Everything is such a secret. I miss him. Then there's Damon. I really really don't know what to do about him. He's been so sweet to me. The other day he picked me up from school. It was weird. He was just there. Out of the blue. Standing by his car. He's got a really sexy car. Everything about Damon Salvatore is sexy but GAH! I can't go there. I love Stefan! Anyway I have to get ready for the pep rally. First game of senior year tonight. Raw Raw.

More later.

Elena closed her diary and set it aside. Thinking about Stefan now made her sad. She missed him badly but she wasn't going to let that ruin her mood. It was the first pep rally of her senior year and she was determined to enjoy it. Plus the game following was an easy win. Elena heard a knock on the door and thought it was Caroline to pick her up but when she opened the door no one was there. She looked around hoping to catch whoever was walking away. Instead she found 2 single roses. One red and one white, her school colors, with a note. "Good luck tonight. I'll be in the stands cheering you on, Damon." Elena couldn't help smiling, but a small part of her wished they were from Stefan.

The home side of the football stadium was packed full of students, teachers, parents and most of the town. Elena scanned the crowed looking for Stefan although she knew he wouldn't be there. Elena found Damon smiling down at her. He was amazingly handsome. Elena smiled back and waved.

"Who are you waving at Elena?" One of the other cheerleaders asked

"Huh? Oh just a friend." She replied.

Damon smiled at her reply. He of course heard every word. Even from where he was sitting. He could also see that she had his flowers with her.

"Who are the flowers from?" Bonnie asked, "Stefan?"

"Um, No they are from Damon actually." Elena said putting one to her nose and taking a sniff.

"Oooh Damon huh." Bonnie teased taking the rose from her.

"Yes Bonnie, Damon. Don't read anything into it. He's just being a friend." Elena said glancing toward where Damon sat. He didn't seem to be paying any attention to the cheerleaders. Which she thought was odd for a guy.

"He's really hot." Elena heard someone say.

"Very hot." Caroline said

"and those eyes. omg they are so blue." Bonnie gushed.

It was hard for Damon not to laugh at the girls. He looked towad Elena and caught her eye. Their eyes met and he swore he saw a sparkle there. Elena smiled at him again. Damons heart beat faster. Then Caroline broke their contact and she looked away from him.

"Elena the game it starting are you going to cheer or stare at Damon the whole game?" Caroline teased

"I'm not staring at him! Just cheer and shut up!"

Now Damon had to laugh to himself. He didn't mean to make Elena flustered. He liked her a lot but he didn't want to pressure her. He'd take his time with her. Hard as it was for him to admit she still had feelings for his brother.

Just as Elena predicted Mystic Falls High won the game and as was tradition the whole team and cheer squad was packing into cars to go celebrate at the grill for pizza and partying. Damon had to rush through the crowd to catch up to Elena before she was gone.

"Elena!" He called over a sea of people.

Elena heard her name but didn't know who was calling her. She looked around and saw Damon waving her down. "Hang on guys I'll be right back"

"Hey I was trying to catch up to you" Damon said

"Hey Damon. Thank's for the flowers."

"Just a little something for good luck. So, ah, what are you doing now?"

"Oh um, the team and everyone are going to the grill."

"Oh I see."

There was a little quiet awkwardness between them. Something Damon wasn't use to. What was it that this girl did to him?

Elena smiled, "Damon would you like to come?"

"Sure. I mean if you don't think your friends would mind."

Elena laughed, "No it's not a problem. Come on."

"We can take my car Elena. I can drop you off at home after."

"Ok sure. Just let me tell everyone."

Damon waited at his car for her. He was thinking. Maybe if this night went well he'd as her out on a real date. Would she go? He wasn't sure. The worst that could happen is she'd say no.

"ok I'm ready"

"ok lets go" Damon opened the door for her.

"Thank you." She said smiling. Damon's heart did a back flip. "Are you sure you want to do this Damon? It's just going to be a bunch of high school kids."

"Yeah I don't mind. It'll be fun to see what you kids are doing these days." he said laughing.

"Gees you say that like it was sooooo long ago that you were 17. How old are you anyway Damon?"

"How old you think I am?"

"Hmm I don't know. 21?"

She was close. Fact was he'd been 21 146 years ago. "Actually you're right."

Damon and Elena spent a couple hours having a good time with her friends who seemed to like him. He was fun and easy going. He got along well with her guy friends. They played pool and danced. Elena hadn't had such a good time in a long time.

"Elena we're going to the bathroom." Caroline said.

"Ok coming. Be right back Damon."

"Why do girls do that?" Matt asked

"So they can talk about us guys." Damon said taking his shot at the pool table.

"For real?" Matt said.

"Of course. Right now they are in there talking about me. That's not an ego trip. I'm the new guy around here. I'm here with Elena. The girls want the dirt." Damon took another shot and missed.

"That actually makes a lot of sense. Hey I'm Tyler. Nice to meet you."

"You too man." Damon said shaking hands

The girls came back to the tables talking but stopped when they reached the guys.

"Damon It's getting late do you mind if we go?"

"Sure no problem. Nice to meet all of you." Damon helped Elena get her jacket on and they left the grill. "Did you have fun?" He asked once they were in the car.

"Yes I did. Thanks for coming. Did you have fun?"

"I actually did. You're friends are cool."

"Yeah they are. I was surprised that you asked me to dance."

"Why is that?" Damon asked

"I could never get Stefan to dance. I'd almost have to force him."

"Oh I see. Well, Stefan and I are a lot different."

"I'm beginning to see that."

They road in silence the rest of the way to Elena's house. Elena thinking about Stefan and Damon and how different they were. Especially now. She glanced at Damon. He was so cute. Unbelievably cute. She didn't realize she was staring until he glanced over at her. She quickly looked away.

Damon smiled. She was so cute. He pulled into the driveway of Elena's house, got out to open her door and walked her to the front door.

"Thanks for coming tonight. I had a good time. Thanks again for the flowers."

"It was my pleasure. I had a good time. Listen can I ask you something?"

"Sure I guess so."

"Well, We get along pretty well don't you think?"

Elena laughed. "I think so Damon."

"That wasn't my question. What I was wondering is," Damon stalled

"Yes Damon?"

"Elena, Will you go out with me? On a real date. Just you and me?"

"Oh..I..Damon..I don't know..I don't even know what's going on with Stefan and I."

"Oh, yeah, It's ok. Well I better go. I'll see you later." Damon smiled and kissed Elena's cheek.

Elena chewed her lower lip as she watched Damon walk back to his car. She really did want to go out with him. He'd just taken her by surprise. "Damon!"


"Ask me again"

Damon closed the car door and walked back to Elena. "Elena will you go out with me?"


Damon smiled his crooked smile. "Um great! Then how about tomorrow night?"


"Great. Then I'll see you tomorrow."

"K night."

"Good night Elena."

Elena got ready for bed and sat thinking about Stefan. She did want to go out with Damon. He was nice and cute and if she were honest with herself her feelings for Stefan were fading the longer he stayed away from her. She picked up her phone and looked through her text messages. The last one she'd gotten from Stefan was 2 weeks ago. The last call 10 days ago. How long was she going to wait? She scrolled through her contacts and pushed his number. It started ringing. 2 rings, 3 rings, 4 rings and then voicemail.

"It's me Stefan, I just wanted to hear your voice. I've left you a dozen messages but you never answer them. I guess I'll take the hint. I won't bother you again. I love you Stefan and I miss you." Elena hung up and threw her phone across the room. Then cried herself to sleep.