Hello fellow readers! I updated today, woot woot! Just be glad i got up from my bed today, i feel like crap! ._. being sick sucks! BUt as long as i make you guys happy, its all good. but anyways READ ON!

Summery: Flaky wasn't a bad kid; being terrified of practically everything wouldn't allow her to be. She was just at the wrong place, at the wrong time. This explains her current residence in Xavier Academy.
Rated T: for violence, sexual refrences, and CURSE WORDS AND VIOLENCE/BLOOD IN THIS CHAPTER (THis is your warning) & the rating maybe boosted up later ;D
Disclaimer: I Don't own HTF, Mondo Media does! I sure as heck wish i did though!

Lunch hour. It just so happened to be Flaky's worst hour.

She nervously clutched onto her try as she stood in the middle of the entire cafeteria, trying to decide with who to sit with. She must have been standing there for awhile because Flippy walked up to her and led her to his table. At the table she saw many different faces.

"You guys this is Flaky, the newest badass in Xavier Academy. She may be quiet, but you know it's always the quiet ones." Flippy introduced. All the guys and the other girl at the table smiled and waved.

"I'm Splendid," said the blue haired girl as she smiled. "And this is my twin brother Splendont." The red haired guy smirked. "We got kicked out of Happy Tree High our freshman year for beating up three seniors on freshman Friday." She said gleefully.

"Psh that's nothing!" Shouted the purple-haired, buck tooth boy. "I burned down the science building my freshman year because my teacher annoyed the fuck out of me." He said proudly while Splendid rolled her eyes. "Oh I'm Toothy by the way!"

"Really, Toothy. That's all you got?" Spoke a lime green haired boy with a lollipop stuck to his cheek. "My hyper attack during sophomore orientation caused three broken legs, a broken back, and six broken arms." Flaky's jaw dropped, she was in the middle of a bunch of dangerous teenagers when she had done absolutely nothing wrong.

"But we all know Flippy's story is the best!" cheered Toothy, followed by "oh yea's" and "you got that right!" Flippy clenched his jaw and pointed his eyes toward Flaky. "But Flaky, let's see hoe much of a badass you REALY are." Toothy challenged.

Soon all eyes were on Flaky, not only from their table but from tables all around. Flaky sighed deeply and closed her eyes, knowing she was about to tell the biggest lie of her whole life.

"I-I... Poured b-bottles of syrup into b-buckets and tons of feathers in another and p-positioned them to fall on our principle. T-then I photoshopped a picture of his head onto a fat women with a bikini..."

The cafeteria was completely quiet by the time she finished until, of course, Toothy stands up and starts clapping. He is quickly joined by almost all of the student body as they cheer for what she had done. All expect Amanda, who stood up furiously and stomped over to their table.

"You fake lying whore!" She shouted as the cheering died down and all was quiet once again. "You're too innocent to do such a prank, too scrawny, too stupid!" Flaky growled lowly, her red eyes glaring into her blue ones.

"At least I didn't get sent here over a bad manicure." She yelled back. Toothy smirked and ran to Flaky, whispering what Amanda had done to get here. "Whoops, I'm sorry. I meant I wasn't whore enough to sleep with my teacher for a good grade." A roar of "Ooooohhhh!" was heard through the cafeteria.

"That's it you fucking little whore!" Amanda yelled with her face red from anger and embarrassment. Flaky, or anyone really, was expecting what happened next. Amanda pounced on Flaky, knocking her on the ground and straddling her waist. She sent repeated punches on her face but only hit her once or twice.

Flaky closed her eyes and pushed Amanda off. She took Amanda's position, grabbed a handful of hair, twisted it, and repeatedly bashed her head on the tile flooring. Amanda cried but flung a punch strait at her nose.

Flippy watched as the blood began to drip from Flaky's nose onto Amanda's white shirt. Let me out bro! Let me out! Evil yelled from inside his head. Flippy shook his head and began to hyperventilate. Not yet, she doesn't know about the curse yet. Flippy argued as he pushed through a crap ton of teens.

Flaky watched as Flippy ran from the scene and Amanda took the opportunity to punch her in the gut. Flaky let out a sharp, painful, breath and fell sideways as she clutched her stomach. She watched as Amanda pulled out a pocket knife and with a crazy smile brought it down to Flaky's neck.

"Say bye-bye till tomorrow Flaky. I'll get you back harder then!" Amanda cooed as she brought the knife down to slit Flaky's throat. Flaky let out painful sobs and gasps before she finally closed her eyes for what she thought was the last time.

-Boys Bathroom

"I can't believe your faggot ass didn't let me come out; I could've killed the bitch!" Evil roared through the mirror. Flippy rolled his eyes and clutched the sink.

"Yea, her and about three fourths of the student body. Remember what happened last time?" Flippy scowled back. Evil glared at him through beady golden irises.

"Can't help it." Evil said through a smirk. Flippy growled and turned away. He reached into his pocket and held the box tightly in his hand. 'Later.' Flippy thought to himself.

Footsteps echoed throughout the empty hallway and Toothy came into the bathroom. He clutched his stomach and took deep breaths as he tried to say what he needed to.

"Amanda... Killed... Flaky!" Toothy said in between breaths. Flippy's eyes widened and he growled. His eyes slowly changed from a grassy green to a eerie gold. His frown turned into a killer smirk.

Evil laughed cruelly and stuck his swiss army knife into Toothy's stomach and let him fall limply to the floor. He licked the blade and laughed, running to the cafeteria where the administration was taking Flaky's body into the nurses office.

His keen eyes looked around for her and spotted her as she ran toward the back entrance of the cafeteria. Evil smirked and ran after her, catching up in less than than ten seconds.

"You can't out run me." He sings nonchalantly as he grabs her by the neck and lifts her up the wall. "Flippy warned you earlier today..." he began as he gripped her neck tighter. He laughed as she clawed at his hands and tried kicking all around. His grip loosened a bit but still remained firm. "Now your gonna suffer the consequences you little bitch!"

He threw her bluntly onto the ground and kicked her in the ribs, breaking at least three in the process. He watched her cry and try squirming away, but stopped her as he sat next to her.

"Isn't obsession great?" He joked as he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her face close to his. "You will never get me, or Flippy for that matter. But you can always have my lust." He whispered cruelly as he brought her bloody, bruised lips to his blood thirsty ones.

Amanda squirmed under his lips and he brought his knife into her stomach. She let out one long scream into his lips and he dropped her body to the floor.

Flippy shook his head, his eyes reverting to their happy-go-lucky green color. The smell of recent blood filled his nose and he looked down, terrified at the body before him. He scooted himself backwards so his back was against a locker. He watched the bloody trail that left his hands form as he moved back.

Not again; was all that ran through his mind.

How'd you like the whole Flippy thing? I am not really so sure about it. but oh well, Flippy fan girls gotta do, what Flippy fan girls gotta do XD
And Who else liked my whole Splendid being a girl bit? I saw it in a picture and it seemed to suit him best, at least for this story he's a girl :D AnywasysReveiw my lovely's :D