Disclaimer bitches: I don't own shit.
Sorry it's been a while kids! (And this chapter is short at best). I work full time and sleep the rest, so I've had a little trouble cranking this one out. But! Here is it, chapter 6. It ain't too bad. Pretty introspective at best, but I really don't want to just repeat what's happened - you've all watched the show. So, my goal is to go a little deeper than the surface and put a darker twist on what's happening. Afterall - it has to suck to have the world on your shoulders.
Perfume: Chapter 6
The minute Korra stepped into their lives, the peace never seemed to last long; Bolin mused. In retrospect their lives had never been peaceful per se, but they had reached some semblance of normalcy that had allowed them to stay somewhat grounded. But in what had only been a moment, the brothers had been uprooted – twice.
It had been easy the first time. The house was extravagant and the waitstaff ever-present (though undoubtedly annoyed). It was simple and clean and easy and willing. The indoor pool had helped matters swimmingly. But the underground equalist factory? Bolin had decided that to be a deal breaker. Just as everything else, their momentary peace had been blown to smithereens. Not only had the brothers been sent on the move again, but the heiress as well, the princess and the paupers, out on their own ("I'm so sorry, so sorry guys. I can't stay here – I just can't." "It's okay Asami, we understand.")
But there she was, like she always was. Bolin admired that about Korra; her willingness to help, and it always poked at that part in his heart that was so unwilling to let go (he needed her, Agni he needed her). After all, it had gotten them out of a pickle when the had lost their third (or was it fourth?) water bender and it had landed them a spot in the pro-bending finals. It had rescued him from an imminent demise at equalist hands and once again, she would be there to pick the brothers (and his brother's girlfriend) up and put them right on their feet.
"You are still welcome at the island," She said.
And they had been. They were separated, but closer than they'd ever been ("Stupid conservative air acolytes." "I know you just want a chance to see Korra naked, Bo, but -!" "Mako! I'm hurt you would think so low of me! ..but come on, you've seen those gams, that -!" "Bo."). Bolin wasn't sure living together would be such a great thing. But he wasn't so much worried for himself – he was a big boy, he had a heart of stone. No, he was worried for his brother. He was fairly certain things were about to fall apart like they always did.
Ikki sat alone in her room, brushing one of her doll's hair. The doll, she mused, looked a lot like Korra's pretty friend (she had wanted the pretty girl to be her new playmate – but Korra had quickly ruined any possibility of that occurring.) She had noticed, however, that the pretty girl's face turned not so pretty when she had let slip Korra's little secret. But she was seven, what did she care?
She continued to brush the doll's hair gently. She had once been cruel with the doll and her silky hair, and her mother had seen. Her mother was quick to tell her that roughhousing with the doll like so would quickly turn her hair into a giant tangle – Ikki was just as quick to change her ways. After all, the doll was her favorite. She looked so pretty in the glow of the lamps. Ikki knew she was supposed to be in bed, but the doll needed her hair brushed ("Did you know princesses' brush their hair one-hundred times? That's why it's so pretty!" "Ikki, that isn't true." But she knew Jinora was wrong). But another part of her felt that she should be awake for other reasons. Someone needed her – and that someone was lurking outside her door.
With a wave of her hand, Ikki casually slid open the rice paper door, eliciting a gasp from the person lurking behind. It was her favorite air-bending trick.
"I'm – I'm sorry, I wasn't sure if you'd be up...I hope I didn't wake you!"
Ikki smiled at Asami brightly (her play date was back on!), "I've been up!"
Asami smiled back, "Do you mind if I come in?" Ikki shook her head and Asami tiptoed into the room, shutting the door behind her, "I was wondering...what can you tell me about Korra...and Mako?"
Ikki grinned, she loved this already, "Well, I know Korra likes Mako. She liked him since they first met – when she joined the Fire Ferrets. I thought it was really cool how she didn't listen to my dad and did it anyways. Everyone always listens to my dad. He's the boss! Anyways, Mako drives her crazy in a good way – or at least Jinora and I think it's a good way. That one time, when Korra saved Bolin from the bad guys (Bolin's cute, don't you think?), Mako showed up and we asked Korra if she drove him crazy and she got all red in the face and wouldn't answer – "
"Wait – Bolin was captured by equalists?" Asami blanched. Not only had Mako failed to mention this key fact but it poured a little salt in a fresh wound. Her father had kidnapped her boyfriend's brother. Her father had been in league with men who had attempted to rid Bolin of his bending. She felt like she was about to be sick.
"Yeah! And then Mako and Korra saved him! Korra told us all about how they pretended to be a couple to get inside and how she wore Mako's scarf to cover her face. Oh – and they slept in the park looking for the map to get to the bad guy's lair! Then, then they used a big burst of steam to distract everyone and save Bolin. I wish I could've seen it. Oh – and I know Mako makes Korra mad. And one night, she came home really sad. It was...it was the night of the ball! You looked so pretty that night! You looked like a princess. Hey – how many times do you brush your hair? I've heard – "
Asami let Ikki's voice drift into the back of her mind. Korra had come home sad the night of the ball? That was the night that she had found out about their relationship – the night Mako and herself had gone public. Asami bit her lip, she couldn't help but feel guilty. It wasn't like she had known Korra had liked Mako. She hadn't done it out of spite. She liked Korra. Korra seemed to look past her gilded cage and see her for the girl she really was (well, after a bit of racing and the beat down of a few equalists). But still...Asami felt the guilt and along with it, jealousy. There was no denying it. After everything she'd heard about Korra saving his brother and saving their team from having to forfeit...it was obvious now. Not only did Korra like Mako, Mako liked her back. At least Meelo loved her.
"I'm...I'm going to go to bed now. Thank you Ikki."
Ikki looked up at the princess-girl who had cut her off mid-sentence. Had she made her mad? She was just telling her about the time that Korra had asked Jinora and herself for advice on the handsome fire-bender boy. What was the big deal? Grown-ups were so weird.
'The weight of the world,' could not describe the sensation plaguing Korra's shoulders. Looking out into the bleakness of the city skyline – a skyline once enchanting and full of promise – she could only feel the pressure worsen. It was breaking her heart.
After the roof of the pro-bending arena had collapsed, the city just seemed dull. The lights stopping bring so bright, the people stopped being cheery, and the buildings were no longer imposing feats of architecture. Instead, the whole city (benders and non-benders alike) seemed doused in a healthy helping of fear. She could see it in the faces of the people as she walked through the street; their sidewards glances and lined faces were a dead give away. With her proud shoulders and courageous eyes (which day by day felt less proud and less blue and less brave), Korra felt like she stuck out like a sore thumb in crowds – and for once, it bothered her. She also saw it in the sky. It seemed, to her at least, that the sky was gray more often than not. Also, it seemed as though the sky was punctured by columns of smoke from a raided building or hideout, meant to flush out equalists or scare the bending community into submission.
All in all, the city had descended into chaos.
And it was all on her.
It was all her fault.
As she glared across the stormy waters of the bay, angrily lapping at the jagged rocks of the cliff she had precariously perched herself a top, Korra began to cry. What was she supposed to do? She was only a half-baked avatar with a tumultuous personal life. Not only that, but the whole city knew she was a failure – the masses watched her fall.
There was nothing she could do.
All of a sudden, Korra's line of sigh blurred into red fur and she closed her eyes and sighed. She held her hands up to Pabu, who had conveniently wrapped himself around her head, scratching lightly at his sides as he hid her tears.
"You out here?"
Pabu unfurled his body from her eyes and began to lick at her tear stricken cheeks. Korra wiped at her eyes, staring listlessly out into Yue Bay. Sighing, she steeled her self. She'd failed the city and its people, and worst of all, she failed those closest to her. Korra groaned inwardly, the last thing that she needed were the living, breathing reminders of her mistakes (even though she had insisted they lived on this island with her...)
"You're amazing."
Korra looked into the mirror, her blue eyes hard as ice.
"The new Team Avatar!"
She felt sick.
She lifted her hand to her lips, tracing them subconsciously.
Korra was angry. Furious. It was bad enough that she was a failure as an Avatar, but now they said they would help. Help her, the Avatar; she was supposed to help them. They were standing in harm's way, taking the fire meant for her and her alone. How could they do this to her? How could she let them?
She took a deep breath in. She didn't have long until they departed. The candlelight flickered as a winter wind trickled in through the window. They were waiting on her, her new team; anxiously awaiting their first patrol of Republic City. She knew they were excited, exhilarated – they felt like superheros. How could they not? They were headed into battle without the weight of the world on their shoulders. She could hardly blame them.
Korra looked out of her bedroom window; the city was a beacon in the pitch black of night. A help flare she wished she could avoid. Maybe it wasn't too late...she could flee back down to the South on the next cargo ship. In two days she could be under a blanket by the fire, crying in her parents arms.
She laughed at the heinous thought of it all.
Korra was in far too deep.
Asami...Asami had thrown away everything. Her life had been torn apart, each and every thread of her elaborate and comfortable life pulled apart. She had lived with her father in their cushy mansion , not a care in the world. She raced Sato mobiles and went to fancy parties. She dated famous boys and looked beautiful. Now, (while undoubtedly still beautiful) she slept on a straw mat in a drafty room. She watched her famous boyfriend dote on his female teammate. And, worst of all, Asami electrocuted her own father; effectively throwing away her family name and fortune. She was truly alone.
Bolin, sweet as pie and tough as nails. He was her first friend. He'd been there, unassuming and eager. He'd gotten her on the Fire Ferrets. When she saved his life, he bought her flowers and cakes (and threatened to beat up Tarlock – which now didn't seem like such a bad idea). He'd never asked for an apology when she inadvertently caused the destruction of his home. He wasn't mad. Bolin had treated like a vacation when he'd moved into the Sato home. When she visited, he'd greeted her in his bathing costume, absolutely thrilled with the waitstaff. His big green eyes were so innocent sometimes, it felt like a knife twisting in her gut when she made him cry (which she felt was more often than he let on – his eyes were so red in the morning lately). And then, she cost him his home again.
And Mako...she'd kissed him. She broke three hearts that night; and none of them hers (she was so cruel). But she couldn't help herself. He was just so...Mako. All she wanted to do was touch him, feel him, be with him. Looking at Asami was all she could do to contain herself. She loved the boy with every fiber of her being. It hurt so much to hear his voice and to feel his touch. When he slapped her on the back, like any old teammate might, it felt a little like and one of those fancy equalist bending gloves electrocuting her spine. But Korra loved him, she was in love with Mako. The boy from the streets, the boy who put family first, the boy who loved his beautiful, selfless girlfriend with all of his heart and soul.
But here she was, selfish and cruel, putting them in danger. Korra tried to smile in the mirror, but it looked wolfish and fake. So she blew out the candle and stood.
There was nothing good about her.
Nothing was going to be alright.
The worst part was, she figured as she slid open the door to three smiling faces, was that they were all going down in flames right along side her.
Perfume: Chapter 6 - end-ah
Whatdidya think? Introspective much? Too much? Not enough? Let me know! I hope ya'lls like it.