A/n The final chapter of this fic is finally done. Thanks for all the comments, favs and follows and for reading this work of fanfiction.

"No." Kanae said.

"Please!" the little girl begged.

"No." Kanae said again. It was only do to the fact that Maria cared so much for her sister that she was aware of the plan she and Ren had to confront the blond bastard that had once again hurt Kyoko. She had agreed to help the girl make the curse doll of the guy but Kanae drew the line at putting on the warrior costumes that the young girl had procured most likely from her Grandfather's wardrobe. As satisfying as it would have been to impale the singer with a sword she didn't want to be tempted when the time came because she didn't want to go to prison.

Ren was driving them to the place that he had set up to meet with Sho. The singer seemed to want to brag about his ability to take what he declared that he owned. But what he failed to realize was that Kyoko had many friends some in high places and had they wanted to they could have been informed and they would have been able to put quite a dent on the singer's career. But Ren and Kanae didn't want to do things like that because they wanted to deal with Sho themselves.

The plan was to talk to the boy first. If the idiot had seen the light and faced up to the fact that what he did was wrong they wouldn't have a problem and everything would be fine. If he would not then they would have to handle it in the other way that they had planned. It was no secret that they preferred the second choice after all they wanted to make the singer pay for what he had done to Kyoko both now and before.

As they had thought the singer was an idiot he had done his gloating and has laughed in their faces when they had told him to let Kyoko go.

Two days after that meeting Ren had prepared for what he was going to do. The Dark Moon cast had gathered together to shoot an after story. He and Kyoko along with the rest of the main cast would both be on set that day because after the shoot they were going to attend a panel that would be streaming live on television.

Since the movie that he and Kyoko were in was on hold due to a bit of location related difficulties that was to be cleared up soon they would both be able to stay the entire time. Julie and Kuu were there as well as honored guest. But they were really there for another reason entirely. Kanae was in charge of making sure that Fuwa showed at the proper moment.

The panel started with various questions from the audience it was only a matter of time before they got one of the two that could set the plan into motion. The question was to Ren and it was "What was it like to step into the role of Katsuki since Kuu had played it first?"

Ren took a deep breath,, pressed the call button on his phone under the table before standing and opened his mouth to answer. "It was a challenge given the fact that I had watched Cloudy Moon before I had played the character. It was also quite difficult for me to get in touch with feelings and motivations of Katsuki. I felt intimidated because of the great actor that had played him before me as well."

At this point Kanae walked in with Sho.

"I was restricted by the fact that I didn't understand what it meant to be in love. Or at least I had believed that to be true until I realized that I was in love with someone and she taught me how I would should react. Without her I never would have been able to play the part of Katsuki as I had. That girl was Kyoko the girl that played the part of Mio in Dark Moon. Furthering the shadow over this was the fact that the actor that played him before me was well known to me personally because... He's my dad."

For a moment there was complete silence. No one said not a word and then as though there was some cue that had been given for people to react there was a wild roar as dozens of people began to speak over one another.

But Ren only had eyes for on person and that was Kyoko. The girl was crying and half-smiling. For the first time in a long time she was happy. She couldn't believe what Ren had done and the fact that he had given up a secret that he had guarded for so long just for her.

As though there was an invisible string being tugged she began to walk to his side. Once she reached the microphone she took it into her hands.

The crowd having noticed the movement on stage quieted down so that they could hear what Kyoko had to say.

"After I was hurt by my first love I never wanted to feel that way again. I closed myself off but Ren still managed to make me feel it again. Less that two weeks ago it was announced that I was with Fuwa Sho but that was because he is a selfish boy that cares only for himself. He used my love for Ren to make sure I was his. He had found out that Ren was truly Kuon Hizuri and he said that unless I agreed to date him he would tell the world. But now that it is known I can say this." Now she turned to the man at her side. "I love you."

"I love you" the princess cried holding on the the man that she loved despite the fact that she couldn't have him because he was not of noble blood.

"And I you," said man.

"Then you shall be together," said the king as he appeared from around the wall.

"But father," said the princess not daring to hope.

The king shook his head. "Love is a gift that should never be wasted."

The princess hugged her father and then went back to the man she loved sealing their love by sharing a kiss.

"CUT. Great job everyone." Said the director.

After the bombshell of an announcement that had been made the movie had been postponed for longer than expected and after so long away Kyoko and Ren were happy to be back on the set. The frosty air between them was no longer there and they were able to act the scenes flawlessly. Sho wasn't on set anymore but there was no complaint from him seeing as he was lucky not to have been fired due to his underhanded tactics his popularity had taken a hit. Ironically due to the things they had revealed Kyoko and Ren's popularity increased. Also the fact that Kyoko was still willing to work on a project that had Sho attached to it proved furthermore that she was very mature. With the movie nearly finished and the relationship between Kyoko and Ren better than ever it seemed that the fairytale life that Kyoko had given up on was finally coming to fruition.

Kyoko smiled as they walked out of the first showing of their new movie. It was destined to be a hit and it was really a beautiful film despite all of the behind the scenes controversy. Ren and Kyoko were now on their way back to Ren's place to have a nice quite dinner together.

As Kyoko was sitting out the food she heard Ren's phone ring. "Hi mom," she heard him say and she smiled as Julie and Kuu came to mind. "Kyoko mom wants to say hi!" Ren called.

Wiping her hands she left the kitchen and went to where Ren was. "Hi Mom," she called out after he had put it on speaker phone.

"Hello Kyoko dear. Perhaps you can help me out since my son isn't forthcoming enough?"


"When can I expect grandkids after all I'm not getting any younger you know!"

Ren looked over with a worried expression scared that Kyoko might faint after all their relationship was still quite new and they hadn't gone quite that far yet.

Much to his surprise though Kyoko actually smiled. "That's up to your son."

a/n so we have a happy ending, some kids in the future and Sho got served because he's an idiot. Sorry it seems a bit rushed I started writing and this is what emerged from my fingertips. Thanks again to all the readers and I hope you enjoyed this.