Guess what? I finally put up the 'Icy Song' fic!

Note: The songs are a bit edited! You know, when you sing with friends, you tend to change the verses a bit to match

with the moment or just to have fun.

Bleach © Tite Kubo

'Icy Song's plot © Violeta (vabvioand)

Chapter 1: Shock!

Thud! – and the door closed roughly.

"It'd be nice if you've just called me instant of police!" an angry voice complained immediately not bothering to look at the man who was staying on the couch. "That's what cell phone is for!" The boy pulled out from the pocket a pack of cigarettes half empty and picked one.

"I did, it was shut." The man slowly stood up a bit of worrying in his tone. "It's past midnight, where were you?"

"Outside" he took a look at the other guy, then lighted another cigarette and sighed. "Calm down, I wasn't all alone, okay?"

"Toushiro, the pack and put that away too. You know smoking it's unhealthy."

"Geez, you take it way too serious. I can take care of myself, and anyway, I'm staying just two days, you don't have to act like a father, Ukitake."

You don't have to act like a father…the man was expected to mean replies, just not to this one. He didn't act protective because he had to, but because he felt like. Seems like it's not the best moment for the big news, Juushiro sighed returning to what he was doing.

It was Monday morning – a gloomy morning. The sky was awfully covered with black clouds and big tears hit roughly the heated pitch, forming large ponds. It hadn't rained for several weeks and you could assume it never will. The hot air had begun to bother, it had been suffocating, so the new cool atmosphere the rain created across the town was more than welcomed. The chilly wind increased its velocity and picked up the leaves and played them around just to spread them around the corners, while dumpsters were falling to the ground and some stray cats jumped down from them. The blow was so strong that you could hear its whistling across the edges and half-opened windows and through the trees' branches.

Inside the house was only the sound of footsteps that were lowering slowly, sleepy the stairs. No radio, no TV, no voice – and it was half at eight. The boy walked through the kitchen, turned on the old radio and opened the fridge to find anything, but milk. He closed the appliance murmuring something; he could swear he had seen some last night. Then, a paper appeared like magic or maybe he hadn't noticed it before:

I left your breakfast in the microwave, it should be still warm. You know where everything else is. See you tonight,


"Idiot, I won't be here tonight…"

Big splash have been forming for a while now and the rain began to intensify. The roads were covered in water, the canalization failed against the abundance of drops and with every car passing the water was splashed on the sidewalk. The only people that had stepped outside were students, teachers and other ones that couldn't shirk from work. In a small town like this, where the salary weren't very generous, only few had a car to use on rain or snow. But weather like today…God, it hadn't been raining like this in tens of years!

"Um…I though you had said the weather here is nice…" A girl pointed while watching at the people running down the street.

"Don't worry, the sun is going to show soon." The driver laughed then he checked the time – it was late, she should've been in class already. Damn, the rain was really troublesome. "I'll go see some apartments we may rent close to your school." He took a glimpse of her face – she nodded absently – and crossed their hands. "You okay, Momo-chan?"

"Yeah, just…I…was… trying…to memorize the way…the town's streets. Yeah, that's it, that all!" she laughed nervously then, seeing the untruthful expression on his face sighed. "I don't know anyone here."

"Well, I'm sure they're humans and that they won't stick their teeth in your neck either." He was a bit amused by her fear about new mates.

"If I've red Twilight doesn't mean I see vampires anywhere." She pouted.

"Then run inside or you'll late from your first day." He pointed handing her bag.

The girl blinked confused, but suddenly realized where she was. The car had stopped a few minutes ago in front of an old building which seemed to fell any moment now, but maybe it was just the fault of the graffiti on the surface that probably hadn't been repainted for several years, the dirty windows of some classes and the brownish-faded color that still covered some walls. This must be the new school, but such a small one? She saw some adults talking with whom she though would the guardian of the front door – a tall, massive guy with an eye patch and spiky hair. The gate was wide but kind of low and pretty old as well. On the path which leaded to the building had fell ferruginous and yellow leaves, forming an autumn carpet and it was guarded by voluminous trees that started to be stripped from their large corona. The few benches in the front yard were empty so the classes had already begun.

"Where do I get my schedule from?" she looked around.

"This is for today." The man gave her a paper. "Take the rest from secretariat after the last class."

"Okay." The girl leaned and kissed his lips lightly, then took her bag and ran to the door. "Wait me here!"

She passed by the guard without a problem; maybe he hadn't even seen her. In front of her was a short hallway with only a few rooms and two rows of stairs, one to left and one to right. Momo looked on each room – they were the janitor's, the director's and workshops…why would they need workshops? She shrugged and continued to walk forward; she boarded the right row of stairs to see thousands of lockers grouped in rows and between them classrooms. The girl removed a paper from her bag's pocket and explored it – first class in the 203rd room. God, how many classrooms were in this school? She sighed and started to search the right place, but there was no 203rd and since she had heard a grave voice, certainly a teacher, coming from the ground floor she ran around the corner. She planed to wait there until the man will have passed and then to continue with what she had been doing before – after all, it would make a bad first impression if a teacher finds her on hallway when the lessons had already started. Being in a hurry she hadn't heard the footsteps on the next empty corridor, so when she turned the corner she popped up in someone causing both to fall and all her books to scatter on the floor, as well as his cell phone along with the headphones.

"Watch where you're going!" the guy pointed with an irritated voice, getting up.

"I'm not the one who walks around the hall when I have classes, you know!" she had always hated when someone, anyone, complained to her. And when you make a girl fall, you help her rise on her feet. The brunette stood down and expected him to offer her a hand, but without any luck. And take the books for me would be nice too.

"You're new here, aren't you?" the boy asked stretching a hand through his white hair and watching her straight to the eyes.

"And you can say this just popping on me?" the tone was still pouty.

"First, you did it. Second, you expect me to be a gentleman with you, so you don't know me which is impossible if you learn here. Third, you don't look like someone who skipped the class, but rather hurry to it." There was so much confidence in his deduction that made it sound like they would know each other since they were little kids.

"Is there a fourth?" she added ironically while collecting the books on the floor.

"Yes, there's no 203rd classroom." The boy waved the paper then gave her a questioned look. "Are you a 10th grader?"

"What do you mean no 203rd?" She ignored the question completely. "I have class there! There must be one! I have to make a good impression." The brunette was spinning around worried. "And if I-"

"-And if you calm down, I'll tell you where your class is." The spinning process stopped instantly.

"But you said there's no 203rd classroom…"

"Well, you can search the whole day and you won't find any 203rd, but there's the music cabinet, the former 203rd classroom."

The teen made her a sign to follow him so she grabbed the bag quickly, before he had the chance to change his mind.

All the way she had stared to his hair – it seemed weird to her. How could a teen have white hair? Maybe it was bleached… Also, he was the first boy – or girl for that matter – who didn't fall to her feet or who talked so impolite with her. He probably didn't recognize her, he probably didn't like her songs' gender, otherwise she would have been bombarded with questions and the first would be 'What are you doing in a public school?' To Momo's luck, the trip was quiet since she was busy with thoughts and he with the music in his headphones.

The brunette was so happy about the incident now; she wasn't obligated to search hours after a class that she would never find. They had lowered some stairs and had boarded others before they arrived on another long hall, from which's end were heard some voices.

"This is the quietest class with the wisest students. Our first class." He had said sarcastically before pulling the door open.

Our…so we're classmates? Perfect, at least I know someone around here after all! She thought until the door was opened and she heard, and then saw, the pupils. Momo was shocked by the view of the 'wise' students.

"Ladies and gentlemen…" a strawberry-haired guy rapped being accompanied by the other's Oo-s. "This! Is an Ichigo Phizel Productshizzel…Missy…The princess is here!"

"She's here!" completed a silver haired student. "Say Ran!"

"This beat is~" the grouped started the verse.

A blond lady jumped on one layer and attracted all the sights with her dance and singing. "Is automatic, supersonic, hypnotic, funky, fresh; work my body so melodic this beat flows right through my chest." She got off the table and sat on a guy's lap, a brunette with a '69' and some lines tattooed on his face. "Everybody ma and poppy came to party, grab somebody." The blond obligated the man to rise on his feet by drawing him by the tie. "Work your body, work your body, let me see your 1, 2 step." She stepped with one leg on a chair and moved her hips "Rock it, don't stop it, everybody gets on the floor" she was on the table again "Wake the party up, we about to get it on!"

"Let me see ya, 1, 2 step" more students rose and started to dance using the same moves and on the same time. "I love it when ya, 1, 2 step. Everybody, 1, 2 step. We about to get it on!"

"This beat is…" added a brunette girl.

"Outrageous, so contagious, make you crave it." The same chest-busted blond rapped stepping closer to the strawberry teen. "Ichigo made it so retarded, top charted. Ever since the day it started…" she changed the tonality a bit on the last sentence and turned to a pineapple guy. "Renji!"

"I'm sexy and I know it!" the called red-haired man sung.

"Girls, look at that body!" The blond moved her body too close to Abarai's for him to continue the verse. "Ah! Girls, look at this body." She kept dancing clinging to him.

"When he walks on the spot, this is what he sees" a chocolate tanned girl continued.

"Everybody stops and they're staring up at him" the brunette affirmed.

"I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it" the boy took his role back.

"Show it, show it, show it!" the girls encouraged.

While the bald one was already shirtless, Renji had his chemise unbuttoned as well as his pants. Then they all heard a 'Ran-chan!' followed by a laugh because the called girl took her boyfriend by surprise and unbuttoned his pants too.

"He's sexy and I know!" Rangiku seemed to warn the other females that she might be a jealous girlfriend. "Girls, don't look at that body!" She put her knee between his legs and whisper in his ear "Do the wiggle, Gin!"

"Do the wiggle, guys!" the chocolate girl urged them. "We do the wiggle, guys!" Most of the females were moving their hips. "We're sexy and we know it!" Another move that showed how easily a woman can turn on a man. "You're sexy and we want it!"

"I feel attracted by your attitude, not too vulgar, not too wise. Yes!" The blond dragged the silver-haired guy on a table and danced with him having their bodies practically pasted. "With you I feel…Ah! C'mon! The love makes the rules, scream 'Oh, Selecta!" she put her hands around his neck. "I want you to know!"

"What?" he asked playing curiously.

"I slip every day closer to your heart. I wish to tell you…Oh-oh!" The girl coiled her legs around his hips and counted on him to lean her back once then regained her previous position with their faces inch apart. "If you're with me, what would I do to you?"

"If I'm with ya, we'd do nasty things!"

"If you're close, I would touch you softly!"

"I'd kiss ya in front of everyone!"

"C'mon already! C'mon, baby! C'mon already, what are you waiting for?" they both sung the verse.

"If you're with me, what would I do to you?"

"If I'm with ya, we'd-" they kissed with passion for a minute earning some cheers.

"Ah, Selecta!" The blond finished like a moan, still pleased by the lips' contact.

"Very decent, Rangiku!" the white-haired boy pointed bored, clapping his hands, after he had thrown his bag on a chair.

Momo was still blocked at the door. It wasn't the first kiss she had ever seen but those moves and words and everything that had happened in the last minutes were inappropriate for a school or any other public place by her opinion.

What do you think? Remember that reviews motivates the author to continue the story!


'1, 2 step' by Ciara

'Sexy and I know it' by LMFAO

'Ce ti-as face?/Selecta' [What would I do to you?] by Anda Adam ft Alex Velea