"Glacier! Use bubble!" A young girl cried out.

Pikachu barley dodged it and backed away from the piplup . He was tiring easily.

Come on Pikachu! You beat all those gym leaders and champions! You can take on this Piplup!

"Again!" The girl called to her piplup once more. She was a fair height with long blue hair. Her name was apparently Dawn. Pikachu intercepted it with his Iron Tail.

"Sorry kid, but I ain't getting caught today." He said as he lashed out at the Piplup with Volt Tackle.

"Aaaah!" The small blue bird Pokémon screeched as it was hit with the attack and fainted as it hit the ground in front of its trainer.

"Glacier!" She said as she returned it to it's pokeball. Pikachu smirked. He turned around to walk away from the beginner trainer when she held out another pokball and threw it and called out "Archie! Use bite!" In a flash of light, a small Bidoof readied it's fangs to attack.

Pikachu sternly grunted. He waited for the Bidoof to attack.

As soon as it charged forth to bite down on his tail, Pikachu used Iron Tail.

The Bidoof's eyes widened in pain, and he shouted:

"Ouucchhh! Ouch! Ouchie! Ouch!"

Pikachu smirked before calling out, "Flamethrower!" He yelled as he breathed in and shot fire out of his mouth.

It grazed the poor Bidoof and it fainted. Weakling. . . . He thought. After all, he had taken down elite four pokemon.

"Alright Pikachu, you are going to be caught by me today!" Dawn said determined as she called out her final pokemon. Sure… Pikachu thought sarcastically.

In a flash of light, a small green plant like pokemon stood before Pikachu with a cute smile.

"Let's do this Blossom!" She yelled as the Budew smiled with determination.

"What would you like me to do mistress?" She asked. He was disgusted by the way this grass type acted toward her trainer.

"Use Absorb!" The budew nodded as it's buds opened to absorb energy from her opponent.

"Nuh…." Pikachu gritted his teeth as the weak attack drained much of the strength he had left.

He was running out of energy after- …..that event. Nevertheless the small and weary electric mouse stood his ground as the beginner trainer was actually tiring him!

"Finish Pikachu with Razor Leaf!" She commanded as the small green pokemon called forth sharp leaves and threw them at him.

Pikachu's became worried and frustrated now. If he didn't act soon, he would be caught by this girl with that accursed sphere the humans used to capture pokemon.

Unfortunately for him, the weak Absorb attack had actually paralyzed him from lack of energy.

"Aaaarrgggghhh!" Pikachu yelped as the prickly leaves sliced his fur. The fresh wounds stinged like poisin from a gloom. He could not hold his position any longer.

He fell forward. Pikachu's body could not move anymore. Not one bit. He was too tired. No….so close to tasting freedom…

His fears came crashing down as the young girl gripped a red and white ball. He winced before it even hit him as the girl happily tossed the sphere directly at him.

It hit his head hard. So..close…..Pikachu begged Arceus to give him any other fate than this, but apparently his pleas were ignored as he could feel the oh so familiar red energy suck him into the said ball. The world became black and empty as the capsule engulfed him entirely.

A click could be faintly heard. Click…




He blacked out as he whimpered on what would become of him when he reawakened.