Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or any or their nonsense….. Just hijacking, some of its characters.

Thank you so much for the reviews, favorites, alerts etc… I am not a writer and I do not aspire to be one. Actually I have never written anything longer than a term paper….lol, so this is very exciting for me and very hard( I bow down to all who write) I'm going to try my best with this story and feel free to let me know if it's becoming uninteresting or moving along too slowly. I'm trying to take copious (yay big word) notes and map out chapters…. Anyway let me know what you think. Thanks again…

Chapter 2: The Horse Whisperer

"Ma'am?" Sam said. While his brow furrowed and his smiled started to waiver some. He still kept his hand outstretched waiting for Mercedes to shake it.

Mercedes just stood there lost in those eyes mouth slightly ajar trying to figure how to make her brain and mouth form speech again. She had never reacted so immediately to the opposite sex like this. But, it was something about this man, the way he stood those eyes and those cherry red full lips. He made her thoughts spin and her heart beat quicken. And things harden and wet that hadn't in a very long time.

"Ma'am?" Sam said a third time a little louder and face laced with concern.

At this Mercedes seemed to snap back into reality and acknowledge the man standing in front of her. Plastering a smile to her face and setting her brush down, she walked to the stall's entry taking Sam's hand in her own. The second their hands met a jolt shot through Mercedes that almost caused her to snatch her hand away. It was almost like being shocked by someone after they've built up static electricity by running around in stocking feet on a rug. She noticed how big his hands were, how long his fingers were and how they engulfed her hand making it seem childlike in comparison.

"Oh, Yes Mr. Evans, I've been expecting you. " Mercedes finally spoke.

Well not you per see. This was not the man she had pictured when her assistant Tina told her of his credentials. She pictured someone in his forties a bit of a belly and receding hairline. Or that old guy in that western. What was the name of that western? O hell any one of them where there was an old crotchety guy that drank too much and cursed like a sailor, but knew his work. Sam Evans was the polar opposite of what she had pictured. She hadn't made up her mind yet on whether Tina should be cursed or praised for her hire.

"Please call me Sam, Ms. Jones" The green eyed cowboy beamed.

"Well then Sam, you should call me Mercedes." Mercedes said while reluctantly letting go of Sam's hand. Oh God, How long was she shaking it? She couldn't recall, but she did notice emptiness at its removal.

"Ma'…." Mercedes arched an eyebrow in his direction and his cheeks pinked up a bit.

"I mean Mercedes, it will be a pleasure." She smiled

Sam looked beyond Mercedes to her mare. He started into the stall towards her, while returning his hat to his head. Mercedes mused to herself. "Damn he looks good in or out of the hat; I wonder what he would look like wearing only the hat?" She smirked eyeing him up and down. Stop girl, your ass is going be hit with a fucking sexual harassment suit, before he even officially starts working. Sam spoke while reaching up stroking the mare's mane.

"Well who do we have here? Who's this pretty little filly, huh?"

"This here is uh…" Mercedes paused while thinking. "Her name is…."

"Well, actually we were in the middle of naming her when you arrived. Weren't we girl?" Mercedes took out a piece of carrot from a bucket, holding it with her palm outstretched so her horse could eat it.

"Did you come up with anything good?" Sam asked

"I came up with some great ones, but I think she tends to disagree." The diva chuckled.

Sam smiled in her direction, and asked. "May I ask what you came up with?"

Mercedes began to tell him the choices she spouted out earlier, while feeding another carrot to her mare. Sam listened intently and then added.

"While all those are great and come from strong iconic women, I don't think any of those names fit her. At least that's what she is telling me..." he winked at Mercedes. She narrowed her eyes with a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. Was he for real did he just say the horse was telling him things? Ok, he may be sexy as hell, but crazy trumps sexy any day of the week and his ass would have to be out. He looked at her with a mischievous grin on his face.

"What, you don't believe me?" he said

She side eyed him not knowing how to respond. The grin grew wider on his face.

"I'm not crazy if that's what you're thinking." Oh hell yeah she most definitely was.

"Not that she is Mr. Ed or anything like that." Mercedes smiled remembering watching old shows late at night on cable when she was younger.

"It's just that all animals have a certain aura or being about them, that if you paid close attention you can tune into it…" Sam offered. "I love animals been around them my whole life and my baby brother is a large animal vet out of Memphis."

"Ok, I'll bite Mr. Sam "Horse Whisperer" Evans." Mercedes air quoted the name. Sam chuckled, "What has she said to you?"

"First off I can tell you she is very happy here, she loves her new home and your amazing singing voice." Sam said slyly glancing at his new boss. Mercedes cheeks warmed up as she grinned at his last statement.

"Oh she did huh?"

"Yeah, she has excellent taste." Was He flirting? No. Mercedes was in full on grinning mode. Not only was this man talented, handsome and sexy as hell. He was also charming, and if she wasn't careful she would find herself charmed right out of her very expensive La Perla panties.

"I don't doubt that, she seems to like you." Mercedes observed as her mare nuzzled close to Sam while he petted her mane. He gave her a shy lopsided grin.

"I can honestly say the feeling is mutual, sweetheart." He drawled out.



"Her name Sam, has she told you her name?" Mercedes bounced on the balls of her feet like an excited five year old. And then caught herself musing at the silliness of her actions. Was she really buying into all of this?

"Oh, yup she sure did Mercedes." Sam said


"And, what?"

Mercedes rolled her eyes and gave an exasperated sigh. Looking at Sam's amused demeanor. 'He is so enjoying watching me suffer.' She thought.

"What's her name?"

"Oh. One moment please." He held up a finger to her while he tilted his head closer to the mare. "Yes, mmmhhh, ok. I got it." Sam carried on as if the horse was intently speaking. Mercedes thought again the crazy is out weighing sexy. But, she still found it fucking adorable as Sam finished up his equine conversation.


"She has decided to allow me to let you know of her name. " Sam offered. Mercedes smiled and thought, hear it comes some silly shit. Some crazy ass name like, they name race horses. Like' Dollar Dollar Bill' or' BreadnButta'. Although some of the names were creative, she wanted more for her horse. She wanted something to reflect her beauty, when Sam spoke up and told Mercedes the name she was taken aback.

"Lyric" he said stroking her mane and smiling at Mercedes. Again the diva was left speechless by this man.

AN: I don't know, writing is hard.