Here again is the first chapter of Princess, it isn't much better than the original but I hope everyone enjoys it. (I don't own D. Gray Man or any of the characters from it)

"Grandma, Grandpa I'm home!" the voice of a young girl called out through the small cottage. The girl, no more than 18, walked into the living area intent on finding her grandparents. She had just come back from the market where people were already gathering to watch this year's parade of the royal family.

"We are in here," a hoarse male voice called out from the attached kitchen. The young girl walked to the kitchen to discover that her grandparents were seated at the small table drinking tea with a young man. He looked to be in his early thirties and was wearing a fashionable coat and slacks.

The man stood upon seeing her enter the room "Who is this?" the young girl asked.

Her grandmother stood up and faced her granddaughter standing next to the stranger, "This is Mr. Hedgfield, he is here on a possible marriage proposal for you."

"Marriage proposal?" the girl asked confused.

"Yes, you are now of marrying age and with little money to give, we are trying to find someone who would make a good son in law. Now be a good girl and come meet this fine gentleman."

"Hello Ms. Abigail, How are you on this fine day?" Mr. Hedgfield asked bowing to her.

She curtsied back, "Very well and how are you?"

"I am doing very well also, now your grandparents and I have been talking and I feel that you would make an excellent wife. Though you have no money to give, I believe you would do very well in childbirth and would be able to give me many sons in the future."

"Um, I am not really looking for a husband right now, is there anyway you could come back in oh, I don't know, 20 years?" Abby replied looking the man up and down. He was older of course and had started to wrinkle already. His skin was flawless and of a pale white showing that he did not go out in the sun much. When she looked at his abdomen she realized that he was extremely plump, "You also aren't exactly what I was looking for in a husband, maybe a little less plump." .

"Abby!" Both of her grandparents yelled.

"Ms. O'Brian, how dare you make a mockery of me!" Turning towards Abigail's grandparents he then said, "I am sorry but I must retract my proposal. Please understand that I mean no harm but I do not wish to proceed at this time. Thank you." Mr. Hedgfield said before making a quick exit.

As soon as the door slammed shut both grandparents turned to their granddaughter, "How could you do this," The grandmother screeched, "He was the last suiter you had and now he has walked out of the house. Now what will we do?"

"It isn't all bad right?" Abby asked staring at her grandparents with a guilty look.

"Young lady do you have any idea what this means for us? Without a marriage proposal we will be unable to support ourselves. Your marriage to a man of higher standing was supposed to boost us and keep us from going hungry, now we will have to find a way to feed all of our mouths without that help." the grandfather said in an even voice. He and his wife were very old, they had outlived the children that they had and were now taking care of their only grandchild. It would not be long before they would no longer be able to work and would be unable to give any support to the young girl before them.

"But grandfather!" Abby started only to be cut off by a loud wail.

"You have never cared about anyone but yourself young lady, it is about time for you to learn to respect others and to do things that people ask you to do! We have spoiled you these past few years letting you go to school, skipping chores, buying you that terrible horse, and allowing you to skip the parade each year, but it ends here! From this day forward we will not be supporting you do you understand me!"

"But Grandmother!" Abby yelled in surprise.

"No buts, you are going to go to the parade this year. We were hoping that being engaged would allow you special privileges but now that the man has walked out, it seems you have no choice but to go." her grandmother said with a glare. Outside they could hear the voices of the other townspeople getting ready for the parade that only came once a year.

Each year one of the royal families would venture outside the walls of the castle and parade through the streets for the townspeople to watch and cheer. It was a tradition that has taken place since the end of the war almost thirty years ago. Each of the three royal families Cross, Tiedole, and Lievier would take turns only venturing out every three years to see the people that they protected and the changes that had taken place within the village. This year's parade would be of the Cross family.

"Please Grandma, don't make me go! It's just a bunch of rich snobs who want to be adored by a bunch of poor people. I can't stand the way they sit there and act as if they own the place!" Abby said glaring at the window where there was a view of the castle.

Her grandfather being as unhelpful as possible interjected, "But dear, they do own it. They own everything here!"

Abby sighed, "I know but do they really have to be so snobby about it?"

"I know you are upset about the way that they rule but there is nothing to be done about it. All we can do is continue our lives as we have and allow what happens to happen." The grandmother said matter of factly.

"I don't believe that," Abby said, "I will find a way to change it."

Feeling slightly less annoyed at her granddaughter the grandmother gave her a slight smile, "I hope you do whatever it is that makes you happy, but until then, please don't ruin anymore marriage proposals, we are only trying to help you."

Abby sighed an even more annoyed look morphing her face, "I'll try but I can't make any promises. I just wish there was another way that we could be happier than me marrying a guy that I don't know anything about or that is really old." Abby told her Grandfather as the two of them followed her Grandmother out of the house and through the streets of the town.

" I know but it can never be I guess. I will not force you to marry if you do not want to but it would be nice to have some great grandchildren." Her grandfather replied as they walked. He was getting old and the thought of helping to raise more children while sitting at home was very appealing to him.

They got to the parade route in time to see one of the dance squads. The dancers continued to move through the streets as the King and the young princes and princesses that had never been seen before moved through the route on Palanquins. There was a young girl with black hair, a slightly younger looking boy with white hair and a scar down his cheek, and an older looking boy with read hair. The King himself had long red hair and was attended by an older looking man resembling a panda. As they were carried through the streets, the people bowed to their Royal Family. There were two rules that everyone knew 1) never look directly at any Royal Family Member and 2) you have to bow when you see them. As the Royal Family got to the area that Abigail was in, everyone bowed. Everyone but Abigail that is. After the fight with her grandparents Abby was feeling very annoyed and was feeling defiant.

"You there," She heard someone call," what do you think you're doing? Show your respect to the Royal family and bow you peasant scum!" She looked where the voice was coming from as saw an middle aged man dressed in a soldier's uniform coming towards her. He stomped his way to her and he grabbed her by her hair and slammed her head down on the ground with enough force to make black spots dance before her and for her to become extremely dizzy. He raised her head by her hair about a foot off the ground about to slam it against the ground again when a figure stood and yell from on top of the palanquin.

"Stop!" the figure yelled. The soldier turned around wondering who was yelling.

"But Your Majesty!" the soldier started upon finding the prince.

"Let her go." It was the prince with the red hair. Abby could make out the colors through her blurring eyes. Without warning the hand holding her head up was gone and her head fell back down on the ground. She could see the red head getting closer to her and was able to make out the dark color of his clothes.

"Can you stand?" the figure asked reaching a hand out to her. They helped her stand but after getting her to her feet, she almost fell down again. "I guess not. Please where is your family?"

"We are here Your Majesty," Abigail heard her Grandmother say," I'm sorry about my unworthy granddaughter. We told her many times to obey the laws but she has become very rebellious as of late. I'm so very sorry for her impudence can you please forgive her?" Abby's head was getting fuzzy, a ringing had started in her ears and was making it difficult for her to hear anything going on.

"She has already been forgiven." a feminine voice said. The princess came up behind the prince. " I am sorry about our guards behavior, he will be dealt with you permit us to take her to the palace to be taken care of by our doctor?"

Abby's grandmother opened her mouth to reply with a spiteful remarks about her granddaughter when her husband cut in, "If wish to then please do. Thank you very much for all that you are doing for our family."

"Thank you," The princess said bowing to the old couple then to the prince she said, "Lavi I believe it is time for us to go."

Once it had been established that the Royal Family would take Abigail back to the Castle, all of the members of the Royal family and Abigail, who was now uncurious, were hoisted onto the shoulders of the palanquin bearers and they were carried down the rest of the parade route on the path that would lead them back to the castle.

The villagers who had gotten up to watch the exchange all cheered as the group was whisked away to their destination. Lavi looked down at the girl who was leaning against him unconscious, he smiled at her thinking about a friend of his he wanted her to meet.

Please let me know what you think. I really want to know what I can improve on and what you guys think I did well at.

Thank you
