I was thinking of making fanmixes for all of my recent series fics, what do you guys think? Also, postponing my other fics until I finish this one, which will be soon. I really hope you guys like how this is going so far.


After the incident at the zoo, Rachel didn't really want to go out anymore, and who could blame her? It sucked, especially after explaining to Brittany why Santana and she had left. Now, the only time she seemed to go out was for groceries and errands. Even though Brittany and Finn begged, she refused to move on her stance. After all, she always found comfort in hiding away in the home.

Rachel was silent, unnervingly so. Quinn couldn't help but have a slightly distressed look as she looked over to her wife. It was, as far as Quinn knew, any day before her time was up, and she was getting worse. As far as Rachel knew, she had a really bad cold, but only because Quinn couldn't tell her anything besides that.

Walking over to the chair she had deemed her own, she sat on the arm of it, fingers playing with Rachel's hair. "What's on your mind?"

A soft sigh came from her lips, and that was about it. Biting her bottom lip, Quinn tucked a loose strand of brown hair behind the shorter girl's ear. "Rache, come on. What happened? Did another stupid extra give you shit? I'll get Santana to kill them for you."

That earned a laugh, which was good. At least Rachel wasn't too far gone in her thoughts to return. "Hey, talk to me. You know I love you." Quinn was always soft with Rachel when she was like this, which only happened after some remark from Santana or something happened at work.

"I just…" Looking up to her, Rachel's face held a bit of fear, with a mix of excitement. "We've been together for so long and… Oh my gosh, I really cannot believe I'm actually stuttering and can't say what I want."

Quinn couldn't really hold back her chuckle, earning a slap to the arm that she knew would come. "I'm sorry, baby. What is it you want?"

"We're pregnant!"

Rachel's eyes shot up from the fireplace, not really registering whatever words she heard, most focused on the sound of breaking dishes and the not so subtle "fuck" that came with it.

Standing and turning around, she looked to see Finn and Brittany, eyes bright and teeth out for the world to see. In Brittany's hand, she held the, oh so classy, pee stick, a blue plus sign burning into Rachel's head.

Santana came out, holding several paper towels wrapped around her hand, eyebrow raised. "Repeat that, I didn't hear you, I was too prepared to fucking cut someone for coming into the house unannounced."

Brittany was jumping up and down excitedly, nudging Finn for him to say something.

"Brittany and I, we're pregnant."

Just like that, Rachel felt tears form in her eyes. She was so happy for them, but…

Santana watched as Rachel darted up the stairs, hearing a door slam. Sighing slightly, she turned back to Finn and Brittany, who both held confused looks.

"Don't worry about it right now. Anyway, B, the hells are you doing still holding the stick?"

"I really want one Quinn… We're both doing so well with work and we can support one and we have this giant place, I think… I think it's time."

Quinn bit her bottom lip, feeling a pang in her chest. God how she wanted that so much with Rachel, a kid or two or three, running around the house, a dog maybe thrown into it. She wanted that more than anything in the world.

But she couldn't.

Brittany and Finn left a little bit after, Santana promising to go out with them for a celebratory dinner the next day. Today wouldn't work, especially if they wanted Rachel to come.

Going up the stairs slowly, Santana frowned, knocking on Rachel's door gently.

Sitting up quickly, Rachel wiped her tears quickly, licking her lips. "Yes?"

"Berry… Hey, are you okay? Britt and Finn went home, you ran off in such a hurry…"

Sniffling, she thought of standing and getting the door, but she decided against it. It was open anyway. "You can come in if you want, Santana."

She watched, the door slowly opening, eyes meeting with Santana's. God, Santana's eyes, they held nothing but sympathy and understanding. It broke Rachel's heart all over again.

She watched as the Latina moved over to her, asking without words if she could sit next to her on the bed before doing just that. They were silent, sitting together, Santana moving her hand over to gently rub up and down it comfortingly. "Want to talk about it?"

Rachel bit her bottom lip, not sure if she did or didn't. It had been so long since she actually discussed Quinn with anyone, but the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to talk about it. Not to just anyone, just with Santana. She didn't understand it, but she felt like she had some sort of safety with it.

However, Santana had plans of her own. "I knew, you know." Rachel looked over to her, confused, knew what? "I knew you asked her about kids, that you two were planning to have them. Or well, you were."

It was kind of a relief, knowing she didn't have to explain it all. "You know, Quinn always said she wanted you to be happy, no matter what. She wanted to have children with you so goddamn bad."

Then, silence. Rachel just watched Santana's face, noticing how her eyes were becoming watery. "You will be happy again, you know. Believe it or not." This was astounding, to Rachel's honesty. Santana wasn't one to let her walls down to show her soft side, only Brittany, and sometimes Quinn, had seen it. And now, here she was, doing the same thing with Rachel.

She knew no other reaction, so Rachel leaned over, clinging to Santana, burying her face into her neck as tears began to pour down from her eyes. "I wanted to be a mom so bad, San."

Wrapping her arms tightly around Rachel, she nodded, kissing the top of her head, just how Quinn did when she was like this. "I know, Rachel. You will be, I promise."