
~Let's spread the GrayLu love~


A/N: This is my entry for today's prompt, "concern." Hope you'll like it... and I seriously don't know when I'll be able to update this again, since I don't have the will to write the next chapters (I don't have any motivation left to continue this story, actually, sorry...) *you can't tell, but I'm awkwardly scratching my head in embarrassment*

But thanks for the reviews, minna! Thanks for reading, alerting, for listing this as your fave, and for subscribing, even if I'm not a great author. ^^

English is my second language and I'm not that good of a writer so I beg for your sincere forgiveness if there are wrong spellings or grammatical errors…thank you.

Summary: She's been gone for 70 years but ever since, this one guy didn't forget about her. She had always been in his heart and will never be replaced. He's been waiting for this moment to come; for the day that he will finally be reuniting with her; with Lucy.

Genre: Romance, Angst, Friendship, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Humor (a bit).

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or any of its characters. I am NOT Hiro Mashima!


"Gray," I was nestled on her lap as she petted my head (I seriously want to spend all my time with Lucy, knowing how much time she had left) when she suddenly called her husband's attention from the kitchen sink. I forced an eye open just in time to see him poking his head from the kitchen's door, "yea?" he asked.

Lucy sighed. A thoughtful look spreads across her face before looking at him from the couch, "I want to give my keys to Yukino," she announced. My head immediately shot up, looking at her with my mouth hanging open while Gray calmly washed his hands before walking towards us.

From the look on Lucy's face, Gray and I know how hard of a decision this is for her. We know how she loves her spirits. Even when others call them tools, she on the other hand considers them as friends. And I know for a fact that letting them go is harder and much hurtful than knowing she's going to die.

But she's determined. I know she wanted only what's best for her spirits.

I flew from Lucy's lap to her side when I noticed Gray crouching in front of her. He took her hand on his and understandingly nodded his head. But before he could say anything, blinding lights came out of nowhere as silhouettes slowly revealed themselves one by one.

Looking over carefully as not to damage my eyes, I saw Loke, Virgo, Aquarius, and all other spirits that Lucy has, came rushing towards her. With this scene befalling, Gray considerately stood up and stepped out of their way with me following after, understanding his intensions― he wanted to give them some time alone. The two of us went to the kitchen but we could still hear what they are saying.

"Lucy," I heard Loke say, "Please, we all want to stay with you till the end."

Peeping on the crack of the door, I get to see Loke holding Lucy's hands while kneeling on one leg in front of her. I looked back at my companion, seeing him leaning on the sink with his eyes close, probably trying to listen, too. "Are you sure this is okay?" I asked him.

He just sighed before looking and giving me a smile of assurance, "We need to give them time alone. Don't worry, they'll be fine."

"I know, Loke." Lucy answered after a long pause. I diverted my eyes back to her and her spirits and saw Loke furrowing his brows.

"If you know, why are you giving us away?" he retorted, hurt evident in his voice.

There was a pregnant pause as Lucy stared at all of them with her bright smile, not letting them see her vulnerability. Yes, they are one of her weaknesses. And as I've said before, Lucy will do anything if it concerns her spirits, her friends, her family―the reason why she is loved in both worlds. "Because I know this is for the good of all of you. I wanted the best for my spirits, and giving you to the person I know would treat you as well as I do is the only choice I have for it to happen."

Then there was another silence. And Loke cried. "I'm sorry," he said, "You almost sacrificed your life in order to save me, yet here I am―"

She cut him off as she placed a hand on his face, wiping the visible tears streaking down. "I'm lucky I had the opportunity to be with all of you, fortunate to be able to call you guys as friends, and happy seeing all of you caring this much for me." she said, smiling sweetly at all of them. "Not everyone is given the chance to be with you guys―"

"No, Lucy-san," everyone's eyes snapped at the usually timid spirit of the Ram as she cried and voiced out her concern, "You're wrong. It's the other way around."

Lucy's eyes widen, clearly by surprise and confusion as her eyes gleamed in question to what is said. And Aries continued, "Not everyone is given the chance to be with you, a very thoughtful and kind owner a spirit like me wished and hoped to have. We are so lucky to have the opportunity to be with you, we are the fortunate spirits to have you call us as friends." She cried, "And we're happy, to have been treated as people, much more a friend we longed to have."

Virgo sat beside her and put her hands on her shoulders, her usually stoic face showed concern and her eyes glittered with tears I never thought I'd see. "We're the privileged ones, princess," she said, "And choosing you as my owner is the greatest decision I've ever made."

"Us, too." Aries agreed, along with her companions under Oracion Seis' Angel―Scorpio, Gemi and Mini.

"We are."

"Piri piri."

"I'm glad to be of service, Moshi moshi." Sagittarius saluted.

"Ebi," Cancer nodded, snapping his scissors from his sides.

"I'd be with you till the end as I promise, Lucy-sama." Caprico announced, bowing.

"Mooo~ me too, Lucy-chan!" Taurus grinned.

"I'll sing you more songs~" Lyra sang, plucking her harp.

"Pyxis," the spirit chirped, his compass swirling at the top of his head.

"All spirits from the spirit world wanted to say that you have their respect." Crux commented, patting Lucy on the head.

"We'll always love you, Lucy―that's what Plue said," said Horologium as he handed Plue to Lucy's trembling hands. That's when she broke. She wailed while hugging Plue, her tears cascaded down her pale cheeks as her spirits give her their reassuring smiles, overwhelming her even more.

I felt something wet from my face and noticed I've been crying from the scene. Lucy is loved not only here on earthland, but also in the spirit plane.

"Hey, brat," I heard, making Gray move closer and peek through the gap with me, seeing Aquarius hovering Lucy. She stopped crying, save for the sobs that escaped her throat, and looked up to see one of the first spirits she acquired.

"Aquarius, I-I know you've always hated me, a-and you must be pissed on my decision of giving you guys away, b-but―"

To say I'm surprised was an understatement. Having seen Aquarius' treatment towards Lucy, never in my entire life did I think will she hug her. "I know you think I hate you because of my attitude, but that's only because I didn't like the idea of being given to a brat like you, not trusting you of your capabilities to command a spirit like me, considering I'm one of the strongest among us and having the hardest way to summon me." she calmly said, "But along the way, you've proven yourself worthy."

She broke the hug and surprised Lucy as she saw Aquarius is tears. "I wouldn't say this under any circumstances, but this time's an exception," she smiled, a rare sight, "You're one of the best master I've ever had―one of best celestial mage earthland had, actually. And I will always love you, Lucy, whatever happens."

What Aquarius said triggers another bout of tears to Lucy's eyes. She placed her hands on her face and cried as the mermaid hugged her close again. "Thank you…I'm happy to have you guys." She sobbed, her words muffled by her hands.

"I love Lucy-chan and Lucy-chan's body, too~ Moo~" Taurus cried, making everyone laugh.

"Just let us stay with you," Loke requested, patting her head, "After all, I wouldn't be a knight in shining armour if I'm away from my princess, right?" he added, making Lucy smile. "I'm married, Loke."


I actually cried while writing this since I love the bond of Lucy and her spirits and just thinking about her spirits being wield by another user just hurts, you know?...that or my tears are easily triggered. XD But if you didn't cry then...bleh...I don't have it in me anymore. DX


LALAishiteru: hehe, no worries there. we'll just have to celebrate graylu everyday then. ^^ thanks for the review~ wahaha, I know I'm old... XD

Kyria Tsukiyo: uwaaaah~ I almost made you cry, sorry! DX I'm glad you're liking it~ weeee~ I ship NaLu, too. and you don't know how much I'm having a hard time to get Natsu out of the picture because he will trigger my NaLu blood and put NaLu on this fic. XD thanks for the review~

Kyto Touche: Hehe, actually, no...I don't plan on ending this fic on Saturday. hehe, I just had this typed out even before chapter 7, along with chapter 8 because I had a hard time writing chap7.. hehe, but yea. I don't know when I'll be able to update this story (pls read my explanation on my a/n) but thanks for keeping up with me~ ^^

Until next time?
