Die you evil fiend you, die!"
Kurt cringed at the booming voice he could hear so clearly even when he was in his dorm room and had the door to said room firmly shut. As a considerably loud thud echoed from out in the hall and the young countertenor rolled his eyes at it, turning up the volume on his i-pod. Surely they couldn't keep this up much longer.
"Nay, I shalt not yield. Disgraceful blonde overlord!"
Kurt was seriously tempted to turn up the volume again but he thought that if he did, it might damage his hearing. This was the pain both he and all the other Dalton students anywhere near by were suffering. This was the result of some idiot letting Jeff and Nick near food-colouring, some complete idiot.
At the current time the two potentially mentally challenged boys were on some medieval quest, or battle or whatever the hell it was they were acting like six year olds about now. The details didn't matter, what did matter was that they simply could not do this quietly. All Kurt wanted was to finish his english homework!
"T'is be you're final battle, Sir!"
"Not today, Sir Nicholas!"
Kurt sighed exasperatedly and banged his head down onto the plush white pillow in front of him, as opposed to the wooden bed-side table to his right. It was a close choice, but Kurt didn't really fancy having a large bruise on his forehead all to much, so he went with the softer option.
"Jeff, don't call me that. You know I hate it!"
And you know what Kurt hated, that whining tone of voice!
"Nick, that's not how knights are suppose to talk."
Kurt wondered, if he went out into the hallway with his pillow right now, he would probably be able to suffocate at least one of them before the other pulled him off or screamed loud enough to render Kurt unconscious.
"Well sorry, Jeffery!"
An uncomfortable silence fell abruptly and Kurt warily lowered his hands down from where they had found themselves over his ears in a vain attempt at drowning out Nick and Jeff. Kurt hadn't known Niff for the longest time but he didn't need to. Everyone knew that you never called Jeff by his full name. Sure, teasing Nick about his was fine if not a little annoying for the brunet. But for Jeff, that was a no-go zone.
Kurt slowly shuffled off of his bed, the sound of ruffling papers accompanying the action and moved towards the door. He reached out for the handle, and that was when he heard it.
It was a sound that he and anyone classified as 'unpopular' had become so used to. One that had plagued him for so long that the countertenor had come to recognise it anywhere.
Kurt very nearly tripped in his haste as realisation set in. He threw back the door with great force and stared wide eyed at the sight that he knew would greet him.
Nick was standing open-mouthed and gaping as Blue slush dripped down from his hair and onto his face and white button shirt. Jeff was on the ground in a half-upright position that Kurt would have guessed he hadn't moved from since he undoubtedly fell. The usually exuberant boy was in a position much the same as his inseparable companion. He lay covered in red slush, dribbling down his nose and splattering on his shoes. A fair amount of the stuff was settled in his blonde hair; making it look as though he had watery, red streaks.
Two mostly empty slushy cups had been left forgotten on the floor beside each boy and Kurt felt as though he were going to slap himself when he came to the abrupt realisation of exactly where the earlier hyper-inducing food colouring had come from.
Kurt gave himself a few seconds to take all this in before he jumped into action, his colourful days at Mckinley coming back to him easily. Nick seemed to have gotten the worst of it so the fashionista moved towards him first. Kurt gently took Nick by the arm and guided him through his room and straight into the bathroom. He sat him down on the closed toilet seat lid and with a meaningful look, wordlessly told him to stay put.
The counter-tenor didn't waste any time as he half ran back to Jeff and exhaled a small breath of relieved air at seeing that he hadn't moved, maybe even hadn't blinked. "Come on Jeff." The fashionista said kindly and with more or less no help from the blonde victim himself, hauled Jeff to his feet. It took him a little longer to get Jeff to the bathroom then it had Nick but none the less Kurt managed it successfully and sat the boy down on the edge of the bath.
He then turned around and shut the door. Other students at Dalton might see the slushy cups on the floor outside but they didn't need to see Jeff and Nick covered in their contents.
As he moved past other two boys and towards the porcelain sink Kurt found himself suddenly very appreciative of the size of the Dalton bathrooms. He turned on the tap and the sound of the warm water running filled the room. He reached out his left hand to take a soft blue towel off of the hand-rack and run it under the luke warm h2o. He then turned off the tap and slowly stepped towards Nick, who had clearly gotten the most of the drink over himself. He slowly wiped the damp cloth over the pale boy's sticky face and continued to do the same with his ams. He then unbuttoned the dark-haired students shirt and couldn't help but take in Nick's well defined Chest. He didn't allow his gaze to linger long as he lifted the shirt up to the light and studied the stained fabric. "Blue's a lot easier to get out of white then Red is so i might be able to save this." He muttered to himself as he rinsed and rung out the cloth in the sink. He then hung it up on the towel rack and moved to Jeff to repeat the same process he had with Nick. The only difference being how much time he spent on washing his shirt.
Once he was finished with that Kurt glanced between the two boys and noticed how tense they both still were, but more so how neither had said a word since he found them. The light haired brunet bit his lip and opened the cabinet door next to him, reaching in to pull out the shampoo and conditioner. He placed them beside the tap as he turned it on with his spare hand and let the warm water run again. It took less then four steps to reach jeff and pull him to his feet once more. He sat him in front of the mirror and consequently also the sink. He began washing the blondes unnatural and died hair, feeling the younger boy relax as his skilful hands massaged his scalp. Kurt eventually finished with Jeff and moved on to Nick.
He was just reaching for the conditioner when a quiet voice interrupted him. "Kurt?"
Kurt turned to see Jeff sitting with his hands entwined and his eyes focussed solely on that spot. "Thank you." He said simply, his intense gaze lifting from his pale hands to stare at Kurt's grey-blue eyes. "No problem." Kurt replied, a small smile overtaking his features. He then bit his lip in a attempt to hold it back and continued to work with Nick's chocolate brown locks.
. . .
"It's really quiet around here." Trent commented as he Blaine, Thad and wevid walked down the halls of Dalton after a study session at the library. "You're right, do you think Kurt's okay?" Blaine piped up, to which he received several 'are you serious?' looks and a few raised eyebrows. "What?" The curly haired warbler questioned. "Dude, you are obsessed." David laughed, putting an arm around his shorter friend. Blaine huffed and grumbled something ineligible to which Wes chuckled at.
"Well," Thad began. "I don't know about Kurt but I haven't seen Jeff or Nick around." Actually, that was odd. Especially considering the duo were usually out terrorising someone at this time of day. "You don't think they're up to something, do you?" Blaine worried aloud, those two were always causing mischief. "Well if they are, I don't wanna know." Wes admitted with a sigh to emphasise his point. "I hear that." David said, finally taking his heavy arm off of Blaine's shoulders and fist pumping his oriental friend.
"Anyone else up for coffee?" Trent asked as he watched the exchange and then struggled to withhold a yawn. Blaine perked up immensely at the mention of caffeine. "Can we get Kurt first?"
"smitten." Wes coughed under his breath, earning a well deserved glare from Blaine.
. . .
"Kurt?" Blaine asked, knocking on the door to Kurt's room. He didn't have to wait long as the door was open within seconds, a familiar porcelain skinned and blue eyed boy revealed from behind it. "Hey-" Was all Blaine managed to get out before Kurt shushed him and held a finger to his lips to indicate silence. He glanced back into his room as if checking for something before waving Blaine and the equally baffled boys with him inside. Curiosity getting the better of him, Blaine entered and couldn't help but smile at what he saw. Nick Duval and Jeff Sterling were both on Kurt's bed, fast asleep and curled up together. They were breathing deeply and Blaine could even make out the traces of a smile on Jeff's lips. Except, the only thing was. . .
"Kurt, are Nick and Jeff wearing your shirts?" Wes asked the question that had been readily forming in Blaine's mind. Each of the two unconscious boy's on Kurt's bed were wearing tight fitting long sleeved print shirts, each obviously patterned differently to the other. Kurt's only response to this was an amused chuckle. "Long story." He said eventually and shook his head as if he had just told some kind of Joke that they didn't get.
"So. . " Kurt said without the slightest trace of awkward in his voice. "Anyone up for a coffee?"
A/N: Oh my Goodness! Look at that, an actually finished chapter.
Okay, so i'm so incredibly, epic-ly sorry for the ridiculously late update, BUT! I have a semi- good reason. I've had the worst case of writers block ever lately and i'm only just breaking out of it now. Also, If this story/one-shots thing is going to go anywhere I NEED IDEAS! Seriously, i'm coming up empty on this. If you have a request or even a brief thought that crosses your mind as (if) you're reading this. Please tell me!
Okay. . *Deep Breath*
I Love You!
Oh and i've made up a little jingle, are you ready for this?
Hey, you just read this
And this is crazy!
But please, I beg you-
Review this Maybe!
XXXXLove StripedBerriesXXXX