My mamma always told me that if I lived a good life, then I neva had to fear death. But I lived a good life and I's still scared. They're ain't no way in the world this jury's gonna let me go. They'r all starin' at me, like I'm some piece o' trash. They's glaring at Mistuh Finch, too. That ain't right. He's a good man. He ain't eva' done notin' wrong. Everyone from the town is just sittin here, waitin for the jury to say what they's gonna do with me. Oh, God in Heaven, I don't wanna die. I'm a good man. If you take me, what's gonna happen to Helen and my young 'uns? Please, God, don't let me die. Not now.

That's it. Its ova'. All the men on that jury voted that I actually raped that Mayella gul. I's never had no reason to. I's married. What would I go rape some poor white gul for? I's always been nice to her, doin her favors and such, and this is my rewahd. Getting killed? But who am I to say what's right in this world. That's for the holy God. As soon as the jury said that I was guilty, these guards came to bring me back to that jail before I head to them gallows. As they brought me back, they were pushin' me and shovin' me and callin me words that I would neva dare use. It was mighty hard tryin to keep quite. I didn't wanna cause no trouble. When they put me back in my cell, I started to cry. I cried to God above for my Helen, my kids, and Mayella. She was forced to lie by her pa, and it was plain low of him to do that. Why force her to sin? I prayed to God that he'd forgive her for her false words. I prayed to my mamma, may her soul rest in peace, that she would help. She's up in heaven, lookin' down on the world, watchin' ova me, like she said she would. She was a good woman, a much better person than I would eva be. Please, God almighty, I need ya help. Please mamma, send me ya help.

I cried myself to sleep last night. This morning, when I woke up, I knew what I'd gotta do. In the afternoon, we got some free time out in the yard. I slowly moved towards the fence. But, before I did anything, I thought about what I was about to do. It was like killin' myself! I started to think about my life. When I got to heaven, will they let me in? oh, God, please help me. I'm gonna die no matter what I do. At this thought, I straightened up and began to run. I ran and started climbing the fence. I was goin slow-like cus of my lame arm. Just keep climin, I kept telling myself. Just keep climin. Suddenly, I heard a shot. Then another. And another. I felt them go into my skin. I tried to ignore them, but they hurt so bad. I couldn't go on. I let go and started to fall. As I fell, I prayed to God to save my soul. Then, I called out to my mamma. I'm comin home mamma, I'm comin home.