Hints vs. Evidence
Another owl dropped another note on his desk, further distracting him from the essay he was trying to read.
Dear Sir,
Words fail me...
Words are not failing you. With your ineptitude you are failing all on your own.
Dear Sir,
Perhaps if I had help…?
You recognize help only if it is packaged in bushy hair and know-it-all rhetoric.
Dear Sir,
I'd rather have help packaged in black and buttons….
You are walking a very thin line.
Dear Sir,
Perhaps a detention would help...?
I am sure that Mr. Filch would appreciate the assistance in scrubbing the bathrooms and stairs.
Dear Sir,
I was thinking more along the lines of a Potions detention…
Have you yet to master the art of punctuating a sentence once you complete it?
Dear Sir,
I prefer to let you fill in the blanks….
You are becoming annoying in the extreme.
Dear Sir,
If you would only take a hint…
I prefer outright facts and evidence over nebulous hints.
A few moments later there was a soft knock at the office door. Sighing heavily, he put the latest note aside on the desk and went to open the door for whatever fool dunderhead needed him this late at night.
As soon as the door opened he was knocked to the floor by a blur of red sweater and shaggy hair. Hands had grasped his wrists and held them to the floor at each side of his head. Lips were pressing his fiercely. One hand finally let go to hold his jaw in place as nipping kisses trailed from his lips to just behind his ear.
A voice whispered in his ear as the shaggy head rested against his collar bone, "Here are your facts; I love you. I need you. I want you." Hips pressed down on his with an unmistakable hardness pressing into his belly. Here is the evidence…"
He brought his free hand up to gently tug up on the shaggy hair until he could see into bright green eyes. His voice was hoarse as he whispered back, "Detention, Mr. Potter. Now."
A/N: Just a little plot bunny that wormed its way into my Muse and she refused to let me pass it by. I do not think this is exactly like any other work of fanfiction. If so, I apologize and would like you to consider that it was likely the inspiration for this!