Stockholm Syndrome Gone Really Really Wrong

Chapter 10

Gaara screamed and ducked his head as bullets whizzed over his head. He curled as he felt Neji's body leave his and start crawling to the side of the tent. "No! Don't go! They're firing guns out there Neji!"Gaara screamed. The man ignored him and grabbed for his backpack. Gaara scrambled for the brown haired man trying to force him to put down his head when Neji bodily jumped on him.

"Stay down!" He hissed at him producing the knife he had been rummaging in his bag for. He sliced what had been the back of the tent and held it open for Gaara. Gaara stared wide eyed at him. He was not going out there. "Go!" Neji urged him nonetheless. He was too frightened to even shake his head. Neji growled with frustration before he scooted back started to push, or roll, Gaara out the makeshift flap.

"Please don't make me go!" Gaara hoarsely whispered his body shaking. This wasn't the kind of adventure he wanted when he had been dreaming about embarking on one; when he'd been taunting his father; ridiculing his friends and downsizing his suitors. He let Neji woo him in hope of having some excitement in his life, something that wasn't about his dad and was solely for him and now he was being shot at. He'd always kept it dear to his heart that because he was the president's son they, whoever else worked with the Hawk, wouldn't hurt him so he'd have the satisfaction of companionship as well as the fun he'd desired but he'd had no idea that it came with such a heavy price.

As Neji ushered him out he covered his ear as Neji's loud weapon explode several times. He pressed himself as close to the man as was bodily possible, not feeling the slightest guilt that he may have been using his lover as a shield so he wouldn't get hurt. And although Neji was hugging him tightly he didn't feel as much reassurance as he'd like. Perhaps it was because of the man's stiff posture even though they were crouched so close to the ground. Or perhaps it was how comfortable he was holding the long nosed sleek weapon in his hands as though he was born with it.

Without warning, Neji grabbed his arm and hauled him from the crouch the ominous backpack slung over his shoulder as he ripped through the forest. "Keep your head down!" He shouted back keeping his firm grip and eyes steady and straightforward. Gaara did as he was told adding his hand to the mix. It felt as though the forest was out to get him though because everything kept grabbing at his clothes and hands and face and if he was scared before he hadn't seen anything yet because on of the men hopped out of the bush with a wild snarl and tackled the couple to ground. Neji, Gaara, the man and the weapons went tumbling down an incline and into soggy mud below. Gaara scrambled back as the men grappled on the ground. Gaara couldn't tell who was having the upper hand and honestly, he didn't want to know but he didn't want to take his eyes off Neji. He didn't want to be left alone in such a place.

There was also another one out there.

Or he had been killed by Neji's gunfire.

He scooted back even more when his hand hit something hard and cold. Smooth too. He didn't want to look down.

"Grab the gun Gaara!" Neji grunted at him. Startled he looked up to see that Neji didn't have the upper hand. He was the Hawk! Why was he struggling?

"Neji do something!" He cried. Scooting away from the shiny weapon.

"The gun Gaara!" Neji rasped. The bigger man above him looked like he had a firm grip.

"Oh God Neji!" He grabbed the gun, fumbling with its small size but heavy weight. It was the on Neji had been using earlier. He aimed for the bear. Gripping the handle of the gun with both arms he pointed it. Tried as best as he could but he couldn't breathe and his felt too light. His hands shook violently as he pressured the trigger. "Neji I can't- You might- oh God I can't! Neji!" His eyes watered as his target looking him straight in the eyes.

"Mind you hurt yourself little boy. I'll deal with you when i'm done." He grunted and leaned forward. Instead of trying to pry his hands off Neji took to punching his face but the large brute refused to let go and soon Neji's punches got lighter and lighter.

'I have to help Neji!' he berated himself, his hands still shaking violently. 'Neji!' He thought furiously before he squeezed his eyes shut and pressed the trigger. The blast rocked his shoulder and shove him back. Tripping over loose roots and sinking in soft mud he lost his balance, squeezing the trigger again. The force jolted his shoulder and sent his hurtling to the ground. His head hit the ground with a soft thump and for a while he stars blacks stars twinkle before his eyes, he heard the brute howl in surprise before several more grunts sounded and suddenly he was being hauled up from the ground. He whipped the only form of defense he had, the gun, at the culprit before it was smacked out of his hand.

"Easy there Tiger." The eyes that he didn't know he had shut flew open to stare into amused lilac before he locked Neji in a tight embrace.

"Oh God! I thought I hit you!" Fresh tears sprang up in his eyes as the relief flooded his views and the fading adrenaline made him limbs weak but spastic.

"I thought you were gonna hit me too." Gaara's head shot up to look at him with wide eyes. Neji laughed heartily before he kissed Gaara dirty forehead. "I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to close your eyes when you shoot. You had be worried there for a bit if i must admit." Gaara sighed a laugh.

"I was worried for a bit too." As Gaara leaned into his arms once more really feeling the relief a soft whiz, the explosion of the tree bark behind them and a howl of pain sent them back to where there were at the beginning. "Neji!" Gaara exclaimed his eyes widening as blood poured from Neji shoulder. "You got hit! Let me help- ahh!" He screamed when Neji unloaded his entire weight on him. "Neji! Neji? Neji!"

"Aww... how beautiful." Another man stepped out of the foliage with a weapon similar to Neji's. Gaara gripped Neji's unmoving body and tried his best to scowl at the approaching man but the twitching of his eyebrows and the downward tug of his lips and watering of his eyes, he could guess that he wasn't doing a very good job. "What's a pretty boy like you doing all the way out here?"

"Go. Away." He demanded trying his damnedest to keep the man at bay. He couldn't tell if Neji was alive or not. He couldn't feel his breath and his own erratic heartbeat covered any traces of detecting Neji's own.

"Ahh how scary," the man jested faking being scared as he inched ever closer his eyes alit with amusement as he pointed the muzzle at Gaara. His eyes bulged at that. The man was panning to kill him point blank. "Most of these are just Romeo and Juliet. Tragic if you ask me."

"Nobody did." The man raised his brows and dropped his mouth into and 'o'. "Feisty one aren't you?" His gaze turned sinister then, "I like breaking ones like you. Break you over and over again until there's nothing left and you're just a shell so far gone you can never, ever, find yourself-" The world went dark for Gaara as another whiz zoomed in the air.

"I hate talkative people," Neji grumbled moving his hand from Gaara's eyes and heaving harsh breaths as he did so.

"Neji!" He started to push up when Neji pressed the barrel of the gun against his chest. The muzzle pointing to his chin. He froze. His heart and lungs refused to operate.

"Not so fast babe," Neji groaned easing himself off slowly before rolling onto his back. He heaved breaths through an odd sounding laugh as he rose his the back of his hand to his forehead to rest for while. "You okay?" he asked not removing his hand from his face.

"Am I okay? Neji you just got shot! Is the bullet still inside? Let me look at it," Gaara edged over him to look at the wound that wasn't oozing as much blood as before.

"It's just a scratch. It'll get better in a few days." Gaara angrily slapped his leg. Neji raised a brow at the and moved his arm to question the action when Gaara planted his lips firmly onto his, his tears falling onto Neji's cheeks. "Is now really the time for sex?" He joked. Gaara laughed bitterly before he smacked the mans leg again then reconnected their lips.

"I was so scared..." he murmured as he cried softly. "I thought that i might have hit you and you'd-" Neji leaned up to kiss him again.

"I'm fine." He said sternly. "So stop crying." he pecked the red-haired's lips again. "Keep your eyes to the left and help me up." Gaara opened his eyes then, wiped the remaining tears away before he started to turn away. Neji caught his chin.

"You teenagers never do what you're told do you?" he shook his head disapprovingly. "This is one even you don't need to experience to learn from. Keep you eyes to left. Help me up. Remember my shoulder!" He hissed as Gaara pulled him up too quickly.

"Sorry sorry!" he apologized quickly. As they lowly rose in to a standing position, Gaara adamantly kept his eyes forward. Neji had killed those two men. He knew that. Neji was trying to prevent him from having nightmares about the bodies so he'd told him not to look. He smiled slightly at that. It was good to know that behind that cold exterior that Neji exhibit there was a warm core that actually care for his well-being and he was grateful for that.

"We'll keep going northwest. There should be cave we can hide out til the rain passes." Gaara hadn't heard any rain but he guessed that the ground was much too soft for it to be just how it was so he kept quiet and walked alongside Neji who'd kindly refused his help. It was just a scratch on his shoulder anyways so it wasn't like he couldn't walk. He'd been so eager to show his gratitude that he started to get carried away. He blushed slightly at that but thank the heavens it was dark and Neji couldn't see it.

They'd trekked through the forest for several hours before Neji's shoulder really started to act up. "We'll stop here for a bit," he said leaning against a tree.

"You want help to sit?" Gaara asked moving to his side but clinging to it like he'd done before.

"No. We're close now but I just don't want to be bleeding anymore." he went rummaging through his pack before Gaara snatched it from him and retrieved the neat little first aid case that he kept stuffed in the pack and Gaara couldn't help thinking how efficient the man was. He clicked open the case and retrieved the bandage and ointment and after applying it how Neji instructed him to he got to work with getting onto Neji's arms, with his instruction of course, with best hopes that it wouldn't be infected.

They walked for several more minutes Gaara constantly checking the bandage and asking how he was feeling til Neji saw the cave. He sighed with relief before he showed it to Gaara and together they gingerly made their way up the small incline and into the wide cave. It wasn't what Gaara had been expecting but then again, he'd never been in a cave before. The floor was smooth and were the ceiling and there were no stalagmites dripping water everywhere and making the atmosphere damp and depressing. It pretty much looked like it was made for people. As he ventured further inward he noticed images dancing on the wall. "Gaara." Neji called suddenly walking up behind the too curious redhead. "It's a pool." he stated to deter the teen's curiosity but groaned when he noticed that he only lit a spark to it. "You can explore it tomorrow, but right now we sleep." He inclined his head somewhere behind him and Gaara saw that there was a sleeping bag waiting.

"Only one?" Neji took his hand.

"One is good enough. We'll go back to our campsite tomorrow to clean up and head out. I bought large one so a big person or two slim person could fit if they snuggled. Neji grinned there but Gaara rolled his eyes. He nibbled on his lower lip as he stared at Neji's shoulder. 'Will one sleeping bag really work. I don't want to hurt his arm,' he worried gnawing on the lip. "Why are you tempting me Gaara?" Neji murmured pulling the teen to him by his good arm and covering his lips with his own. Gaara pulled away with a frustrated look.

"I just don't think we should sleep together tonight," he voiced his frustrations. Neji ignored him in favor of kissing him again. "Why aren't you taking this seriously!" he shouted. balling his fist at his sides wanting to strike the man but wanting to hug him as well.

"Why are you taking this so seriously?" Neji chuckled, highly amused with the entire situation. He watched the redhead stomp his foot and growl before he stormed off to the bed against the wall. "I've shot, been shot at and been shot multiple times before." He watch Gaara stop and freeze at his statement. "And I can assure you that this is nothing to compared to my other encounters." He walked up to the tense teen, no clue what could be on his mind, and wrapped his good arm around him once more softly kissing his neck.

He could understand why the teen needed to make sure he was alright. He'd read about things like this and since he wasn't going to sit down and cuddle with him telling him everything was going to be okay, he was going to reassure him the only way he knew how and was comfortable doing, he'd have sex with him. Plain and simple. Gaara seemed to have some sort of attachment to him. He wasn't sure how deep it ran and he didn't know how the casual sex was affecting whatever bond there was but right now he didn't care. He didn't know how many of those goons had been sent for him, he didn't know why and he didn't know by whom... but he was certain of one thing, whoever sent them was after both him and his gem. He wasn't going let them get either without one hell of a fight.

You play with fire, you get burnt.

You romp with a god, you get incinerated.

Plain and simple.

These people had no idea who they were dealing with and as the superior being it was Neji's duty to set them in their place. He was on a mission. Ascension. He needed to meet his master. He was not going to let anything deter him form his destiny. It was fate. He knew it. Gaara, the Hawk, his holiness and his master we all tied together by the red ribbon or fate and if he had to wring a few necks while wooing a young boy to get his way then so be it.

He coaxed Gaara down onto the bed before he pulled him onto his chest. "Neji," the teen groaned into his neck grinding down on him. "You're injury," he muttered. Neji ground against him as well, kissing the shell of his ear and exposed neck.

"You can ride me you know," he grinned against the heated flesh. "Just like our first time," he place butterfly kisses along the stretch of neck he could reach without tugging too much on his arm and when Gaara pulled back to start undressing he followed suit as best as he could with one hand. "There's lube in the pack," Neji grinned at him not enjoying the tense atmosphere. Gaara was over thinking things. He didn't know what was running through his mind but he didn't want it running during sex. Actually, he didn't want it running at all. He'd much prefer an obedient non-thinking Gaara as opposed to his natural curiosity and spunky behavior, which he had to admit had its perks every now and again...

"You bring lubricant into the woods?" Gaara asked incredulously brows raised.

"Only if I have worthwhile company," he grinned back. Gaara ignored him and instead shuffled back to find the bottle while Neji appreciated the view. He hummed in appreciation but Gaara scoffed at him and shook his head. Grabbing the bottle Gaara first poured it into his hand his hand before he messily smeared it on Neji thick member which was turning a light purple color "Hmm," he groaned again. "I don't know how much longer I can last before i have to rape you..." he murmured watching Gaara's hand slide up and down his member. He pulled his hand away before he crawled onto Neji's body again and laid. Neji furrowed his brow together as he waited for Gaara to line up and start but the redhead just laid there with his head in the crook of Neji's shoulder. "Gaara?" he question feeling his hard-on borderline painful. Gaara's head shot up to glare at him, his breathing harsh and his cheeks a dark red.

"Give me minute!" He hissed panting slightly. "I'm almost done." he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth then and Neji felt his nether regions stir in delight. Curiosity overtaking him he traced his hand back, down along the teens spine feeling him arch into his touch, before he reached this entrance. He probed around feeling Gaara pump three of his fingers inside. His eyes widened excitedly before he grinned.

"Turn around so I can watch!" he grinned. Gaara lifted his head and scowled at him before he removed his hand, position Neji's weeping member then slide down on it in one go. Gaara cried out at the intense feeling as Neji sucked in a surprise breath. His grin spread all over his face even as his breathing labored to match the teen's hovering above him. Gaara never ceased to surprise him.

Kyuubi sighed as he stroked his lover's messy blonde main and stared ahead at the TV. They'd been replaying the parking lot accident on every channel and as many times as they could and frankly Kyuubi was beyond annoyed. He loved being up to date but so far everything had been same. It was the same news report and nothing was closer to the truth than the press release Shikamaru had done some days after Shukaku had been released from the hospital. As Shikamaru to came to mind he wondered where the young agent was. He knew that the vice president's son's situation had been stabilized but for some reason he needed some more time off to attend to more personal matters. He couldn't think that he was taking time off just to cuddle with his lover. No there must have some other reason. And although he could e fairly positive that it was for a good reason he couldn't stop the anger that bubbled up in his chest.

Shukaku and Gaara were of the utmost importance at the moment.

One was the president and the other was a missing young man who was also the president's son. He didn't care that he was being selfish. If he was selfless for most of his life he must be allowed to be selfish for this one time. He wanted the important people in his life back together and he was going to have it. Even if he had to find Gaara himself. He didn't want to leave Shukaku's side because he feared that his absence would push him right over the edge. Kyuubi suspected that he was teetering on his sanity, and if Kyuubi was the only one who could steady him, then he would stay by his side til he could drag him away from the cliff.

He loved Shukaku dearly. And at the moment he was regretting pressuring him to tell Gaara about their secret relationship. He should have bee satisfied and not so greedy. It would have been less stressful for everyone.

He curled his body around Shukaku's back and carefully draped his arm around his waist and buried his face into the sleeping man's neck. He'd stay by his lovers side and protect him as best as he could. He could feel that something big was going to happen. He couldn't tell when but it had his muscles twitching in anticipation and he had to take several deep breaths to calm himself before he fell into an uneasy sleep unconsciously gripping Shukaku tighter.