Chapter One: The Defiant One

"James Sirius Potter get your ass down here right now!" Ginny Potter screamed up the staircase to her oldest son

"No!" Came James' response

Ginny's face started to turn the same color as her hair. Both of James' younger siblings sat back on the couch watching their mother. Albus sat silently with wide eyes and Lily, who was usually buzzing around, was silent and confused with what just happened.

"How much do you want to bet mum is going to hex him?" Lily whispered to her older brother

"Lily shh." Albus hissed

"James Potter, you are not going to call your aunt what you called her, disapparte and lock yourself in your room!" Ginny screamed "You're going to get your arse down here, before I hex your door down and bring you down here by the ear myself. I swear to God James, I will! Just wait until your father-"

"Shut-up mum!" James screamed appearing at the top of the stairs "I'm not afraid of you and I'm not afraid of dad! I called Aunt Hermione a mudblood, because that's what she is! Or a filthy mudblood as Blaine would say."

"You better watch your mouth James Sirius!" Ginny threatened starting up the stairs, towards her oldest son. James' brown eyes didn't leave his mother's brown ones. There was nothing but anger in her son's eyes. Honestly there was some times when she didn't know who her son was anymore.

"No." James responded, his bottom lip curling up into a sneer

"You're going to apologize to your aunt as soon as your father gets here. I can't even show my face around my own family; I hope your happy. Ginny snapped "I never thought your horrible attitude would embarrass me, but congratulations James, you proved me wrong." Ginny said pushing past her son and heading towards her room

James turned his head over his shoulder towards his mother. "Is that really the best you've got? Trying to guilt trip me?" He laughed

Ginny looked down at her son with a hurt expression plastered across her face, but he wasn't phased by anything. She just shook her head and closed the door to her room. Once she was inside, she silenced the room and let all of her emotions out, knowing she was a horrible mother.

James went down the rest of the stairs and found both Albus and Lily staring with wide eyes at him. "What?" He snapped

Lily's eyes darkened, but she turned back around and turned her attention back to the book she was trying to read before her brother and mother apparated into the house. Albus didn't back down though.

"You shouldn't have said those things to mum, and I shouldn't have called Aunt Hermione that, again." He stated

James walked over to the couch and he and Albus' eyes locked in on each other; green against brown. James finally broke away and lightly slapped his brother on the cheek a few times. "Don't try and be a hero Al; it never ends well."

"Are you threatening me?" Albus demanded glaring at his older brother "Because your pathetic threats don't scare me."

"My dear little Albus who said it was a threat? It's a promise." James hissed

"You know you're not so tough with your goons not around. Big deal, you called Aunt Hermione the m-word, made mum cry and threatened Albus. None of that is out of the ordinary if you ask me, you're losing your little Slytherin touch." Lily said finally speaking up

James looked at his sister and then burst out laughing. Albus looked over at her as well, bewildered. "Do you want him to hex us?"

"James may be an ass, but he wouldn't dare touch us." Lily whispered. She then turned to James. "You know you make Zabini and that Goyle idiot do all of your dirty work, while you get all of the praise. I bet you never even put a spell on anyone."

James' eyes darkened. "Goyle and Zabini don't do my dirty work, they take the blame for my dirty work. Nearly everything they've gotten detention for, I did."

"There's something to be proud of." Albus muttered under his breath

"Trapping Moaning Myrtle in a toilet second year; me, putting a tripping spell on Longbottom fifth year; me with Goyle's wand. Then there was the time I hexed her and sent her to the Hospital wind." James started to laugh remembering everything

"That was you?" Albus snapped jumping off of the couch, jabbing his wand into his brother's chest, gripping the wand so tight that his knuckles were turning white

James whipped his wand out and pointed it at his brother's neck. The two black haired Potter boys stood glaring at each other. Lily tried to pry between them, but it didn't work. James finally let out a laugh as he smirked.

"Come on Albus hex me, or do you not have it in you?" Albus lowered his wand and James sneered at him. "Coward, I don't know how you managed to get into Gryffindor. You're a disgrace to our family name."

"I'm not a coward!" Albus bellowed shoving his wand into James' neck

"Albus don't; you don't have to prove anything. He's just trying to get you going. Remember what Mya said." Lily said touching Albus' arm

At Mya's name, Albus pointed his wand back down and turned away from James. James snorted with laughter.

"Yes, just listen to Longbottom Al." He noticed that Albus tensed up at her name and James started to laugh even more. "Oh you love her, don't you Albus? This is great; the coward and the fool."

Albus spun around furious. Lily shrunk away, not wanting to be in between her brothers. "SHUT-UP JAMES!" Albus bellowed. A glass on the coffee table exploded and James' eyes widened.

James went to respond to his brother, but there was a loud popping sound and Harry Potter stood in the living room, between his two angry sons. He looked between the three of his children already knowing something was wrong.

"Would someone like to tell me, why I got a message from your mother, hours before I'm supposed to be home?" Harry asked, his eyes finally landing on his oldest son

"Why are you looking at me? Everything isn't always my fault." James huffed, his brown eyes snapping with angry

"Because I know how you are James."

"He called Aunt Hermione a-"

Albus covered up his younger sister's mouth, before she could say anything else. "Don't get in the middle of it." Harry looked over at his two younger children. "Do you have anything you want to add?"

Albus and Lily's eyes turned from their father to James, who gave them a threatening stare in response. Both of them chose to shake their heads then to speak. Harry shook his head.

"You two go upstairs. I would like to talk to James alone."

The two didn't take their father's words as advice, they both took off running up the stairs and locked themselves in Albus' room. Once Albus and Lily were gone, Harry turned his attention back to James.

"I didn't do anything wrong." James defended before Harry had a chance to speak

"That's where you are wrong son." Harry said taking a seat. "I'm not an idiot James; I know that you called your aunt a mudblood twice. Your mother took you to your aunt and uncle's to have you apologize for calling her a mudblood, and you proceeded to do it again. I didn't raise you to be this way. Muggle-born people aren't below you James Sirius Potter. Your Grandmother was a muggle-born witch."

"That sounds more like grandpa's problem, not mine." James cut in dryly

"You are not going to disrespect my mother!" Harry bellowed standing up

"Oh, but you'll let me disrespect your best friend. Thanks for letting me know where your loyalties lie father."

"Go to your room!" Harry finally snapped after a few angry and tense seconds

"I'm seventeen years old; you can't tell me what to do!" James snapped getting in his father's face

"You still live under my roof and are my son! You will do as I say!" Harry roared

James stared into his father's angry green eyes. After awhile he finally backed down and disappeared out of the room. A few seconds later, Harry heard the sound of a slamming door and the whole house shook. James was a powerful young wizard and his anger only strengthened his powers. Harry sighed and sat back down, running his fingers through his hair. He was getting more and more grey hairs and he swore it was from his children.

For awhile the house stayed quiet. Albus and Lily were probably playing a game and James had probably soundproofed his room again. Harry finally pushed himself up out of his chair and went up the stairs to his and his wife's bedroom. He knocked on the door softly and then went in.

"Ginny, it's me." He whispered

His wife didn't move though and Harry felt his heart drop. He hated the fact that James could make his own mother feel this way. Ginny always gave everything to her son and his attitude since he had gotten sorted into Slytherin six years ago, kept getting worse every year. Honestly there was times Harry didn't know what to do with his son. Neither of his other children acted like that, so Harry wondered what went wrong with James. Harry went over to the bed and put his arms around his wife. Ginny finally looked up and Harry saw that her brown eyes were still puffy.

"I figured you were home when I heard James' door slam shut." Ginny muttered

"I'm so sorry Ginny, I don't know what's gotten into him." Harry said running a hand through his still shaggy hair

"Gotten? He's been like this for as long as I can remember and it's ridiculous. He's on his final year of Hogwarts and I don't like the monster he's turned into. I don't want him to go into the world expecting everyone to give him everything, because of us." Ginny sighed "Sometimes I feel like we've failed out son."

Harry kissed Ginny's forehead and then sighed. "We didn't fail James Gin. He got old enough when he didn't agree with us and choose to make his own decisions, that we couldn't control. We lead him down the path we thought was right, but in the end he choose his own path. Look at the bright side, two out of three are on the right track." Ginny sighed and Harry knew his joke had failed. "James will eventually come out alright. He's a smart kid Gin; he just doesn't like using his brain."

Ginny snuggled up to her husband. "I hate having a rebellious child."

"Every family has one." Harry pointed out

"I feel like he's changed every second since he was sorted into Slytherin-"

"I think he feels like he's the black sheep of this family. Everyone in your family, in my family, they've all been in Gryffindor. He's the first to not be in the family house. That's a lot of pressure for one person."

"He never said anything to us." Ginny said. She was starting to sound hurt again.

"He has his friends." Harry said sourly. The two Potters tired to be open minded the first time James brought his friends over. After they hung Albus upside down and locked Lily in the closet, Harry and Ginny didn't want their son to associate with those boys. That was the first time James ever yelled at his parents and the first time they noticed a change in their son. The happy, excited boy they said good-bye to, had turned into a sour, unhappy child in a matter of a few months.

Harry kissed Ginny's head after a long period of silence. "It's a new year; you never know what will happen."

Well here is the first chapter of The Potter Boy! I've had it done for awhile, but I wanted to wait until I was done with The Slytherin Inside and I'm almost done with it. I'm really proud of this story and I can't wait to get more into it. Yes James is a total jerk and that's what he has to start out as in order for this story to work. I'm going to tell you a few things now, incase you haven't read one of my stories before. Mya Longbottom is one of my Ocs; she's the youngest daughter of Neville and Hannah Longbottom. Blaine Malfoy is Draco and Astoria Malfoy's son and the older brother of Scorpius. I made him up for this story. He's James' best friend and an even bigger jerk then James. Then the next OC to be introduced is Hazel Weasley, she is Ron and Hermione Weasley's youngest daughter after Rose and Hugo. I really hope you guys liked the first chapter. Please REVIEW and SUSCRIBE to let me know what you think.