Kate was terrified as she walked through the crowded hospital, not knowing to think. There had been an accident! Rick and Alexis had been in a car accident while she'd been receiving her certificate and awarded for becoming Officer Beckett with her father watching proudly in the audience. Approaching the end of the corridor, Kate sighed as she saw the older redhead standing down the corridor with her arms wrapped around her chest as tears continued to run down her cheeks.

"Martha" Kate sobbed, watching as the redhead turned and quickly walked over to the brunette before her arms tightened around the teenager who quickly buried her face into her shoulder; not knowing what to do but sob. "Are they okay? Please Martha are they going to be okay?" she said through the tears as she kept her head buried into Martha's shoulder while the older redhead ran her hand gently up and down Kate's back.

"Rick's going to be fine, he just has a broken ankle" Martha whispered as Kate tensed. Alexis! What about the sweet six year old who Kate adored more than anything in the world?

"What about Alexis? Is Alexis going to be okay Martha?" Kate asked as she moved away from the older woman and stared up at her in concern.

"Alexis was on the side of the car where the cab hit into them, her side took all of the force of the crash" the redhead admitted as Kate lifted her glove covered hand to cover her mouth as she felt her shock increase.

"Is she…?" Kate whispered as tears filled her eyes at the idea of the small girl no longer having a life anymore. Shaking her head quickly, Martha quickly found Kate's other hand and squeezed it tightly as tears ran down both their cheeks for a moment.

"She's in a coma, her right leg is shattered and her right arm is broken. A couple of her ribs are broken as well" Martha admitted as she moved to sit down on a free seat before Kate moved to take the space beside her. "Richard's asleep at the moment but he's going to wake up soon apparently, he'd like it if you were there" the redhead muttered as Kate nodded slowly, not knowing what else to say. She needed to be there for someone. She needed to be there for someone who needed her. "I'm going to go and visit Alexis, Richard's just through that room there" the redhead explained as she pointed across at a particular ward while Kate nodded slowly and stood up walked towards the ward before entering to see Rick lying in the bed in the corner fast asleep, his face covered in bruises.

"Oh Rick" Kate whispered to herself before walking over and sitting gently on the edge of the bed before taking hold of his hand. His face had one major bruise from where he'd obviously smashed into the window during the impact and his hand had stitches in from where glass must have smashed into his skin. "You look very manly Rick but please don't do this to me again" the brunette smiled as tears ran down her cheeks again. "I need you to wake up soon please; I need to see your eyes. I need to know that you're okay so I can just worry about Alexis because it'll kill me to worry about both of you especially when she's going to need all of my attention" she admitted, thinking about the comatosed girl who would be in ICU with the support of her grandmother. "Wake up writer man, please wake up because I need you" she begged as she leant across and gently pressed a kiss to his lips, her eyes shutting as she realised that he wasn't going to respond to her touch. Moving into the chair that was resting beside the bed, Kate sighed as she held onto his hand while the tears continued to run down her cheeks. "We're supposed to be celebrating Rick. We're supposed to be celebrating the fact that I've passed and we're supposed to be going to home to make dinner together and celebrate by making love all night" she sobbed, her eyes shutting as she waited for him to wake up; knowing that was what life was going to be now. It was going to be a waiting game!


"He's still hasn't woken up yet sweetheart?" Jim asked as she shook her head and looked up to see her father standing beside her with two coffees in his hands. "Here, I thought you might need one with the day that you're having" the older man explained, holding out his daughter's coffee as she nodded slowly and took it from him, relaxing as she gently took a sip of the warm liquid and looked across at the writer. "How are you feeling?" he asked, staring down at her to see that she was still dressed in her uniform while her dark hair began to fall out of the bun she'd pulled it into.

"I just want him to wake up daddy; I want him to wake up so all I really have to worry about is Alexis. I can't cope with them both being sick" Kate whispered as tears silently ran down her cheeks. They'd been coming to see her. Rick and Alexis had been coming to see her graduate when they'd been hit by a cab! "They were coming to see me dad, they were coming to see me when they were hurt" she muttered as Jim shook his head before leaning down and pressing a kiss into her dark hair.

"They're going to be okay sweetheart, is there anything I can do?" he asked as she nodded and stared at him.

"Can you go and get me an overnight bag? I'm not leaving Rick until he wakes up and I want to spend some time with Alexis as well" Kate whispered as the older man nodded and watched as she stared across at the writer. "Can you also go upstairs and see Martha and Alexis? I just want to know how she is and whether there's been any improvement but I don't want to leave Rick alone when he needs someone" the brunette explained as Jim nodded gently and quickly moved towards the exit, only turning around for a moment to see Kate now sitting in the chair with her head buried against the side of the bed. He hated seeing his little girl hurt, especially when he knew he couldn't make it any better.


Hearing footsteps, Kate sighed as she slowly looked up to see a nurse walking towards her with a bag in her hands; a small smile covering her elderly face as she looked across at the machine that was attached to the writer before scribbling down the results and looking at her.

"These are your husband's possessions" the woman stated as Kate nodded slowly, desperately not wanting to correct her mistake. "You've got a beautiful family" she commented as confusion covered Kate's face at the comment. "He has a photograph of you and your daughter in his wallet" the woman explained as Kate nodded slowly and slid her hand into the bag to remove his ring. "You can put it back on him if you like" she admitted.

"Thank you" Kate whispered before she gently moved and slid the ring onto his ring finger before leaning down and kissing him again before her hand brushed up to his cheek. "I love you Rick, I love you so much" the brunette sighed before she relaxed back in the chair and began to go through his bag. Pulling out an old notebook, Kate smiled as she slowly opened it and stared at Rick's familiar scribbled handwriting that covered the page. "What's this then writer man?" she asked quickly, skipping through to see that most of the book was full. "You haven't told me about a new book Rick" she muttered to herself before staring down at the first word on the page that was completely alone; acting like it was the pieces title. Kate.


I met a girl today, well a young woman. Dark hair, stunning eyes you get lost in and a beautiful laugh you just want to listen to all day. Kate Beckett. I go out for a coffee and some time alone in an attempt to write more of the book like mother and Gina have both ordered and there she was; a diamond in a crowd of costume jewellery. The real thing! She's not trying to be someone who she isn't. She's just Katherine Beckett, Kate. She's not like anyone I've met before. She's not an actress like Meredith who's desperate for attention and doesn't understand reality because her dream world seems so much better and she's not a fan girl who's desperate to be spoilt and only interested in my money. She just seems genuine!

Smiling gently at what Rick had written, Kate skipped onto some later pages, knowing it was wrong to be reading what seemed to be his diary but she was desperate to just have some part of him with her at that moment. It was comforting because she could imagine his voice reading the words while she read them.

I had an amazing dream last night which I hadn't ever thought about. It started with Kate, Alexis and me playing on the beach and then suddenly everything changed and Kate was pregnant. I can't believe how beautiful she looked almost nine months pregnant in my mind. A baby! I mean I've had small thoughts about Kate and me in the future but a baby is a massive thing especially when she's just nineteen. Maybe one day. Anyway the dream changed again and Kate was just lying in bed with this tiny baby in her arms! She was holding our new born son and it all seemed so perfect. He looked like me but he had her amazing eyes, those eyes that made me fall in love with her in the first place. I can't help but wonder does Kate want this one day? Can Kate imagine us starting a family in the future?

Staring up at him, Kate sighed as tears continued to run down her cheeks at the dream. He was thinking of children and a future. He wanted to have a family with her one day when they were ready. He was thinking about her fully pregnant and her holding their new born son and it wasn't scaring her like she wanted it too because it meant he wanted to be here and she knew he would fight for that.

"I want that too Rick" she admitted in shock before entwining her fingers with his. "One day when things have settled down and Alexis is a bit older and I've got a stable job, I want to have that future with you" she laughed before kissing his hand gently. "The nurse thinks we're married anyway Mr Castle" she laughed gently as she stared down at her ring. "I guess in a way we are married Rick" she muttered before sighing. "We live together, we wear rings, we're not interested in other people and most of all we love each other" she listed before laughing gently at the idea that had come into her head. "I guess I'm married to you Richard Castle without all the legal stuff" she admitted before relaxing back with his hand in hers. Feeling someone squeeze her hand a moment later, Kate sat up quickly to see Rick slowly opening his eyes in pain.

"Kate" he muttered as she nodded, leaning across quickly to kiss him gently as she laughed through the small amount of tears that were running down her face. "Where am I?" he asked quickly as pain slowly began to take over his body.

"The hospital, you were involved in a car accident remember" she explained as he nodded slowly, groaning as he felt sharp pain run through his ankle. "You have a broken ankle, you're going to have to take it easy for a while" she admitted, remembering everything a distressed Martha had told her when she'd arrived at the hospital earlier that day.

"We were coming to see you graduate" he muttered, noticing the uniform she was wearing. "Let me see you" he whispered, her smile growing as she stood up and showed him the uniform she was wearing. "Very sexy" he commented weakly as she laughed gently before pressing a kiss to his cheek as a thank you. "Where's Alexis?" he asked quickly, his worry building up as he remembered the piercing scream of his daughter as the car smacked into the side of the car. "Oh god Kate where's Alexis? She was screaming and I couldn't get to her, she needs me Kate. She needs my help, she was screaming for me" he blurted out, attempting to sit up as she shook her head and rested her hand on his shoulder to stop him from moving and making things worse. "Kate I need to see my little girl please".

"I know but your mother is with her right now, she's not alone and I'm going to go and visit her later I promise" she admitted. "Rick, Alexis is really hurt. Her side of the car got the most damage" she admitted as his face crumbled and tears ran down his cheeks at the idea of his baby being hurt and him not being able to be with her. "Her right arm and leg are completely broken and she's in a coma" she whispered as tears filled her eyes as her boyfriend continued to sob. "She's going to be fine Rick, she's going to be fine" she whispered, not knowing whether what she was actually saying was true or not.

So what do you think? The next chapter will have Alexis in it and more Kate and Rick in it as well.

I hope you enjoyed it and please review, I desperately want to know what you think and whether you think I should continue with it.
