It's been a while since I wrote this story. My beginning writing career where my brain took paths I don't even know anymore... So here I am with another chapter as some type of extra! Where Deidara is revived from the dead! Hope you guys enjoy, if you are still around!


Dear diary,

Today I was revived from the dead.

One would think things had changed by now, preferably for the good.

I would not be writing in my diary anymore,

Kakuzu would be less obsessed with money,

and Sasori would finally have stopped muttering about wedding dresses.

None of these things have happened.

I want to go back.

Love, Deidara

Dear diary,

Today I found out I don't need sleep anymore.


At all.

It's awesome.

It's like this head rush will last forever.

My body is buzzing like I drank too much coffee.

I feel so alive!

Sleep is for the weak!

I want to die!

Love, Deidara

Dear diary,

Today I found out why I was revived.

It's all fairly complicated.

Okay, okay. I actually did not pay attention when they were explaining.

Honestly who listens to Tobi? Always yapping away.

Who knew he was the leader of the Akatsuki? No one guessed that.

Still wonder why he wanted naked pictures of me though.

Love, Deidara

Dear diary,

Remember those plants Zetsu had? Like his wife and those flesh eating kids.

Now imagine that there are actually thousands of Zetsus.

The dude is not alone. I repeat the dude is not alone.

Don't get him flowers, ever.

Seriously, ever. This is dangerous. I don't want to be eaten.

Damn it, how did those flowers get in the lair!

Love, Deidara

Dear diary,

Today I am a little confused.

Before I was certain Pein was our leader, the brain eating leader with his zombie army.

Good, you remember that.

Now here is this new guy that claims he was the leader all along.

I have never seen this guy before in my life.

One thing I am certain of though. He is a zombie.

Watch your brain, diary. The skinny guy is coming for it.

Love, Deidara

Dear diary,

Since when are zombie guy and mister sexual harassment such good friends?

This does not seem right.

Zombie guy should be after me with my stunning brain.

Not the weasel that keeps tricking me into stuff.

I remember the fur Tarzan outfit, Itachi. And I will tell the world.

Mark my words.

I am not jealous!

Love, Deidara

Dear diary,

Today I found out I am someone's puppet.

It is indeed shocking. I'll give you a moment.

Sasori has been using his stupid strings on me!

I-I don't even want to talk about what he did to me. It's too painful.

Okay, I'll tell you.

He made me dance in front of the entire Akatsuki! Dance!

At least I am a good dancer.

Love, Deidara

Dear diary,

Remind me that I make a time machine and go back to the point where Sasori was a toddler.

I want to throttle him.

Because of him I am now stuck in this wooden trunk and they won't let me out!

I did not want to tell you this, but I am slightly claustrophobic.

Do you maybe have a way to get me out?

Love, Deidara

Dear diary,

I knew you would get me out!

It wasn't you? How did I…?

Hold on, I am floating, floating…

Wait! Sasuke is alive?!

I am going to…


So Deidara went up to heaven in the end ;) And could not finish his entry D: Poor Dei...

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