I don't own Glee or any of the characters. This is going to be a multiple chapter Fic, but I'm not sure how many chapters there will be yet. Please review and enjoy :D

Kurt had the apartment all set up. Him and Rachel were in their second year of NYADA and Rachel was finally getting married to Finn. Kurt had to arrange the bachelorette party and invited all the girls from Glee. Santana, Brittany, Tina, Mercedes, Quinn and even Sugar came. The apartment was full of penis shaped balloons and even had a penis drawn on the cake. Music was playing and they were all dancing having a wonderful time.

"Geez Kurt. If I didn't know any better, I would say you set this party up for yourself. This is like candyland for a gay man."

Kurt slapped Santana on the arm. "Shut up! I had to do this traditionally!"

Santana just laughed and went to get more alcohol. Rachel came up out of nowhere hugging Kurt tightly. She started to trip a little bit when she stepped away from him. "This is the best party ever! Thank you so much Kurt."

Kurt just patted her on the back. He could tell that he was the only sober one at the party. Great, he thought, I'm going to be taking care of the clean up.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Kurt was the only one to hear it so he slowly walked over. He looked through the peephole and yelled, "Shit! You guys, the cops are here!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned down the music, all of them except Santana who just stood there smiling and looking proud of herself.

Kurt opened the door and the first thing he noticed was the darkest hazel eyes he had ever seen. They were absoulutely gorgeous. Just looking into them he felt his whole body flutter. Then he noticed his dark curly hair and how his uniform clung tightly to his chest exposing beautiful muscles. Kurt thought of ripping off his clothes just so he could feel them. Then he remembered that he hasn't said anything to the cop and started to blush.

"I'm sorry officer. What can I do you for?"

The police officer said, "Can we come in? There has been a complaint about the noise level and I think we all need to have a little chat."

Can we come in? Kurt hadn't even noticed that there was another man standing there. The second guy had a mohawk and was slightly taller than the hazel eyed one. Kurt didn't pay much attention to him, but slowly moved out of their way.

The dark curly haired guy started to speak in front of everyone that was gathered around. "I'm officer Blaine Anderson and this is officer Puckerman." He said as he gestured to the other man. "There has been a complaint about the noise level here. As I can tell by the... exotic decorations... there is a bachelorette party going on. May I ask who is getting married?"

Rachel slowly stumbled forward and raised her hand as if she was a student in class wanting to ask a question. Kurt just rolled his eyes at her and decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry officer Anderson. This is Rachel and yes she is the one getting married. We can turn the music down. I think it would be best if SOME people would stop drinking as well." He glared at Rachel as he said this and she was so drunk she didn't even notice.

Officer Anderson just smiled and Kurt almost melted. He had the most gorgeous smile he had ever seen. Soon, Kurt was blushing all over again. "I don't think you understand. The complaint wasn't that the music was too loud.. the complaint was that it wasn't loud enough!"

And then it all happend so fast. Rachel was shoved into a chair, Santana started playing the song Sexy And I Know It, and Blaine and the other one, (what was his name again?) started dancing around Rachel. Oh My God, Kurt thought. Santana ordered strippers! Kurt moved to the back of the crowd looking embarrassed as everyone else started cheering and clapping. Kurt couldn't help but get a little turned on. He began to blush and get a little hard. He was watching Blaine strip his shirt open and roll his hips towards Rachel. This is stupid, Kurt thought, you are getting turned on by a straight stripper. There are so many things wrong with this. Then Kurt noticed that Blaine wasn't looking at Rachel, he was staring into Kurt's eyes. Kurt could feel his whole face and ears turning red in embarrassment, but he couldn't take his eyes away. Then Blaine took his pants off and was in tight blue boxer briefs. Oh god, the lord is testing me! He could tell that Blaine was huge even with his underwear still on. Kurt was suddenly hard as a rock in his pants and it was beginning to be too much. Kurt slowly started to excuse himself and walked out of the apartment to get some fresh air. He didn't notice that Blaine watched him walk out and he looked a little disappointed.

Kurt was sitting against the hall with his knees to his chest and his forehead resting on his knees when he heard a door open. He looked up and saw both "officers" dressed in their clothes. The mohawk guy started to walk down the hall towards the steps, but Blaine just stood there unable to move and stared at Kurt.

"Umm, hi. I don't believe I caught your name."

Kurt smiled a bit biting his lip. "Kurt. Kurt Hummel."

Blaine stuck his hand out and helped Kurt to his feet.

"Nice to meet you Kurt. I'll see you around." And he suddenly left walking down the hall after his partner in crime.

Kurt rested against the wall and let out a huge sigh. "Holy crap he was gorgeous." He said to himself... or so he thought. Blaine had heard every word and continued to walk with a smile on his face.