The Santoryu's successor

AN:Hey everyone this is my new idea for a one piece crossover,I plan on doing one for every male member of the straw hat pirates(only the males because I can't picture Naruto using Nami or Robin's techniques)and I'll try to keep them straight

This one is obviously is about the blond gaining the style of the swordsman of the straw hats,so enjoy.





Naruto Uzumaki,the blond-haired blue-eyed knucklehead,was currently sitting atop the Hokage monument. He was on top of the fourth hokage's head in a cross-legged position with a serious look of contemplation on his face.

You may ask, "Why is the dead last idiot thinking?" "What brought this about?",and "What is he thinking about?"

To answer all of those questions we start with the events that had happened earlier that same night. You see Naruto had become a ninja as of 30 minutes ago,he had proven himself worthy to protect his village like so many before him,but he didn't become one the traditional way. Naruto had failed the Graduation exam for the third time,and believed that his entire ninja career was over before it even started and like always he would sit on his swing,sit by and watch all of his classmates run to their parents and show off their Konoha headbands to them. He envied them so much he didn't have anyone like that,no one to hold him,comfort him,or care for him the closest thing he had was the third hokage,and even he couldn't protect him from the beatings the villagers would dish out. So all he did was endure it,the pain,the sorrow,until the day he would get strong enough so he could earn their respect and praise. But now that seemed impossible,he'd have to wait until next year in order to enter the academy,and he had to go through all of those boring lectures from Iruka again.

After this failure Naruto just felt like giving up and become a civilian. How bad could it be?I mean all he'd have to do is take his beatings,same as always,rummage through the trash,nothing new,and steal clothes from stores,same old same old. Then a miracle happened,his assistant instructor,Mizuki,came up to him when all the other kids left and offered him a "make-up exam" so he could become a genin. Of course Naruto believed him after all what reason did he have to not trust his instructor?

So Naruto set out to pass his "exam",it was simple enough,just sneak into the Hokage Tower and steal the forbidden scroll,then learn one jutsu from the scroll in order to verify that he had actually taken the scroll,and finally give the forbidden to Mizuki to pass.

It was sad when Naruto found out he had committed a crime against Konoha,his own people(granted they wanted him dead since birth)and he felt stupid for believing Mizuki. Not only did he fall for Mizuki's trick but Iruka had gotten hurt while protecting him,but he learned why everyone hated him. He was the jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed Fox,the strongest of the nine biju,he was born during it's attack on Konoha and the fourth hokage decided to use him to keep it in check. Naruto almost believed everything Mizuki said and almost gave into despair,when Iruka,who still had the giant shuriken embedded in his back told Naruto that he never saw him as the demon fox,but instead thought of Naruto as his little brother. Those words brought Naruto out of his wallowing and got his head back in the game,and utilized the new jutsu he learned from the forbidden scroll the "Shadow Clone Jutsu"and with it he proceeded to beat the corrupt instructor into a bloody stain. After the short fight Iruka saw fit to give Naruto his Konoha headband for completing an A-ranked mission,which Naruto accepted wholeheartedly,but he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

So that brings us up to date. Naruto was sitting here thinking about what he wanted to do 'So the reason why everyone hates me is because I have that fox sealed in me?They'll never accept me as hokage. Well I'll show them,I'll become even better than the hokage,and to show how great I am I won't use any chakra,besides they'd just think it was the fox's if I used any.' Naruto thought to himself "Now the question is,how do I defend myself?"Naruto asked himself. He knew this decision was sudden,but he also knew that it wasn't unheard of to not use chakra,as a matter of fact he heard that there was some genin named Rock Lee who didn't have the proper coils for chakra but was easily one of the best genin,and there was this girl with twin buns named TenTen who only used weapons.

That was it Naruto could use a weapon it was so simple ,but he couldn't just pick a weapon up and use it. He needed his own original style one that no one would think to use,and preferably with swords,he always had a fascination with swords. So,Naruto had to do something he never thought he'd have to do,go to...The Library.

(Ninja library)

Naruto snuck into the dark place filled with the tomes that held the knowledge of ninja's past and the history of the Elemental Nations. Naruto himself didn't enjoy the library not only because he didn't like to read,but also because the librarian here was the normal stereotypical witch lady with bony fingers and those old lady glasses. Just thinking about her catching him down here at night,trying to steal a book made him shudder,though he decided to press on his ninja career was at stake. As he walked down the aisles Naruto took notice of how the books started to become dustier,and had signs of age on them,from tattered covers to yellow pages. But he pressed on coming to the section on swords,all he saw was the same styles over and over again at one point he started throwing the books he'd already looked at hoping to find something he could use.

Soon after dwindling the books down,he was left with two books that seemed to be the oldest out of all of them. The first book was by some guy named Roronoa Zoro and the second was by a guy named Kaku. He opened Kaku's book first,and found it interesting but figured out he couldn't use his style since he didn't know how to use Rankyaku in order to use the Yontoryu. He then looked at Zoro's book and was blown away at how amazing the guys style was,he read on and looked at his fights with the powerful characters he came across and always came out on top,and he even became the best swordsman of his time with his style.

Naruto then closed the book and decided to follow Zoro's style and become strong,strong enough to protect his precious people and earn respect. But,first things first he needed to find Zoro's original swords, Wado Ichimonji,Kitetsu III,and Shusui from their resting place,get some new clothes,and a haircut and he'd be ready to train.

(Academy-1 week later)

Iruka looked out over his entire class he was going to miss them all,even Sakura and Ino's daily races. If anything he wouldn't miss Sasuke,the kid was a little prick who thought that his near extinct clan made him a V.I.P in the village and entitled him to anything he wanted. Iruka was actually having an inward party at getting rid of him,and the chibi Iruka in his head was literally kicking Sasuke out while laughing manaically. But,Iruka knew the one person out of all his students that he would miss the most was Naruto,he'd miss his interruptions,and taking him out to Ichiraku's whenever he passed a test and even when he failed,hell he was even going to miss his harem jutsu(though he wasn't going to admit it)even if he lost most of his blood with each nose bleed. As Iruka entered that train of thought he realized that Naruto wasn't in his seat,and grew worried that Naruto may have given up after learning that he was a jinchuriki,or maybe he ran away from the village rather than take the villager's scorn,or he got kidnapped by-.

That's when the classroom door opened up and for some reason all was quiet as the person walked in,with only his footsteps being heard. The young man had a hard look on his face that seemed to be permanent. He had three gold earrings on his left ear,blond hair with a cropped haircut and a Konoha headband tied to his left bicep. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt with the only three buttons being undone,black trousers with the bottoms being tucked into his black boots,and his most unusual article of clothing being a green haramaki sash over his stomach with three swords being bundled to his right side. The first sword had a pure white hilt and a circular hand guard,the next sword had a floral pattern as its hand guard,and the last sword had a cross shaped guard. He took a quick survey of the room and seemed to sigh in relief "Thank goodness,I thought I walked into the wrong room again."he said as everyone had questioning looks on their faces "I'm sorry,but who are you?"Iruka asked,he sensed some familiarity with this boy but he couldn't put his finger on it. "I feel hurt,Iruka-sensei,you just saw me a week ago after taking that bastard Mizuki to the cleaners."the teen said as he realized who it was "Naruto?What the hell happened to you?" "A lot,lets just say my little friend won't be a problem."Naruto said as everyone became surprised that this guy was the dead last,while others wondered what he meant by "little friend". Naruto then made his way up the aisle and sat down in his chair(The way Zoro did when he sat on Arlong's throne) "Hey,wait a minute that idiot Naruto failed the graduation exam."Sakura pointed out as everyone looked to the now sleeping boy. "WAKE UP,YOU IDIOT!"she yelled as Naruto rubbed his eye and looked around "Hey,its morning already?"he asked no one in particular as he stretched "What are you doing here if you failed?"Sakura asked trying to embarrass Naruto "I didn't. I took a make-up exam given to me by Mizuki,but he tricked me into committing a crime. I beat him to a pulp and passed because I helped Iruka take him down."Naruto said simply wanting to go back to sleep "No way."Ino said as Naruto gained a tic on his head "What reason do I have to lie?You can believe whatever you want to believe,but I did take out Mizuki."he said as he went back to sleep,just to get woken up by Sasuke. "Where did you get those swords,dead last?"he asked since seeing them Sasuke wanted them for himself "I got them from a secret area where they were kept. I got them for the use of my style,and before you ask Sasuke,no you can't have them and judging by the vibes they're giving off they don't even want to be near you."Naruto said as he rested his right hand on the swords protectively.

Sasuke became livid at this information "What do you mean vibes?Those things are swords they can't feel. They're designed to take lives,and do whatever their master commands."Sasuke said as he got up ready to take the swords from the teen,when Naruto used his superior speed to grab his hand just short of touching Wado. "Watch were you're reaching Uchiha,or you might wind up missing a limb."Naruto said as it became a battle of strength. Normally if something like this happened to the Naruto of the past,he would be struggling to hold Sasuke back,but this new Naruto was holding strong and seemed to be overpowering Sasuke. That guess was made a fact when Naruto stood up with Sasuke still in his grasp and threw him back into his chair,surprising everyone there. "Naruto,what do you think you just did?"Sakura asked getting ready to punch him,but he soon turned to her with a piercing glare "If you want to lose your arm,continue with that punch."he said as he flicked Shisui out of its sheath with his thumb in a threatening manner and a sinister grin (like Zoro usually does when he fight someone) which did the trick and made her and the entire Sasuke fan club back off of him,and as an added bonus he was sure Sakura wet herself. 'Naruto,seems so different from a week troublesome.' Shikamaru thought and though he wouldn't admit it that glare put him on edge,and every genin in the room from what he saw 'Naruto he has gotten so strong,and just look at his muscles.' Hinata thought with a blush,and his tight shirt didn't help either.

"Who do you think you are?"Sasuke asked as he regained his bearings after getting tossed. Naruto looked down at him with a uninterested look "I don't know,I'm just a up and coming swordsman right now."he said as he placed his hand under his chin in thought "It doesn't matter,dead last,you can't just throw your betters."Sasuke said in his ever arrogant tone while Naruto raised an eyebrow "Really? Who's my better in this instance,not you I hope?"he said with a smirk aimed at him "Then fight me,if I win I get those swords."Sasuke said as Naruto grinned his creepy smile "Alright,let's do it."as they filed outside.

(Sparring Ring)

"That idiot is going to get beaten by Sasuke."Ino said as all the fangirls nodded "I don't think so,you may not have noticed but Naruto is stronger than Sasuke,and has the advantage of swordsmanship and no one knows how he uses them."Shikamaru told them but they didn't seem to listen so he did something that would make them listen "I bet that Naruto will beat Sasuke."he sighed out as the girls all turned to him with angry looks on their faces,and offered their own bet "Oh yeah,well we bet that Sasuke will win,and if he does we get to pick on Naruto whenever we want." "That's fine by me."Shikamaru said as Naruto looked down at him ticked "Don't agree to bets when they're about other people." "I guess you'll just have to win then huh?" Shikamaru said as Naruto still looked mad. "I would have won even if you didn't take the bet."Naruto said as he unsheathed Wado and held it in his left hand "You really think you can win with one sword?"Sasuke asked as he chuckled at him "Yeah,I do. Besides I need to work on my Ittoryu style anyway,but you won't be much practice."he said as he stood still when the match started "Fire Style:Fireball Jutsu"Sasuke started with his signature attack like always "He's so stupid."Naruto said as he took hold of Wado and brought it back,before he swung it up kicking up some air in the process "Hawk Wave"suddenly the giant ball of fire was split down the middle shocking Sasuke "You know if you didn't open with that attack every time,I wouldn't have come up with a way to counter it."Naruto said as he looked disappointed at having to fight this kid "Are you really this weak,Sasuke? Hm,I guess my training has spanned the gap in strength even farther."Naruto said to himself as he raised his sword horizontally across his left shoulder and using his right hand to support it "36 Pound-"he started as everyone was wondering how he was going to attack Sasuke from across the ring "-Phoenix!"Naruto called out as he swung Wado in a circular motion and the next thing anybody knew was that Sasuke got cut by the air itself and fell out of the ring,unconscious and bleeding from the attack ."How pathetic,he can't even take one of my weaker attacks."Naruto said as he looked down at the bleeding emo as his fan club came to his "aid". "Naruto Uzumaki is the winner."Iruka said,Naruto didn't seem to take pride in his win at all and simply sheathed Wado and began to talk to himself "Hm,that was hardly a first fight since gaining my swords. I think I'll put this away,and say it never happened." "Dead last,what do you mean?"Sasuke asked as he got up shakily with an angry look on his face "Oh,you're still conscious that's surprising. I was just saying that this little spar we just had didn't happen,if you can even call it a spar."Naruto said in a tone that made it seem as if Sasuke wasn't worth his time "This wasn't a spar,it was a fight."Sasuke stated. Naruto just shook his head and continued to the wrong direction.

Naruto was just about to leave academy grounds when a soft hand stopped him "Hm,oh hey its you." the person Naruto was talking about was none other than Hinata Hyuuga "What's up Hinata?"he asked the tomato-red girl who pressed her fingers together "You were going the wrong way,so I thought I'd help you."she said as Naruto seemed to just now notice that she was correct "Thanks Hinata. Maybe we could walk back together,my sense of direction has gone down the drain."Naruto said as he started walking back while holding Hinata's hand. The oblivious boy didn't notice the girl's flustered expression at the extended contact since he thought she was allowing him to lead,and would redirect him if he made a wrong turn.

(Back in the classroom)

Soon the duo made it back into the classroom,and as soon as their peers saw the two of them holding hands it triggered the gossip bomb. "Hey,Naruto whats going on?Is Hinata your girlfriend or something?"Kiba asked hoping he was going to say no,Hinata was his girl. The blond boy just raised his eyebrow at the question,Hinata was his friend and a girl,and so that thought process led to his answer "Yeah she is."Naruto said without knowing the true meaning of the words he just said. This made Hinata immediately faint with such a red face you couldn't make out her facial features,and Kiba looked like he wanted to kill Naruto,but was slightly afraid because of his previous performances that day. "Alright that's enough everyone. Its time to go over team placements." (Same as canon). "Team 7 is Naruto Uzumaki,Sasuke Uchiha,and Sakura Haruno."Iruka finished reading the names off the list,as he looked up he saw that Ino and Sakura were bickering and he heard the pink-haired girl talk about "true-love". He also saw Naruto sleeping again,and Sasuke trying to take his swords though Naruto was actually blocking him in his sleep. Iruka was sure that everything would be fine though...hopefully.

(3 Hours Later)

Team 7 was still found inside Iruka's class waiting for their jonin sensei to come pick them up. Naruto was still asleep,Sasuke gave up on the swords for now and was trying to keep the rabid banshee off of him. A few minutes later and a man with gravity-defying gray hair,his headband over his left eye,and half of his face covered with a mask walked in "My first impression is,I hate you."this,of course,made Sasuke scowl,and Sakura start screaming at him. Thats when Naruto woke up ('cause seriously would you be able to sleep if Sakura started to yell) and saw some strange guy standing at the door "So your our sensei? You're kinda plain looking."Naruto said as he got up. The man just sighed "Meet me on the roof."he then disappeared in a swirl of leaves. "Hmm,interesting guy."the blond swordsman said as he walked up the stairs.

(On the roof)

(I'll skip the whole introduction thing except Naruto's his is the only on that is different)

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. My likes are my swords,training,sleeping,ramen,and sleep/training. My dislikes are arrogant assholes who don't know their place,and not having a good fight."Naruto said as all those present wondered how he sleep/trained. "Alright,now tomorrow is your official genin test."Kakashi told his students while two of them seemed surprised at this information. "But sensei we already took the genin exam."Sakura said "Yeah,so?That was a written test. How does a written test tell you that you're ready to take on missions?"Naruto asked as he looked at her. "Naruto's right. I'll see you soon,oh and I advise you not to eat,you'll throw up."Kakashi said as he once again vanished from his spot. "Well,team I gonna go train. See you tomorrow."Naruto said as he walked away 'I wouldn't be surprised if we fail.'Naruto thought as he returned to his apartment.

AN:Done and it took a long time so enjoy