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Longing Look

Saturday, April 17, 2010

London, England

12:47PM GMT

After spending 45 minutes on the treadmill, Layla was ready to pass out on the gym floor. She couldn't remember the last time she worked out this hard. Last night's festivities may have something to do with it. She didn't remember much of what happened, except a dark figure carrying her to her hotel room bed, kissing her good night and fleeing the scene. It may have been Eve...or not. She couldn't tell. She just felt eerie about that night. If Michelle was here, her jaw probably would've dropped to the floor along with Layla, had she witnessed this. Speaking of Michelle, Layla called and texted her this morning to see if she wanted to go to the gym with her. To her surprise, she got no answer; Michelle was such a fitness nut, Layla figured she would agree to come with no hesitation. She didn't know what to think of Michelle lately, she's been so hot and cold to Layla. When they had WWE-related discussions, things were fine between them, but the moment the discussion turned personal, Michelle was all of a sudden to busy to talk. Now, Lay could barely get Michelle to talk to her at all, let alone to talk about personal matters. The hardest part of it all is that, even if she wanted to, Lay couldn't just let her relationship with Michelle dissipate. WWE talent's careers depended a lot on management's opinions and, if word got back to Vince or Taker that things between her and Michelle weren't going so well, then...Speaking of the devil.


"Taker." Layla felt nervous. What if Michelle already told him about their falling-out? She thought.

"Do you know what's up with Michelle?"

"No. Why? Did she tell you that something was wrong?"

"That's the thing. She was moping around this morning and I asked her what was wrong and she wouldn't tell me."

"Oh...Welll, I don't know what's going on with her but if I find something out, I'll let you know."

"Thanks, Lay." Taker gave her a slight smile and walked over to the dumbbells.

After Layla showered, she thought about it. This whole time, she's been acting complacent, waiting on Michelle to make a move. If she wanted to make things right, she was going to have to make that first move herself and confront Michelle about the silent treatment she's been giving Lay, even if that meant ruffling Michelle's feathers a bit. If she could find the courage to get closure with her ex, Parvati, then she could find the courage to confront Michelle. So what if it could cost her her job? Being weak wasn't worth it; she wasn't raised that way. Besides, the always the Miami Heat dance team...right?

Before Lay could step both feet into her hotel room, her mentee and roommate, AJ, ran up to her.

"I'm sorry, Layla. I told her you weren't here but she insisted that she stay and wait up for you and I-"

"Wait, slow down, AJ! What are you blubbering about?"

Layla walked further inside her room and noticed Michelle sitting on her bed with red, swollen eyes.

"Chelle..." Layla panicked. "Chelle, what happened?"

Layla sat next to Michelle on the bed and placed Michelle's bed inside of hers.

"Chelle, what happened?" Layla asked again. "Did someone hurt you?"

"Yeah." Michelle sniffed her nose. "Someone did."


Michelle looked down at her hands, wondering three things: 1) how she was going to clean up her face, 2) how she was going to find the energy to compete in her match at the house show tonight and 3) how she ws going to tell Layla that the person who hurt her was the person who was sitting right next to her.

"When I was six, I won a spelling test and, as a reward, my mom took me to a toy store. And I couldn't decide between a Cabbage Patch doll or a train set. But my mom told me that I could only have one toy. And at that time, it felt like the biggest decision I ever had to make in my whole life." Michelle laughed.

The entire time, Layla looked longingly at Michelle, as if she wanted to say, "Are you really crying over some bloody toys, Chelle?"

"In the end, I chose the dool, but I used to always wonder, What if I would I have had more fun with the train set? And...I don't want to keep wondering What if? anymore, Lay."

Michelle scooted closer to Layla.

"Look, I don't know if you understand what it is that I'm trying to say...I'm not even sure if I understand what I'm trying to say but...I'm tired of running away from my feelings and whatever's going on between you and Eve-"

Layla's eyes bulged. "Wait, what?!"

"It really hurt me, but-"

"Wait, what's going on between me and Eve?!"

"It doesn't change the way I feel about you."

"Chelle, wait! Me and Eve...where did that come from?"

"Lay, don't you understand what I' m trying to tell you?!"

"Did she tell you something?! Because-"

Without any warning, Michelle cupped Layla's chin with her palms and slithered her tongue between Layla's lips. At this moment, Lay wasn't sure what to do, but she surely couldn't complain. As she wrapped Michelle's hips with her hands, she gently pushed her down on the bed and mounted her.

"Umm, excuse me?!" AJ interjected. "I'm still here."

But AJ's discomfort meant little to the two newly found lovers. Layla pulled her top over her head, with nothing else on her mind but this statuesque beauty who laid before her and how to turn her cries of sorrow into cries of pleasure.

"OK, you know what? Fuck it!" AJ grabbed her room key. "I'm gonna go play Halo with Punk."

While Layla peeled off Michelle's knickers, AJ texted Punk to get his PS3 ready. Walking past her in the hallway was a bossy Eve.

"Hey, rookie! I thought I told you I didn't want to see your face until our match tonight!"

"I know, but I have to leave my room for a while. It's currently being occupied."

"I speak English, rookie, not Dorkese. What are you talking about?"

"Layla's in there making out."


"With Michelle McCool."


"I know! I didn't even know that they were gay."

Eve could feel her blood pressure boiling.

Oh, this is war. She thought.